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Posts posted by Spetz

  1. all game companies are private as far as I know, and only the successful games get their sales and profits listed like COD4, not sure about the latter one, but we all know they sold nearly 14m copies, you can then do the calculations urself

    not true, most game publishers are public, meaning u and i can buy their stocks on a listed stock-market, (EA on NYSE or Ubisoft on LSE) game developers are mostly private meaning their founders or staff own 100% of their equity.

  2. I hope India does something to prevent this again, they buying some P8I , E3D AWACs, Phalcon AWAC, maybe some F-18s(in race against Rafeal, F-16, mig-35, eurofighter)

  3. Spetz I am glad you are having fun but I find it really hard to understand how you can be playing with everything set to high which is 2nd highest setting possible with a single core CPU and by all accounts a slow video card. I may be totally wrong but when you click the advanced graphic settings are you saying that every single field is high?

    Also what resolution are you running at? Just out of interest.

    no its not all maxed, when i click High most things are just High

    i will give u exact things in few minutes, i will post screen shot,

    I don't even have latest drivers:D



    well second look shows that i got the filtering on low, but im just happy i won't need another computer,

    If you pc can run ArmA on max, then you can run ArmA2 on High with decent FPS,

    I tried putting texture detail on max, and the menu lagged alot, so i put it back on default high

    My PC is Dual core, just that it was before Core 2, so basically its a Pentuim 4 but a little bit better,

  4. Guns and more guns. Leave them to videogames. Seriously, international law should ban the use of all weapons except twigs. This way, differences could still be settled by force if need be but there would be far fewer casualties and material destruction.

    guns don't kill people!!!

    here is a experiment:

    1) Place a loaded Gun on a table

    2) Ask the gun to kill

    3) Record results





    anyways this parade is good because it supports the moral of the unemployed masses, I think patriotic unemployed people are less likely to criticize the government

  5. @Spetz: I'm not convinced "people who have no idea what they're talking about might make a big deal about it" is a good reason not to do things, unless you particularly fancy having your entertainment possibilities being determined by the "morality" of Fox News. I'm pretty sure they could make a pretty big deal about a game very similar to ones used to train real soldiers being sold to the general public. Won't someone think of the children?

    You don't realize that a mod that makes you rape women as a "US MARINE" or own a slave, would show that the Game ArmA 2 is UN-PATRIOTIC to the US, and the developers/distributors of this game are UN-PATRIOTIC and don't support "OUR TROOPS," They would be scorned like Micheal Moore

    Unless of course your a US marine liberating Slaves and rape victims from the evil communist Russians, then its all right, :D

  6. after playing the Demo the only word i have for it is WOW, first im surprised it runs as good as ArmA 1, secondly the graphics are amazing

    only slight suggestion/improvement> motion blur or wat ever makes u feel awkward whenever you run should be kinda be fixed up, i know it would make it unfair for people to play without it, but it makes the game feel dizzy,


    AI squats before gets up and then shoots

    PC specs:

    Pentuim D @3.0ghz

    3GB Ram

    Geforce 9600GT 512 Ram

    These specs are fine for playing the game on high,

  7. I think Fox news would go ballistic if they hear that a game used by the military has a sex mini game, or rape game, slavery etc in it. (i know VBS and Arma are completely different, but fox likes to stretch the truth)

    Even though these would be unofficial patches/addons ,jack thompson has blasted EA for Sims Nude patches made by modders,

    This would help sales of the ArmA but would give bad light to VBS as well

    edit: it would also attract kiddies and team-killers etc.
