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Everything posted by Serclaes

  1. Serclaes

    To much torque induced yaw

    Haha! :D You are kidding, right?
  2. Serclaes

    Need some basic Excel help with times

    Don't have any open office here. What if you split up the time? One cell for hour, one cell for minute?
  3. Serclaes

    Flight dynamics (important issues)

    I realise that making it exactly like a real helicopter is not really possible. What I fear and it seems a lot of people share my fears, is that trade offs are made to enable the keyboard/mouse players to play on expert mode. I hope the mindset here is "let's get it as right as possible for the expert mode and make it easier on veteran etc"
  4. Serclaes

    Flight dynamics (important issues)

    Imo, we'd need input from real pilots in reproducible situations. That account for a lot of factors: Same model, weight of the pilot, fuelmass, density altitude for starters. A few years back I read an article about the EC 120. The test pilot was astonished that you didn't need the right pedal at all. The point is: when the heli is light and with the right weather there might not be a lot of torque to counter.
  5. Serclaes

    Take On: Hinds!

    hah! I did! Well, either that or I took off without wheelbrakes. Coming to think of it, this might be possible xD
  6. Serclaes

    Take On: Hinds!

    I like it. Managed to take off and land too the first time. Just took a while. :) Then tried to taxi and somehow tilting the rotor forward produces a lot of torque and so I turned over :/ Too bad I don't have time to try out the SACLOS stuff.
  7. You mean the head shifting left and right when you just want to rotate? Yea that is annoying as hell. I thought i messed up something :D +1 on that!
  8. Serclaes

    Command to prevent error-messages

    And as it seems, a lot of runtime errors that you apparently can't figure out because it's pretty hard to debug spaghetti code. ;)
  9. Serclaes

    War with Facebook

    It's a little different than that in Germany. You can't "offend" groups of people like the soldiers, the politicians, the lawyers, the SPD etc. like "Lawyers are full of shit". You can however be sentenced for offending specific people, like "y, x and z are full of shit". To this Azhar I can say one thing: It's Great Britain and those were british soldiers. Go to Afghanistan and see how much they care about fallen british soldiers. So I think he should show a little respect to the society he's living in. Additionally, I'll hold it like Voltaire. "I do not agree with your opinion, but I'd give my life for your right to tell it."
  10. Serclaes

    Flight dynamics (important issues)

    Hover or forward speed past ETL?
  11. Serclaes

    Flight dynamics (important issues)

    Hmmm, in which situation is there no torque induced yaw? Another thing I noticed on the light helicopter: I was flying around with a total load of 700Kg (2 persons + 500 custom load) in the light helicopter. I couldn't make a hover in ground effect, so I made a running take off. When going into a hover out of ground effect shortly after that, I had to pull full collective, going WAY beyond the red part in the torque but the rotor RPM didn't diminish. In fact it only dropped when the torque tore the transmission/engine to pieces. I believe this might be related to the torque problems some are experiencing. In any case, could anybody confirm that behaviour?
  12. So we might see a Kiowa Warrior version? that would be awesome :) Keep up the good work!
  13. Actually, PuFu has a very good point. Everything stated there could be stated on a CoD box. All I have is his word. No concepts, no detailed Ideas how CQB should work etc.
  14. Serclaes

    What languages do you know or want to know.

    Except that it's correct for both meanings :)
  15. Serclaes

    What languages do you know or want to know.

    Well yes and no. You can add the article for emphasis. Like "I am one of the Berliners". I think it's like in english you can say "I'm an American" pr just leave the "an" out. But don't ask me about grammar though. I just speak the languages :) Also it might be that I never made the link to the pastry because where I come from it's not called Berliner. Amerikaner is actually one of my favorite pastries. ^^
  16. Serclaes

    What languages do you know or want to know.

    But it also means citizen of berlin :)
  17. Serclaes

    Flight dynamics (important issues)

    Yes really. Might be but still more challenging than DCS. Defeats the point of the simulation. Fund the incorporation of a good flight model into the real virtuality engine.
  18. Serclaes

    Flight dynamics (important issues)

    Playing BIS games since 2005 and I approve this message. :D I think ToH is on the right way. The difficulty levels allow some differentiation in the degrees of realism. Hence expert should really be "expert". Sorry for the keyboard & mouse players but that's the way I think it should be :)
  19. Serclaes

    Libya today

    Yea, terrorism or freedom fighter depends a lot on the perspective. Through there are some methods a freedom fighter should not use. Like explicitly targetting civilians, like the french resistance did.
  20. Serclaes

    Libya today

    I believe that islam is going to take a dominant part in Libya and within the next years the society is going back to a patriachic religious model. With much more social repression than technological repression like "What? You don't do ramadan? Your wife can leave the house and drive a car? I won't hire you..." stuff. What is the lesser evil now? A partially enlightened despot (who occasionally harbored terrorists) or bigotted religious fanatics fighting "westernization".
  21. Nah, but it comes with a British Army WWII veteran shouting at you after a hard landing :) I'll be posting some more and better pics when I get around improving what I have right now. Shouldn't be too long. Anyone doing a Hawaii map? ;)
  22. Serclaes

    Depiction of war in video games

    What does violent mean anyways? Is that the same as non peaceful? :P
  23. Serclaes

    Opinions on manual gun cocking?

    Off the top of my head I can think of exactly one reason why cocking should be manual: There is cocking and you have to go out of the sight to cock. Means a shooter can't follow his round and won't see the impact. Other than that, as long as cocking can be aborted, it should be automatic.
  24. Problem is, you can't just learn coding like you learn history. For me coding is a lot about creativity mixed with self discipline and most important: experience. But you're right, we need to make it easy for starters to get into java. I could imagine working out a little training. I've been coding java since almost 4 years now but gained the most experience in web frameworks. I'm far away from being an expert, but I'd volunteer to teach java as good as I can. Just let me dig up my old exercises from the university :)
  25. Serclaes

    Depiction of war in video games

    Yea they might get hired for that. Just that those tier one guys have a little more diverse offers. Like train police/armed forces, liberate Arulco etc. and that's where the money is made. :)