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Everything posted by luki

  1. Small update: sap_clutter_2.0 included Utes and new bisign @ dev-heaven/sap
  2. Install the new tools :) then you see wehre, same like with a1 tools.
  3. This function works also in a earlier a1 vis3 version. Sumarek is right, the bug is present in a1+a2 vis3 Versions.
  4. If you do it correct then it works even with a1 tools.
  5. luki

    3DE problem

    did you changed the run.bat? check it with texteditor if there is the correct modfildier. and "run.exe" is present? And you are 100% sure that no antivir blocks the exe?
  6. luki

    3DE problem

    Some more infos would be good: Wich addon Foldier? Create a clean @3DE/addons modfoldier. Original arma addons foldier is tabu. How many files are in your arma ext foldier? Whats your actual arma version? Most antivir programms detecs run.exe as a trojan so be aware that the file is still present.
  7. luki

    .mdl (FS2004) to .p3d?

    theres also quake and gamestudio in mdl formats but i think you will never be able to convert flight sim mdl back to 3ds that would be to easy :) just search in google for "mdl to 3ds" and you will see the problematics. Only tool i know thats able to convert msfs mdl to autocad dxf and txt is MDL2DXF converter for FS2002
  8. Yes it does and should work with all versions after 1.0 (ex. demo)
  9. Sure you can. But i recommend use clean modfoldiers -mod=@landtext;@sap..... Detailed Infos on how to use modfoldiers on Armaholic faq
  10. @NoBF2boy: Overall Clutter has no effect on AI afaik. @Benus: I dont realy see a reason to lower the clutter on Utes. Its alredy very restrained. But il keep this in mind for any further updates if needed.
  11. You need to do a correct binarize prozess within your project foldier P:/myprojectfoldier/myilsand P:/myporjectfoldier/ca/buildings/cfg,cpps only no p3ds P:/ca/buildings/cfg,cpp,mlods This was discussed several times now pls read first synides tutorial then you understan this stuff. All other methods will result in rpt error like missing config....
  12. luki

    Sap Everon 2.0

    if i find some time i will look at this problem, i have same problems with my poor rig and i think its caused by sat and detailtextures not 100% sure. Would be interesting if other peoples got same problems, is it with low viedistance too or only on higher settings? I thought ACEIP has the island and cwr also work on it. And thx for the nice replys so far i realy appreciate it.
  13. This means u have same amout of polys in your lods. You should always try cut down the poly and facecount to 50% in the next lod. It seems you have same count in 2 lods. When you have Lod1 with 1000poly then Lod2 should be around 500 polys. Im not a modeler but im sure this is the source of the error message. I didnt see any performance problem with this but im not sure how the engine handle such objects/lods, maby the model experts can explain it into more detail.
  14. It does, when you read the tut correct (ca or not to be ca) you need the ca in your namespace only for the raw cpps and cfgs so binarize can use it. Every addon maker should read synides tut it explains everything correctly in my eyes. And addonmaker should make theyr addons in P:/MyTag/mytag_plants, mytag_island1..........
  15. luki

    Sap Everon 2.0

    @bravo im always open for critic and suggestions, but think i wont improove this version anymore, it was more some experimental work. @Ice is there a way you can upload these photos maby for a future project, i never looked at the real everon. @claw eve is my favorite island i think cwr will do a very good job also with these islands
  16. What i realy missing: -Roadbuilding like in wrpedit placing roads with arrow keys -Better handle of selecting zones something like a lasso tool or the possabilaty to draw a zone also with diagonal lines not just the squares. -Better object replace function -More parameters for random object placer (max min distance between objects and more) -Terrain smooth option (like in wrpedit) -3d object map like in wrpedit where you see the exact scale of the objects
  17. luki

    Razani, N. Waziristan Map

    I could take a look and help out if you upload the raw google sat and object layer emf.
  18. luki

    Error in animation

    CfgSkeleton, CfgModels belongs not anymore to the cpp in arma use model.cfg instead. Maby its helpfull when you show your actual cpp in www.pastebin.com Do you checked bressebs ofp o2 tutroial there you see a animated radardome brsseb/tutorials/lesson9/lesson9_e.htm
  19. Hi, im sure a friendly mod will switch this topic to mission forum.... The icons on the map will only be visible when you 1: set the correct difficutly on your host ArmA:_Difficulty 2: you will see them only when you actualy spotted them on the map or they in your viewrange. If you want constant markers for some units you need to use a markescript
  20. luki

    Player/Vehicle Icons on Map??

    Hi, im sure a friendly mod will switch this topic to mission forum.... The icons on the map will only be visible when you 1: set the correct difficutly on your host ArmA:_Difficulty 2: you will see them only when you actualy spotted them on the map or they in your viewrange. If you want constant markers for some units you need to use a markescript
  21. After the import you can export the objects via the vis export obejcts script. (Save as txt or vis) Then you can search and replace with notepad++ or equalant text editor the nesessary stuff. To import the Objects into new island you need to be sure that all obects are alredy defined in the template list. You can easaly import the templates via the visitor menue under "Project/Import Templates" function and load the pew.
  22. High parameter is only the view high of the camera not the distance Use the "*Lineal Tool" to measure  the size then you can zoom to the required high. for ex. -Draw a vertical line* with 4096m length -Zoom the window that the edge of the line fits the screen -save the image -resize to 4096 If you want 1px 1m sat map for your  40960 map you would need to capture 100 of this pics (depending on landmass). If you got a atomfueld supercomputer then do it
  23. You can play poseidon 1997_Dawn_of_Flashpoint
  24. Ahh the good old times. Do you still have this tank infront of the company's office? source: other interview from 2000 i can remeber
  25. luki

    Wrong walking sound..

    You dont should use orignal bis texture names for the ground textures to avoid such problems. files = "trava_*"; use something similiar files = "bet_trava_* (but be aware to change all the texure names and rvmats and reimport with changed layer.cfg too.)