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smiley nick

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Posts posted by smiley nick

  1. I know we all must accept new-comers to the community, but GIJOE94 please take a minute to think about what you post on these forums.

    The general maturity of the members here ranges, but most are at least in the 20's and above range group. (With obviously younger members too), but don’t think your fooling anyone here, but yourself.

    Your posts are very blunt and some what offensive in how you talk to members on the forums; with a great deal of over exception on your behalf, and it really does sound like your acting your age here.

    Now I do apologize if I have established a typical stereotypical view here, but in all honestly, you cannot just order people about, in a voluntarily based community, or claim work that is not yours. The  more experienced members have been in this community for many years, and we have seen this attitude many times. And I am not speaking on behalf of the community, just my views on the matter

    You need to start small, join a mod team, learn the ropes if you REALLY do want to start a modding career, and develop your skills and knowledge that way.

    This is my personnel advice by the way and you can take it or leave it; but in all honestly you will just end up with a lot of spam in your topics with little water under the bridge for your pitches and askings for help.

    I am not criticizing you, but I do think you need to be told or directed in your method of approach for your benefit.

    I normally turn a blind eye at this kind of thing, but I wanted to give some input to the matter.


  2. I know I have posted a request about Japanese equipment in this thread already, regarding Japanese light vehicles.

    A big thanks to da12thMonkey for providing some very useful links, we are still looking for more detailed material.

    This time, we are in need of some detailed pictures or blue prints of the Type 64 and 89 rifles, currently used by Japanese self defence force. However the weapons they use are very rare in the western world, as they have never been exported (says wiki) hence we are finding it very hard to model the weapons correctly, from a few scattered weapons pics on Google.

    The Type 89 rifle seems to be more common, than the 64, and there are a few more images on Google, epically air soft variants.

    If anyone is Japanese, or has access to either an air soft rifle or the real thing, it would be hugely beneficial, to make them as accurate as possible.

    Many thanks everyone, keep up the great material for the modder’s.


  3. First, you would need to get permission from the authors smile_o.gif

    Make sure you remember that for your arma carear wink_o.gif

    Transferring a MOD will be a very hard and daunting task, at this current stage at least.

    My advice to you would be to look at current addons, see what makes them work, ask sensible questions to the authors and build a knowledge base.

    From there on, you will find it a lot easier, as none of this will be given to you on a plate.

    Good luck

  4. Finally, it’s released!

    Was a pleasure to help play test and give feedback to Igor, for this mission.

    I have decided to only play missions by igor now, as they are so immersive and coop based it's beyond belief. If you are a true co op fan, i would highly recommend this, and his other missions.

    Arma missions should be like this as standard. A must, for any co op clan!

    Thank you Igor for spending months on this mission, well worth it.

    We play together regularly on a dedi server with real mission, and anyone who is mature and looking for the more "adult" experience with less of the "clan" approach, then feel free to PM me or Igor.


  5. Sorry for the late response.


    Dinosaurs will be able to excrete; we are quite excited about the kind of effects we can implement, especially with bump and normal maps!!  wink_o.gif


    BIS are being quiet about their plug-in tools, I have send Suma and Maruk PM’s regarding their plug-in that will allow users to import skeletons and UV maps into o2 via Maya, which we are all using for animation creation, As its so advanced and allows us to create complex animations.

    Its really a showstopper (for us anyway) if they decide not to release the plug-in, as we will be forced to use either a user created animation tool from the community or the use the limited o2 animation application that’s now built in.

    (Perhaps we should do what the zombie mod did and "ask bis for xxx" with a signing of people to support it) tounge2.gif

    Dinosaur models are coming on nicely, but I would rather show working or at least textured shots now, so hence the lack of updates. No one really wants to look at a model nowadays. They want to see it working, and finished.

    The BIS forum is really used for larger news updates; smaller bit sized news is located on our forum.


    Correct, we are using Maya for animation, including rigging.

    I think you are correct about o2, at least that’s what I have heard.

    Depends on what images you are referring too, our first lot of screenshots where a mix of in game and "engine" renders. What I mean by that is, rendering the model, with the same properties as what the engine supports, so we don’t make it look more than it really is.


  6. Another way would be to edit the model in o2, and edit its properties to "surface", that would allow it to follow the terrain (like roads)

    But the water model might have some special properties, as its animated gif I assume.

    But this would require it to be in MLOD format, which is not available.

