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Everything posted by Spetz

  1. Spetz

    ArmAs game key/auth system proposal

    I had a friend who once opened up a video game box (Half Life 2), took out his digital camera phone, and take the picture of the CD-key. He didn;t steal anything, the store employes didn't even care. Now my friend can play Half life 2 online for free. It should be mandatory to use DVD to install the game, but not mandatory to play the game
  2. Spetz

    Fabulous flying & firing machines in ArmA?

    What I mean to say is that the north sahrani should have old equipment but the latest equipment leading the advance. Many people think that if the north sahrani have the T-90 it will be their only MBT. If north sahrani was under the soviet influnce during the cold war it should be using soviet tactics. A division equiped with modern equipment would be leading the advance into west germany using T-80s and T-64s. The T-72s would be used to fill the gaps and advance behind. The T-72 is meant to be a cheap, realiable mass-produced tank, while the t-80 is meant to be a quality gas powered tank. The T-90 is a continuation of the T-72 program using the cheap features of the T-72 and the advanced features of the T-80. If the north sahrani do have access to modern equipment it should be limited. But not mixed like it had been in OFP, one T-80 and 3 T-72s. If you look in many divisions in a military they use the same equipment. You will not see a armored division using 2 different tanks. The equipment is not mixed and matched around. Unless you expect it to be a rag-tag army of africa/asia. Now how will you amerikans will feel if the US had only M60s and m113s?? Or if they have no choppers??? Also when we play multiplayer, many of the original maps have a balance issue. BMPs Vs M60 pattons in the demo were slightly baised for the west.
  3. Spetz

    Fabulous flying & firing machines in ArmA?

    Alot of people think just because North Sahrani is communist it will be poor, it might have valuable natural resources or a strong economy to support its military. And why should the North Sahrani have a old or obslete equipment? and back to topic Mi-28s and KA-52 should accompany there old counterparts like the mi-24 and Ka-50. One thing i also hope that the pilots use real attack formations.
  4. Spetz

    Fabulous flying & firing machines in ArmA?

    Its a transport and support helo with anti-armour capabilities. It was designed with the Cobra and Huey UH-1 in mind, then combining the two. The odds of the Hind surviving an encounter with a pure killing machine (Apache, Cobra, Tiger, Havoc) looks grim at best. I read somewhere that during the Iran-Iraq war the Iraqi Mi-24s had shot down some AH-1s (don't know version, most likely pre 1979 models.) This is the only documented Air-to-Air combat between Mi-24s and AH-1s
  5. Spetz

    Aircraft/A-10 and others

    Well, the original OFP engine only support ground-attack planes, the air-fight, especially the dogfight is horrible, even with addons. A-10C - Close Air Support fighter. Good for ArmA, because main role to destroy ground target. F-14 - grounded, out of active duty F-15C - air superiority fighter, air fight not a strong side of the OFP engine F-15E - fighter/bomber, good for ArmA, because it's main role to deliver plenty of bombs F-16 family - multi-role fighter, good for ArmA, because use to attack ground targets (LGB's, JDAM's, Maverick's, etc.) F-18 family - multi-role fighter, good for ArmA, as the F-16 F-22A - air superiority fighter, as the F-15C, not to good for ArmA F-117A - stealth light bomber, perhaps good for ArmA, can be use special operations, not undetectable, just hard to detect Su-25T - Close Air Support fighter. Good for ArmA, as A-10C opponent MiG-29A/B - Air superiority fighter, only good in dogfight, wich is again not a strong side of the OFP/ArmA engine (if the BIS won't change to much) MiG-29C - Air superiority fighter, only several active tough, won't be a good choice Su-27S/SK - Air superiority fighter, equal for early F-15C variants, upgraded F-15C's are better with the AIM-120 AAM's. Not too good for ArmA. Su-30MK/MKI/MKK - Multi-role fighter. Used by India, China and Malaysia, good for ArmA, as F-16/F-18 opponent. Su-33 - Multi-role carier based fighter. Perhaps good for carrier based F-18A/C opponent. Su-35/-37 - Not in active duty, just prototypes S-37/Su-47 - Not in active duty, just prototype MiG 1.42/1.44 - Not in active duty, just prototype Eurofighter - Multi-role fighter. Good for ArmA as the F-18 family Gripen - Multi-role fighter. Good for ArmA, as the F-16 family Mirage 2000 - Multi-role fighter. Good for ArmA, as the F-16 family Rafale - Multi-role fighter. Good for ArmA, as the F-18 family I say we have no 5th generation (F-22, Euro-fighter) air-craft because it will be hard for the east (or north in ArA) which may not have any 5th generation aircraft available to them (Su-30 is more of a 4.5) unless the aircraft that they have which (most likly cold ware Migs n SUs) are older are more manueverable like in real life. The others are just prototype. Mig-29 fulcrum C is multi-role, The Su-30 mki  is better then F-15 C/D http://newsfromrussia.com/world/2004/06/30/54664.html A mig-27 would be a good in ArA, for it is a fighter/bomber I understand that the Air combat is not that properly portrayed in OFP video game engine but it will be nice to see air battles going on in the air like Call of Duty which I have recently played
  6. Spetz

