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smiley nick

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Posts posted by smiley nick

  1. bisforumimage.gif

                                 Welcome to the Lost World Returns Modification


          Who are we?

    We are a online development team working on a new and refreshing modification for the game "Armed Assault". We have been 'modding' for in general for over 4 years, however work on our new next-gen project only started 16 months ago.

    We have a outstanding mix of global based individuals in all corners of the globe, including some individuals who are in the industry by profession including locations at  MTV studios in Germany, The Chez Republic and the History channel in the United States.

    Our goal is to bring something to the table that has been lacking since 1991, and that’s dinosaurs and man in a virtual world with the latest next gen engine and technology.


    The concept is simple: A realistic military FPS, with dinosaurs thrown into the mix. Featuring the most precedented and realistic behavioural system every seen for a game. Forget the scripted pathways and invisible walls! You will get to experience the real taste of freedom, where nature really does find a way.

    Lost World Returns brings to you meticulously detailed and life like dinosaurs and environments, with a rich character driven story that will have you gagging for more. Just like you, the creatures and other humans are only programmed to survive in this roaming in a self-sufficient, observable environment. Will you have what it takes to survive in this amazing new world?

    ‘Armed Assault’ meets ‘Walking with Dinosaurs’

    The game will be distributed via an online ‘Free ware’ download and also via a free postal service for those with poor internet access. No money will be made from this game modification.


    The incident at "Site A" two years ago had been a disaster for John Hammond and International Genetics Inc.

    The company was all but bankrupt as its European and Far Eastern investors one by one accepted their losses and withdrew. The animals had been destroyed by the Costa Rican army and, as bankruptcy proceedings and litigation dragged out to months then years, the company's facilities and equipment at "Site A" had been sequestered and allowed to become derelict. The remoteness of the location prevented casual visitors, and gradually the incident and the existence of "Site A" faded from the spotlight of publicity.

    Only a wealthy Japanese consortium, named Idehama (logistics), one of the principal early investors in InGen, still supported Hammond.Perhaps motivated by the possibility of access to the company's cutting edge biotechnology, but still firmly behind the venture, although less conspicuously so after the downturn in the company's fortunes.

    InGen and it's Japanese investors now have a plan to clandestinely visit "Site A" in an effort to retrieve materials and technology with a view to reviving InGen and its projects, but more importantly documenting the island, with a hope for possible life on the island. As a world famous bio technician you have been invited to join the first expedition to return to "Site A", with a small team of researchers and mercenary units. To collect information, and gather data, and then present your findings to InGen and Idehama to allow them to "finalize" their future projects.

    Since the disaster two years ago, the company's facilities were abandoned and the island has been left to natures devices for the last two years.

    No-one knows what you may find there.


       Game Overview

    Lost World Returns is a first person adventure simulation featuring a refreshing mix of modern realistic warfare with an elegant and dynamic eco system of prehistoric dinosaurs, set on a vast island roughly 25km2, with full free-roaming capabilities for the majority of the time. The game is set in the universe of the Jurassic Park era, but not directly following or copying the theme or objects; thus allowing freedom of choice and larger development options to enrich the story. However, the player will feel very much a part of the whole Jurassic Park universe and will feel right at home with the movies.

    © 2007 Lost World: Returns. All Rights Reserved

  2. Thanks, there is no progress in terms of "screenshots" for the Iraq enviroment, due to the fact there have been no tools released, and i cant work in any other ofp/3rd party programs as arm a uses a different "reading" system to the old WRP's.

    Non the less, we can still "mentally" populate and picture this until the tools are available.


  3. I might as well jump into the pond now - ribbit smile_o.gif

    As stated, frogstar is doing some fantastic work, and i really cant wait to get my hands on the tools and start building a Iraq environment. We belive the IMUC MOD is also considering merging with us, at least hottom mike anyway, as it would be silly doing two Iraq projects, much better to create one single, professional modification that we can all dedicate our time to.

    A bit more detail about the environment now, we are going to cover the area of AL Basrah, down the south, the "Island" itself will cover a 40sq radius, so theres going to be ample room to have a unlimited possibility scenario on there. And as always the environment will be using DEMS to bring all the true elevations and contours to the arm a engine for added realism and reference. This island wont just be one of those random ones with jelly top hills, we are going to make this a "semi realistic" environment, that can be used to train, teach, and of course allow missions makers to make any situation they desire. We have over 2GB of reference pictures so far for AL Basrah and are trying to create some of the more important featured areas to match the real life location. Obviously we cant make every single building/object in Basrah as that could take years, but what we can do is make a large collection of real based locations, as well as artists impressions of the area and models to give it a unique feel.

    Not to mention that we will also be having a real satellite image overlay on the environment so it will look just as good from the air!

    Hope that gives you chaps more scope on the project.

    Nick smile_o.gif

  4. Before you can ask about making a "Mod" i think you really need to spend time planning, thats what i have learnt from personal experience.

    I would say the first and foremost part is to actually decide weather your going to be creating a "Mod" or a collection of addons relating to a particular theme. A lot of people use the word "mod" like "i love you", A mod is totally changing the game and its interface, in a way its like making a game within a game. A good example of this is WGL, ECP, FDF ect.

