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About Shadow25

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  1. Shadow25

    bulletcam script

    I did a search on these forums and on dogpile and all i could come back with was a video that showed long range sniping and the addons and scripts that were used. I was able to find the sight adjustment addon but not the bulletcam script. I will include the linke to that video. Â http://video.aol.com/video-d....3846134 Any help on where to find this script would be appreciated. Thanks
  2. I did a search on these forums and on dogpile and all i could come back with was a video that showed long range sniping and the addons and scripts that were used. I was able to find the sight adjustment addon but not the bulletcam script. I will include the linke to that video. Â http://video.aol.com/video-d....3846134 Any help on where to find this script would be appreciated. Thanks
  3. Shadow25

    Vehicle hit points

    I think there may have already been a post about this that had a video of different ways to bring down a helicopter. If so please direct me to the post as I have done a search and couldn't find it. Â Also I was wondering if there were any posts or even Armed Assault websites that had all the vehicles hit points and what would happen if you hit them in certain areas such as fuel leak, automatic explsion etc. Â Any information videos or websites that might have this information would be helpful and much appreciated. Thanks in advance
  4. Shadow25

    ArmA: Combat ops

    Great we are getting some feedback. Can anyone who owns Combat Operations please post some screenshots of the new features and content. The screenshots of the night vision goggles were very nice and a picture is better than words.
  5. Shadow25

    ArmA: Combat ops

    Seeing as this post has kind of gone dead and now people actually own the game in the USA I thought I would give this post a bump and hope that some people who bought Combat Operations can give us some reviews or some feedback.
  6. Shadow25

    IDEA Games at E3

    I'm sure the gaming industry (atleast the large corporations) do this intentionally as they want you to part with your money frequently. It would be no use if they made a game that you played for months on end because there would be no profit in that. The gaming industry is a shallow one and more and more studios are following in that vain. Bethesda (oblivion) is a good example as there true fans have been for want of a better word, let down. Bethesda made oblivion around the Xbox 360 then tweaked it for the PC thus upsetting the hardcore RPg fans. There's more i could say but it would be a rather long post. Thankfully BIS havn't yet strayed down that path and are focused on keeping there loyal fans happy rather than surcoming to the massmarketing of console kiddies. I do own a 360 but i'm not your steriotypical console user. ah yes another good point i forgot in my previous post. Â The game industry today gives many of us gamers a letdown. Â The companies make it so they can throw it out on consoles and on PCs and so the PC version is not all that great because its toned down and things are ripped out. The market is all about the lil 12-13 year old kiddies and their consoles and even the computer games that come out are many times geared toward this age group. Â Its quite obvious if you watched G4TVs coverage of E3. Personally I was quite annnoyed that I watched hours of that crap hoping to see some things about computer games only to hear the same thing over and over about the new console systems. Between companies wanting more money, making games for both consoles and pcs at the same time and so many people wanting good graphics no matter what the cost (AKA the freedom to move around and no invisible barriers making you go their way) good gameplay games are so hard to find and that is why I myself have been pushing AA so hard to all my friends. As I mentioned in my previous post 2 of the best military games i have ever player are Hidden and Dangerous 2 and OFP. These games both had decent graphics in their time but their were others that were so much better. Â However in orignality and gameplay these games couldn't and still can't be touched. In closing I would just like to say that graphics are more important to kiddies and so is the fact that it comes out on the console mommy and daddy bought them. While IMO true gamers are PC gamers who want a game with great gameplay and the freedom to make our own choices and really imerse ourselves into the game.
  7. Shadow25

    IDEA Games at E3

    I agree gameplay is more important than graphics anyday. I mean look at BF2 I have played it and it looks pretty on a decent card, but the gameplay sucks. Â It is way too arcady and the way you do well at the game is to use cheap exploits. Â I also saw something about the Hidden and Dangerous 2 game and I agree that this is a great game as well. Â So any of you faithful OFP fans should really check it out as it is a smaller company who is more about gameplay than graphics. Unlike some other kind of money hogs (cough) EA. Â On a final note I am glad you all didn't listen or care about that trash article by that german magazine and stayed true to BIS and OFP. Â We know that OFP is the best game ever made and that AA will be that great if not better especially with the help of all the talented addon makers.