    Aircraft/A-10 and others

    Wat about MIG's and SU's which are better then any F-14/15/16/18 (mig-29,Su-27, Su-30, Mig-1.42[not sure about number])
  7. Well if the server Uploads addons (meaning a custom Tank or somthing), it may have a slow speed but most addons are only 200kb-3mb in size. The system like steam is a good example and adding the option to choose ur addons is perfect. For the people who hate Wav files and admin mods the system could block that from uploading
  8. I was wandering about the join in progress system, When we have a server hosting a map with custom map, it uploads the map to the person joining but when we have a server hosting a map with custom addons it says 'addon missing' and we can not join. (sorry about run on sentence) I was wandering if there is a way for making a program (software) for AA and OFP that the server installs and it will upload the custom addons and other things to the person joining. I hope this will be a built-in feature for AA, Is this possible for OFP??? Sry if this is in wrong section or if it had been posted before, i had searched nothing came up
  9. anybody know how to edit already made maps??
  10. like u mean if there is a file named M1A1.PBO and the new file is tank.pbo i just change the tank to M1A1.pbo ? won't that mess up the game
  11. like u mean if there is a file named M1A1.PBO and the new file is tank.pbo i just change the tank to M1A1.pbo ? won't that mess up the game
  12. Like I wanna make a edit a mission, (a mission already made) I wanna add some addons like modern jets, Better Choppers etc. So in order to do this i need to edit the island files? Thanks for the help any ways
  13. Like I wanna make a edit a mission, (a mission already made) I wanna add some addons like modern jets, Better Choppers etc. So in order to do this i need to edit the island files? Thanks for the help any ways
  14. Spetz

    Who Likes Balance In Games Then?

    What about self loading systems on Soviet tanks and APCs? A lot of people will cry if there is a self loading system on soviet stuff and none on Western tanks. Also if the M-16 is made better then Ak-74 why can't a T-72/80 with its 125mm smooth bore gun be better then an M1A1 (which had the same gun as a M60 patton, 1986) Sure the armor of the M1 is better but the gun of an T-72/80 is much more powerful, capable to fire ATGMs, which were not available to the soviets tanks only BMPs. If they didn't add a little balance people will cry too much My Bad on the English
  15. Spetz

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    I hope you could do Tank Dassant (riding on top of tanks, like real soldiers)
  16. Spetz

    Walking around on ships?

    What About Tank Dassant? (riding on top of tanks) That was a main tactic left out of OFP
  17. Spetz

    Military Doctrine

    HI, I am new to the AA forums, I had played ofp for like 3 months now. I had played the game called call of duty and i noticed the similarities between the games and the differences. One of the deferences may have been addressed before, it would be in use of actual military doctrine. I am not trying to to compare the games but i was wander if the sequel game of ofp will use like real military doctrines for the like the Russians and the Americans. like a Mi-24 will not fly alone, a army does not do an assualt with 4 mbts etc.
  18. Spetz

    Military Doctrine

    LOL it the translator is so dumb when i had writen 'I' it put it has 'me'
  19. Spetz

    Military Doctrine

    " " how that get there??? " " i never even click that i copied and pasted then added the " " one
  20. Spetz

    Military Doctrine

    Thank you I can speak some english, but not alot. i just copy and paste ur text into the translator and read wat u people say (i only do that only like once or twice). i can 'sorta' (See i know english) read and write (I used to spell it 'right'. I figured out a problem wiht my question, The military don't share their doctrine but they will prolly (North american msn slang) will have a declassified (big word, actualy had to use a translation dictionary) 1980's one. I understand they are rogue soldiers but they are trained accordingly (another big word) to their country of origins doctrine
  21. Spetz

    Military Doctrine

    sry me no speak english me used dictionary.com to translate