    So i think your stuck atm.

  7. Absolutely Stunning

    I rarely get emotional, but during the ending, I acquired goosebumps! And that doesn’t happen often. I think it was portrayed correctly, and does hold truth in the matter. That’s the scary thing.


  8. Hi chris330

    I’m in a similar boat as you, however I have not gone to uni, however I still wish to delve into the game development industry. (As a game developer)

    I don’t think there is a right or wrong way to go about it, qualifications are required of course to join an existing team but I believe experience is more beneficial in this work sector. It also helps to know a few people in the industry already.

    I think making your own engine with c++ is a very time consuming venture especially by yourself, there are quite a few open source game engines out there that one can use to improve skills and really learn whist on the job, to gain experience.  But these of course are pay ware, but fairly cheep considering what you get.

    This is all providing you want to carve a path with game programming with c++.

    I would check Amazon, I have brought a lot of books from there, all have proven useful and there is a lot more to game developing than meets the eye.

    A few other good sites are shown below.

    Good luck Chris, and let me know how you get on, would be interested to hear.


    If you are in the UK and fancy going back to Uni, there is a course at the Southampton Solent (bsc hons)

    Link - http://www.solent.ac.uk/courses....ls.aspx

    ( I just cant afford uni at this moment, but it looks fantastic)

    Game Dev net - http://www.gamedev.net/

    Game engine resource - http://www.devmaster.net/engines/

  9. Nah, it would have to go "omg thats so good!" "you're so amazing" "your music sucks" to be 100% accurate.

    @smiley. I think the "dinosaur P.O.V" is descending to

    the "sharks with lasers" level of inanity. You said you weren't

    doing this because you wanted to keep it "serious". There

    seems little point in doing all the zoological research and

    complex scripting if you let people pretend to be dinosaurs.

    Why'd you change your mind?

    @Adam: Nah, in my experience the "pathetic squealing noises"

    is still much more authentically "Smiley"    tounge2.gif

    edit: Ok, enough of the Smiley bashing. SniperUK and I have

    a "history" with him which we are just rapping about. Enough

    now. All meant in good heart.

    @ Col. Faulkner

    Just wait until you have your mod page wink_o.gif

    On a serious note, you do share valid concerns. Let me try and explain in detail what we are going to achieve here.

    As a single player experience, you will be thrown into an atmospheric, story driven experience. To which everything you will see will have a purpose, and with the realism settings to the max, as this is part of the experience.

    The human AI and dinosaur AI in some areas will be choreographed, I call it “semi linear†to give the player a feeling you are in a film, if anyone has played King Kong, from Peter Jackson, the game play and atmosphere will have similar characteristics, however the mod will be a lot grittier and obviously will offer more freedom in respects.


    Various opportunities lie here. And it won’t stop from our finial release; I am hoping people will also make missions and “user themed" maps.

    If you look at ArmA as a default game, it came with various game play “maps†offering; co op, cft, dm, and cti

    There is nothing wrong in appealing to all your markets, which will offer maximum game play for all.

    No one can really expect the outcome for the final release for user created missions; however I can give a list of what you can expect from us upon release.

    1.) MP “Coop Survivalâ€

    This is pretty self explanatory, the map will have a basic theme and plot, with various locations dotted around the island for the players to use and interact. The map will not be following the single player campaign, as it would be too difficult to capture the same feeling, as MP is a completely different ball game. We will let the individual do this.

    You can expect to start at crash site, or something similar, with a group of other human players, the most important thing is that they will have a choice, do you stick together? Or do you go solo? The choice is yours, and because of that will determine your survival rate on the island.

    The map will have one goal, and that is to get off the island. I must stress this will also be very “role-play†based in order for it to work correctly; if you collect the right sort of players (as with any map) you will have a fantastic time.

    How you do this is up to you, and there will be hundreds of ways to do this.

    We might also have our own dedicated server for people to sign up to, and play with like minded people.

    2.) MP “Survival of the fittestâ€

    Ok so we are going to be a bit "n00bie" here and offer players the chance to play as dinosaurs, which in my personnel opinion is pretty cool. In its simplest form, you have humans and dinosaurs, both of which are controlled by humans.

    What’s the purpose?

    The purpose is to create a tenser atmosphere, as good as our AI will be, they will still be AI, and will become predictable soon enough. We don’t have sufficient power to edit the AI code in the engine.