    Where as if you are making addons that represent a paticular theme then you can look at people like CSLA, BAS, UKF, BWMOD ect ect.

    Plan each object, each mission plan, each addon, each script, to find detail, that way you have a solid foundation to work from, rather than a lacking "floating idea" as if you do get on your feet people who join you will want to see good leadership/management skills, and wont commit their time to personal ideas.

    Once you have your goals set, and all written down, you will then need a "online" home, or a very effective contact method. Communication is a important aspect, especially when running it all "Online". So a simple forum will do the job, and as you grow you can make it look pretty and get a website ect.

    But thats all very well and dandy to have all that, but you actually need to learn how to create certain items for what you want to make, and the only way to do that is to read, and read some more, get a basic understanding and then develop your skills through trial and error. Its the best way.

    Now because of the new promised tools for arm a, i would wait until they are released and read up on the documentation that hopefully is provided. However don't put all your eggs in one basket, there is no harm googling for tuts relating to 3d modeling, texturing. If its scripts your after i would sugest you check ofpec. Browse through their huge collection of user scripts and see how they work..

    Other than that, its really down to your personal skills, how much dedication you are willing to commit to the project and your people skills.

    Good luck


    (please take note all that was said was from previous and current experience, you can take the advise or not, i wont be held accountable for any problems that may cause)


  5. Black Op mission #09 "Operation Terminate Noober"

    A meeting of ArmA slaggers is to be held in the town hall at Gangbango on Sahrani.

    Go in with your team of expert black op killers and wast their sorry asses!

    BTW you will insert by foot because the heli physics in Arma are so shite

    Good luck!


  6. Man im in love with your project. Im a big fan of an iraq conflict into AA and you are the main man right now.

    Im only good playing games but hey if you need any assistance i might fly over to Iraq to take some pictures who can help you,

    Anyway go for it man yay.gifnotworthy.gif

    Yes please biggrin_o.gifwink_o.gif

  7. Thanks for your reply, i really do hope BIS take into account the "weight" factor, and improve the physics.

    Obviously this isn't fs2004, but we would at least expect with the new engine to modify the flight model physics to serve a more semi realistic feeling.

    Despite placebo quoting that it is "semi realistic" i would say its less " semi realistic" than bf2....


  8. I don't think we should rule out CTF/DM players, ofp is a brand open to all players, and i can guarantee we have all tried the once CTF/DM in our time.

    The controls are a lot "slower" in terms of moment i think, but this might be a good thing for co opers. But i think BIS should take into account other game types, as if ofp supported them, its only right that Arm A should as well, and considering how we all love the engine for map editing, the same can be applied for the no coopers who also wish to ulitize the engine.

    Lets hope BIS or a community animator make some sort of "faster paced" movement system as well to support the "as large" CTF people.

    (im not a ctf person btw, but im all for equal views :P)


  9. Those of you who have Arm A, could you possibly answer this question.

    Do the helicopters feel like they have any "weight" when the land? What i mean by this is, do the wheels rotate upon ground contact?

    Can one taxi whilst maintaining on the ground.

    BF2 did a good job of the chopper physics and for land contact, as it felt you had the weight when you powered down, or dropped the engine to idle.

    If not please fix this BIS, as it would allow for better chopper landings and "rolling"


    Nick smile_o.gif

  10. I dont think there should be a huge debate about this at all

    Simple fact

    Some people dont have the time to make real world locations, or chose not to.

    Others on the other hand might, and may choose to.

    Ofp is about freedom, hence the huge selection of addons we have, we should say its wrong or no if people want real world locations, in come cases it might help peoples awareness, and why the hell is it always about iraq?

    Lets just say that i where to make a real life terrain environment of the Isle of man, or the isle of white,

    For one it would allow people from all over the world to experience it, yes you might say its "in game" but you'll be suprised what games can do now, take a look at vbs1, its being used for training, you might say its "Not a game" you could be right, but at the end of the day, its a bunch of pixels on a screen.

    Hell the flk mod are doing a pretty close job at making real world locations, i think it was 200 new objects just for port Stanley!

    We should have open arms to people who want to do such things, and not just dismiss it.

    I think its quite controversial regarding the "respect" factor, re in acting real life situations and areas in a "game", i cant see the problem myself, but others might feel offended, x service men, i know a few and some would be offended, some wouldn't, its called different opinions, but we shouldn't rule it out, for me it allows "teaching", letting people experience as close as they want to get to war, and i think that was one of the quotes of the review from PC gamer back in the CWC release.

    "As close to war as you want to get"

    If you are one who is offended, then just dont use it, simple. You might think im quite aragoent, as i am not a service man, so i have "no right" to talk about such things, but if that is the case why do we all play ofp?

    That was my $2


  11. Im not sure if anyone can help, but i thought i might try my luck

    We are useing the RAF Chinook made by afro, a great bit of kit it is, and works nice in SP, however MP is a different story.

    When one loads a UKF landrover into the back, the landrover decides to load itself horizontally to the choppers air frame, rather than loading it in the cargo hole parallel to the chopper.

    I tried landing the chopper north to test if it was that weird turret bug you get, but this wasn't the case.

    Im not sure why its doing it, or what is even causing it, if anyone has any ideas, i would love to know

    Server is a dedi running linux.



