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Everything posted by SoldierIsNotHistory

  1. SoldierIsNotHistory

    Linux Dedicated server

    Raising too Depends on how it's writen.
  2. SoldierIsNotHistory

    Changing crosshair

    How to change cursor Or, what about making your weapon inherit from any Rifle Weapon?
  3. SoldierIsNotHistory

    How to detect satchel charges?

    Satchel seems to have some bugs. For example, using self made satchel 3d in the engine is not fully supported by the game, who seems to have hard coded things which refer to BI satchel. Placing custom charge Disarming charge Hop, you haven't anymore your custom one, but BI satchel What I mean is maybe engine is able to retrieve satchel using hard coded stuff, and so we can't do anything But, if it's simple "dummyWeapon.p3d", maybe you have to look what kind of magazine have on it, and read special stuff in CPP using ArmA command able to read in CPP.
  4. SoldierIsNotHistory

    How to detect satchel charges?

    Satchel seems to have some bugs. For example, using self made satchel 3d in the engine is not fully supported by the game, who seems to have hard coded things which refer to BI satchel. Placing custom charge Disarming charge Hop, you haven't anymore your custom one, but BI satchel What I mean is maybe engine is able to retrieve satchel using hard coded stuff, and so we can't do anything But, if it's simple "dummyWeapon.p3d", maybe you have to look what kind of magazine have on it, and read special stuff in CPP using ArmA command able to read in CPP.
  5. SoldierIsNotHistory

    Linux Dedicated server

    At the ArmA Fan Day at Paris on February, the 14, Maruk has mentionned that Linux dedicated beta version will come after 1 or 2 months after 505 release. Now, it's september, tools have been released, ArmA II have been announced, and still no linux version, even in a beta stage... From my point of view, it's a crappy way of considering game support, and crappy for community.
  6. SoldierIsNotHistory

    Welcome Back Placebo!

    Placebo is back. World will not be destruct
  7. SoldierIsNotHistory

    OFrP Telemetry & Artillery

    Operation Frenchpoint is proud to present you its telemetry system developed for the Vector binoculars. It is presented in coordination with our artillery system to examplify one possible use of such a system. It can of course be used by snipers to find the range of their target. Sorry for poor quality. After telemetry measure, 249°, 590m is displayed on top left corner. All this is still Work in Progress - OFrP Team - PS: Other application of telemetry mounted on tank here.
  8. SoldierIsNotHistory

    OFrP Telemetry & Artillery

    Of course on ArmA we go
  9. SoldierIsNotHistory

    OFrP Telemetry & Artillery

    Youtube Video
  10. SoldierIsNotHistory

    Realistic Tank Firing System

    Status of this mod is that it will be released when ready, and functionnal for player. Vidz, and screens come when there is something to show, not earlier We have a lot of WIP stuff, and we can achieve all at the same time. But be sure you will heard of us in time. PS: if an admin can finally rename this topic by removing trajectory, we would be grateful... thx
  11. SoldierIsNotHistory

    Realistic Tank Firing System

    I think it's the best working solution. We have added that on binocular weapon, on static bonicular weapon, on tank... Works fine for the moment, and very very simple to use
  12. SoldierIsNotHistory

    Realistic Tank Firing System

    NWD system will not work correctly cause of using lasertarget method. Example in MP: You are a squad and patrol your base. And suddenly, you see a white point caused by lasertarget created on the floor, near your tank. OMG, someone is using lasertarget against us, or OMG, someone is using telemetry against us With our telemtry, no information can be seen from enemy, you can easily watch and telem an enemy position and staying stealth. But i am agree to work together if he wants
  13. SoldierIsNotHistory

    Realistic Tank Firing System

    By aimbot, if you mean "auto aim" like cheaters stuff, it's not. The aim has not been changed It's a real system which apply correction on fire system, using onboard technology (like telemeter).
  14. SoldierIsNotHistory

    Supercopter by Xavier Petit

    Xavier Petit is coming back on ArmA and show us his Supercopter at ArmA-Fr.net Full screen 1 / Full screen 2 You can view his original post here (french) and test it from his own page. If you want to help him, just contact him
  15. SoldierIsNotHistory

    RH weapons

    Use Event Handler Fired to create other ammo from the same type.
  16. SoldierIsNotHistory

    Supercopter by Xavier Petit

    Yes, sorry, i said supercopter but it's well known as airwolf
  17. SoldierIsNotHistory

    OFrP WIP

    I have no idea for now. Other features will be shown on time, no interest to see half-worked system
  18. SoldierIsNotHistory

    OFrP WIP

    Some WIP screens. Full size Full size Full size Full size Full size Full size Source: ArmA-Fr Source: OFrP
  19. SoldierIsNotHistory

    Anyone working on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle?

    We are working on a vigilant version, re-worked from 0 for ArmA
  20. SoldierIsNotHistory

    WIP: stuff you are working on!

    Nice model jimmc
  21. SoldierIsNotHistory

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    Mirror: Arma_InternationalUpdate105_108.zip
  22. SoldierIsNotHistory

    When a ARMA french forum ?

    Just trying to be objective We can have an official forum with anyLanguageSpokeOnTheWorld part. First, each forum you have, each information is dispatched, more information losed, the forum become useless English forum seems to be the best way to discuss about our favorite game and stuff around it. Most of people are able to understand basic english, some can write, other can talk... But having english as official forum langage does not mean that all moderator have to be english (or czech) i think. That's my point of view. Anyway, for having a place to discuss in french, you have ArmA-Fr.net Sorry for my english
  23. SoldierIsNotHistory

    OFrP WIP

    Full size Full size Full size Full size
  24. SoldierIsNotHistory

    SciFi Project: UNICON warfares

    A mod that i will follow for sure. Good work D@nte