    So why waste valuable resources trying to make AI think and act like humans, when you can have a human on the other end.

    The map will be simple, "Survive" as a dinosaur or man. Humans will obviously have firepower and mobility.

    Dinosaur will have speed, aggression, and hopefully coordinated attacks.

    (If the right people play)

    @ Ti0n3r

    Well there are a few options with that. It all depends on it purpose.

    For our purpose, we might keep it, but heavily modify it, implementing pure basic instinct features that dinosaurs would use, such as various vocal recordings to act as “orders†sounds strange I know.


    Other players will then be able to listen out, to either support or expect an attack, but this feature will mainly focus on the raptor species, as this is where the main fast action entertainment lies.

    Think of it as the CS for the mod. We are aiming for all markets here, and there will be various types of game play for differnet game play styles.

    (all information is subject to change)

  10. I’m afraid not Ti0n3r, Jurassic Park got a few aspects wrong, despite them having their own leading palaeontologist helping them.

    However you have to consider the realism factor and entertainment factor. (For the films anyway)

    According to our palaeontologist Jim Dow, the tyrannosaur was in fact completely the opposite of the movies!

    Its vision was frontal based, and not at the side of the head (like Dromeosaurides), Allowing the t-rex to get at least 180* perspective vision, covering large distances, including depth.

    We of course can implement this and our dinosaurs will in fact have pre-scripted “eyes†as part of the model, giving them better “field of view†for each dinosaurs specie, rather them all being the same.

    Recent data has also suggested that the rex had enormous smelling detection coverage. Allowing the rex to smell and track for many miles.

    This will also be featured in our smelling scripts/eco system.

    As for the Raptor species, Velociraptor was in fact the size of an average turkey, we won’t be including them, we will however be including the more ferocious and larger species such as Deinonychus Utahraptor and Oviraptor.

    These dinosaurs had impeccable vision, but surprisingly lacked any acute smelling; their primary tool was through their eyes.

    This is but a small taste of the characteristics being implemented into every single dinosaur to make them feel alive.

    Here are some abstracts from Jim Dow.

    Quote[/b] ]Dromeosaurides: Dromeosaurides (depending on size) can be either timid or extremely fierce. They hunt in packs of about 3-6, and would probably use communication in the form of screams and screeches, much in the way dolphins or whales may communicate. Although likely unfamiliar with the buildings of Isla Sorna and/or Isla Nublar, Dromeosaurides like Velociraptor or Deinonychus would probably use these buildings as shelter in wet or rainy weather, or to get out of the heat.

    The types of habitats Dromeosaurides would live in would be in wide savannah, much like lions.

    Large Carnivores: Large, Fierce, and Territorial, Large Carnivores would be the apex predators of Isla Nublar. Having wide territories would allow for much more of a flexible habitat, allowing Large Carnivores to hunt and scavenge in places where they could find many sources of food and water. Because they are so large, the only thing the larger carnivores would have to worry about was other large carnivores invading on territory and habitat. This would result in a fight or a duel, and the winner would either be killed or chased out of the territory.

    Sauropods: Extremely large animals like Sauropods (Brachiosaurus, Apatosaurus ect) were the largest animals to ever walk the earth. To be condensed in one island, the Sauropods would be forced to one sort of habitat. Because they are so large, it requires them to eat tonnes of plant food a day. A herd of 10 sauropods could strip an entire forest of plant matter in about 1 hour. Many smaller herbivores would regularly herd around the sauropods in a social matter as herbivores do. It is common for dozens of different species of herbivore to share one habitat and environment

    Hadrosaurs: Large, Herbivourous, and highly social animals, Hadrosaurs were gentle animals, going along their own business eating, sleeping, and caring for young. Living in herds of up to hundreds of animals, Hadrosaurs will gladly share territory with other herbivores, big or small. Since Hadrosaurs don't have much defence against carnivores, they use strength in numbers. If a habitat is cleaned of vegetation, Hadrosaurs will herd together in massive groups toward the next habitat that can sustain their massive need for food, shelter and water.

    Ornithomimosauria: Very Ostrich like animals, this family of dinosaurs includes members of Gallimimus, Struthiomimus and others. These were likely the fastest dinosaurs of their time, reaching speeds of up to 60 or 70 MPH. These animals are mainly herbivores, but will prey on small lizards or even small dinosaurs if they are hungry enough. Travelling in groups of 2-4, these large, long-legged speed machines would likely live in wide open areas where they could escape prey with their speeed


    Very nice mate, did you nuke the background?  rofl.gif

  11. What disappoints me most is the total absence of any scheduling.

    Or at last this is the impression I got after reading through this board.

