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Everything posted by Pyronick

  1. Pyronick

    Game physics

    BIS decided to go down the DX9 (D3D9) exclusive route.So don't count on hardware accelerated physics.
  2. Pyronick

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Is TrackIR 5 still accurate without the use of a TrackClip, TrackHat, TrackVisor, whatever?
  3. Pyronick

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    If the algorithm starts with a fixed number, the terrain that is generated will be the same on every client.Although it could mean terrain can be repetitive, if the algorithm isn't complex. I think the algorithm is based on L-systems. Only if a random number generator is used, will the terrain be different on every client.
  4. Pyronick

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Most games these days are at least 80% GPU dependant.That's the reason why the Core i7 doesn't jump leaps ahead in framerate, even though it kicks the Phenom II in almost every situation possible by miles. It will change though, when the CPU gets more floating point grunt, vector extensions and GPU-like instructions like MUL, MADD, FMA. ArmA 2 has very complex terrain and AI, and think it will be more GPU dependant relative to ArmA. But it will always be a CPU stresser, even with proper multithreading support. And graphics hardware doesn't have to be that expensive, a simple HD 4770 which retails for about € 90 (here in Holland) runs most games better than the more expensive HD 4850 and 9800 GT. Even Crysis is no big deal.
  5. Pyronick

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Can't they combine two independant IR sensors for 3D input rather than using a TrackClip or sth?
  6. I assume you mean a similar technique to what Crysis is using?Instead of the geometry being shown, a much more simple voxel-based billboard is shown.
  7. Animals should react properly to each other and the environment. Some animals flock others don't or simply don't have relative members due to hunting or other reasons. Hares, deers, horses, etc usually dont like to be in the vicinity of dogs. Cows are very neutral and interested in other creatures. Cats obviously don't like dogs and nocturnals are most active during night time. Animals usually indicate there is water nearby, which can be a vital feature for gameplay. I hope that not only vertebrata creatures are in the game but also insects like mosquitoes which can also be used as an indication for water. And I don't expect simulated biological interactions like predation and scavenging are coded in the animal AI, but some basic animal AI logic should be in the game.
  8. Pyronick

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    To me it looks like disappointment in ArmA and an irrational bias for any competing product.
  9. Pyronick

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Excuse me, yes I mean the Sapphire HD4870 2GB.LOD isn't relative to framebuffer anyway. But it can be influenced by lack of bandwidth. Atm, I have an Ultra320 SCSI setup which is pretty fast, though I still get LOD popups in some games. But if I use the Intel X25 (which is SATA/300 btw) every game boots much faster and LOD popups aren't (barely) noticeable anymore...
  10. Pyronick

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    As long as it's seek times and load speeds are faster then your HDD, yes. That, your CPU and RAM memory.In any case, if you want the optimum discrete graphics hardware setup look for a graphics card with the highest non-random memory bandwidth and the largest framebuffer (VRAM). That would either be the HD4890 2GB or the GTX285 2GB.
  11. Pyronick

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Well, I don't really believe in Codemasters' ability to build simulators anymore.They dumbed down Colin McRae Rally, they dumbed down the Toca/DTM/Pro/V8 Supercars driver series (now Race Driver: GRID) and currently are screwing the F1 name with something which only has the potention of being worse than Sony's 2006 version. So I have all the reasons to doubt the quality of Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. That's why currently more interesting in Simbin and Bohemia Interactive games.
  12. Pyronick

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    They are added afaik. Maybe they aren't up to your expectations but they're definitely added.
  13. Pyronick

    Graphics engine improvement

    Now that would be really cool!I have something similar modelled in "realtime" (as long as it doesn't lag) CFD, but that really stresses out my HD 4870 and C2Q. :D
  14. Pyronick

    Console vs PC

    If it's a refurbish, it probably will in the same conditions.But the latest generation Xbox360 and PS3 have gone through a die-shrink process to 65nm. The Jasper revision of the Xbox360 has both 65nm CPU and GPU and every console after the CECHE** revision of the Playstation 3 also has 65nm CPU and GPUs. The Playstation 3 will have a die-shrink to 45nm this year if all goes according to plan. Die-shrinks usually solves cooling problems if the specifications are the same.
  15. Pyronick

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    If they could tell me how to mix liquid helium with liquid nitrogen, they should call me. :DI guess it's probably a multi-stage hybrid cooling system, where you have two separate cooling circuits. I don't know how it works with liquid nitrogen, but if you use liquid helium the temperature is constant everywhere due to it's superconductivity.
  16. Pyronick

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Yeah, you should... :eek:
  17. Pyronick

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    I'd only go for the HD 4890 if you the 2 GB VRAM version is released.I still think it's better to wait for the next-gen discrete graphics hardware from AMD which will be near simultaneously released with ArmA 2.
  18. Pyronick

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Only time will tell.Only a few weeks after ArmA 2 is released (if the dates stays 26th of June), the i7 920 is rumored to have a price drop to 200 euros and the new AMD R800 is released. Then I'll upgrade from my Q9650 which sucks for CFD (computational fluid dynamics) anyway to Core i7, X58, R800 and SSD + SAS.
  19. Pyronick

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I think Call of Duty 4 actually looks pretty crappy considering it's size.
  20. Pyronick

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Liquid helium almost reaches absolute zero. In which quantumtunneling can form due to superconductivity at that range of temperatures of various matters in the CPU die.Liquid nitrogen doesn't come anywhere near those temperatures.
  21. Pyronick

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    I doubt liquid helium is used, as it increases chances of quantum tunneling.Maybe a hybrid of liquid helium to cool the liquid nitrogen is used. Anyway, 4 GHz still sounds good. But the i7 920 was easily overclockable to 4 GHz using stock cooling aswell. Although pretty useless as the memory controller isn't overclockable atm. The D0 stepping is recommended for overclocking though, as the C0 still has issues with even reaching POST at high clockspeeds.
  22. Pyronick

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Oh my... The new Phenom II overclockable to 6,7 GHz! :eek: Finally an AMD chip that might just cope up with the Core i7!! If you have an AM2+/AM3 compatible board, I suggest to wait for these babies to hit the market. ;)
  23. Pyronick

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    If you think that you are being attacked when valid arguments are being discussed, it tells more about you than about the others.Obviously, there is an ArmA 2 bias on those forums. So you can expect counter arguments. There is nothing fanboy about these arguments as far as I can tell, some of them are even against ArmA 2. As for my arguments, I have yet to see a preview where mr Lindop or any of the CM crew isn't presented. I'd say wait for both games to be released.
  24. Pyronick

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Have you tried the latest nVidia notebook drivers? Perhaps an additional 2 GB RAM memory (or replacement to 4 GB) might improve your texture performance.Remember that laptops often use SODIMM memory instead of regular DIMM memory if you will be upgrading. Maybe that fact that the Turion is a dualcore may well mean that ArmA 2 might actually run pretty good. But you'll have to wait until the actual game demo is released to really see if it runs properly to your standards. ;)
  25. Pyronick

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I don't know.Probably the same reason why they said DIRT was going to be more than Richard Burns Rally than Colin McRae 2004, while the result was the opposite. Fortunately I was wise and patient enough for the game to be released and judge it to come to the decision of not buying it. Probably using name as an attention point.