    The developer team seems to be  overstrained and I'am afraid somewhat planless.

    On one day they're saying they are working on a linux server, another they are "just finishing the tools". Not to mention the big gap between European and US release.

    This post shows one more time that people bashing BI for just anything that comes to their mind have no idea about what's going on at BI at all.

    Have you ever considered that there is more then one development team? Maybe one for the tools, and one for the game. I guess not.

    And the only planless people I see here are posting in this topic about stuff that has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the original topic.  mad_o.gif

    Have you ever considered that there is not an abundant of people working in all these so called development team departments?

    We all know BIS are a small Indy company, And let’s face it, the tools must of been ready for them to make the actual content for ArmA. Or are you happy to say they used the old o2 and workarounds that the community is doing now?

    I am not disappointed with arma, but i believe it could have been a lot better without being modded once again. Perhaps BIS are now "expecting" the community to do the fixes. Because we are all so loyal to the cause.

    A few things I am disappointed about for the game.

    1.) The lack of Variations of grass types, at the moment the whole island is covered in the same grass, and looks very unnatural. We need some more variations to break up the terrain.

    This could feature, longer grass, short grass around urban areas, fields of crops, heather, and small grass clumps to break up the terrain. (Similar to inv44), but "as standard" to the game.

    2.) The AI debate, ofp had hundreds of AI enhancements scripts, which really did make it feel like a new game (an obvious example is WGL or SLX).

    Obviously BIS cant take the original codes, but they could at least of looked to see what people really wanted with what the talented people did, and try and implement it. Such as allowing the AI to seek proper cover, or a few simple codes to make them feel "dug in" behind cover. Such as pinning the player down. Giving the player something more than a turkey shoot.

    And how hard can it be to make suppressive fire a standalone feature in the game?

    3.) The very similar and frustrating visual of viewing tanks and their very strange driving skill behaviour. Why do the tank drivers want to face the direction the enemy is facing? Can we not let the turret do that? (That’s why you get the strange spinning behaviour)

    Knocking down trees, bins, sign posts and god knows what.

    Instead of making hordes of tanks to act as a considerable force, it might be better to code a single tank first. Not only to feel more realistic, but it would also help frame rates in missions

    It feels to me, BIS lacked the one thing that made them who they are, and that’s game-play. ArmA totally lacks atmosphere and game play for me, Something OFP did very well.

    Just my thoughts, doesn’t mean im right.


  12. The next sarcastic, or derogatory post in this thread will result in a WL.

    Don't think for a second it is not noticed.

    Wrapping sarcasm for "helpfull" or the like is not helping the said mod maker.

    Help him, be constructive.

    Thankyou smile_o.gif


    I don’t see anywhere in the forum rules about people making sarcastic or derogatory comments that is subject to a warning level. I even did a search for the two words and nothing came up!

    Perhaps this should be included?

    Or we could take this as light humour and let it continue, as long as no personnel attacks of offensive remarks are made, which I don’t see. whistle.gif

    @ Mod Leader

    Would be an idea to possibly write down your equipment you are going to need for your project, with a clear goal to either make a "mod" which means "Modification" for the engine, or add-on project.

    If you haven’t, check out this website, it’s a great resource place for modder’s and add-on makers for the most popular game engines out there. With some very user friendly and helpful guides that will definitely help you.

    A good bit of information http://chrisholden.net/making_games.htm

    Moddb  - http://moddb.com/

    I think a lot of people get the term “Mods†mixed up with single add-on project. I’m no expert but just to recap…

    Modification really means “A lot of workâ€. You can generally expect a respected mod (similar to FDF) to edit the default game engine, and totally revamp the default game into something visually new. This could include new models, particle effects, AI enhancement scripts, effects for weapons, and characters, new implemented features, new sound effects and composed music. And not forgetting new terrain environments to fit the theme.

    A good example of a good modification is SLX, FDF, BAS and WGL.

    Or are you going to be an "add-on project" similar to UKF or Vilas add-ons, whom of which are not mod’s.

    Good luck! There are plenty of talented members in this community and the most important thing to do is getting your first pitch into the community to announce the project. If people see it having a future, they will help

