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smiley nick

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Everything posted by smiley nick

  1. smiley nick

    CBF Projects

    Tristar I thought id never see the day, cant wait CBFASI.
  2. smiley nick

    William Porter's Blog

    (wonders if those patrols are part of way points, or something more creative and dynamic )
  3. Hello there c_jay_ie We have had a large downtime over the past 2 months, due to server hosting problems from our suppler. This has now been sorted and we are setting up a few things before we go "public" again. It wont be long, but for now we are out of the spot light until things are all back up and running again. Thanks for showing interest, watch this space Smiley
  4. smiley nick

    ERT Mod in need of help

    No point bitching. This might be worth a read How to make a mod its for the valve engine,but the same principles apply. Good luck. Smiley
  5. smiley nick

    Flashpoint in the Falklands: Dead?

    Ever thought about not using it if you don't like it? Im not one to get involved but i know how time consuming making a mod from scratch is, and i can assure you the majority of time is spent is on researching material to insure historically correct units and objects, if you do not know anything about making addons or spending time making them i would seriously consider rephrasing your attitude on these forums, from my personnel view. A mod is ready when it is deemed ready, if you look in sky, there is a big bright yellow thing called the sun, funnily enough we revolve around that, not you or anyone else asking for mods to be released. Smiley
  6. smiley nick

    Oilrig addon?

    I think the flk mod has one, might be a idea to pop over there and ask
  7. smiley nick

    Oilrig addon?

    I think the flk mod has one, might be a idea to pop over there and ask
  8. smiley nick

    Mediterranean-style Island

    I agree, island makers have never adopted a realistic airport layout, one runway and 2 hangers is not a realistic airport, RKLS airport are a fine example to use, but its the case of can people be bothered spending a extra 10mins putting some decent airport textures and layouts down. Smiley
  9. smiley nick

    Mediterranean-style Island

    Looking good dan, will you be changing the ground textures at all? As as far as i know Mediterranean islands are a mixture of dry lush land, not sure if its 100% sand and rock, elevations are looking nice and natural, looking forward to the release Smiley
  10. smiley nick

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Hi bootneckofficer What BLB troops are you using? The sunglasses look different to the ones i have, which is V.e.
  11. smiley nick

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    nim,CSJ Civilian 737-600 Airlines pack
  12. smiley nick

    Flat Gree Island

    More like 2 mins 1.) Download WRP TOOL from here 2.) Read the very detailed PDF Readme 3.) Make a folder called BIS on your hardrive 4.) Unpbo the following - Res/Addons/O.pbo - Res/Dta/Data3D.pbo - Res/Dta/Data.pbo - Res/Dta/Landtext.pbo - Operation Flashpoint/Dta/Cain.pbo - Operation Flashpoint/Dta/Able.pbo - Operation Flashpoint/Dta/Eden.pbo 5.) Put all your un pbo'ed folders in your new BIS folder 6.) Load WRP up, click settings, change settings, and change the path location to your BIS folder, Click ok, and restart WRP. 7.) File, New, area size (128, 256, 512, ect) 7.) Press f6, then click View, and select Elevation tool. 8.) Holding LMB drag a box around your project area (eg a square) 9.) Using the window press the "up arrow" to raise the land. 10. Once done, press F7, view, texture browser, add new, and select your "O.pbo", and choose the required texture. 11.) Once done, click view, texture browser, this time you should see your new texture in the window, click it once, return to your map, LMB and drag a texture area for your texture, then holding Ctl+Shift and single LMB click, it will apply that texture to that required area. 12.) Save your wrp in a folder of your choice, and use this config and put it in THAT same folder called "config". Open up a "make pbo" tool and make your folder a pbo, try it out in game and vollia There are many more things you can do in WRP, but that will get the ball rolling for you, and you can read/learn at your own discretion to improve, add objects, custom textures and all sorts. But i would really have a read at the readme, its where everyone started, and it has more than enough information, Have fun! Smiley
  13. Dear BIS/ Community I am not one to make a spectical of myself, but its come to my attention that BIS are handing out plenty of interviews to plenty of game magazines ect, but the questions that have been asked are not really specific to be of any vital information to the ever lasting community that live on the bis forums. So i ask BIS, and the backing of community modders, to see if BIS would be willing to undergo a interview which concerns of moding and editing questions that will have and bring vital information to us all, to help mods plan and gain some insite to what we can expect for Arm A? I propose the main community members post relevant questions that they wish to bring forward to BIS and we can then try and arrange a interview using the questions posted or hand them over to a PR for him/her to pass onto BIS. As we all know there are many skilled individuals within the community each having different trades, so it would be nice if we can get a all rounded approach to questions concerning the different trades (Island making, modeling, scripting, animations) I know that this might get locked, or it might be refused due to the countless spamming of questions in the Arm A thread, but i am going to try my luck non the less. I also chose this forum area due to the fact it does concern BIS, and it might have the words Arm A included, its more of a general question to bis and its community as a open house, and also because it would be locked immediately if i where to post it in the arm a forum. Apologies to the mod's for any inconvenience that i may cause. Smiley
  14. smiley nick

    Are BIS Able to do A Interview for Arm A

    Ok thank you for the reply Placebo, i will gather a list of questions and assiosiate with others to compile a essential list of questions aimed at the moding side of the community to propose to you and then we can see what happens, while this topic is still open, people who wish to add a question please PM me or msn me. Smiley
  15. smiley nick

    Are BIS Able to do A Interview for Arm A

    Dear BIS/ Community I am not one to make a spectical of myself, but its come to my attention that BIS are handing out plenty of interviews to plenty of game magazines ect, but the questions that have been asked are not really specific to be of any vital information to the ever lasting community that live on the bis forums. So i ask BIS, and the backing of community modders, to see if BIS would be willing to undergo a interview which concerns of moding and editing questions that will have and bring vital information to us all, to help mods plan and gain some insite to what we can expect for Arm A? I propose the main community members post relevant questions that they wish to bring forward to BIS and we can then try and arrange a interview using the questions posted or hand them over to a PR for him/her to pass onto BIS. As we all know there are many skilled individuals within the community each having different trades, so it would be nice if we can get a all rounded approach to questions concerning the different trades (Island making, modeling, scripting, animations) I know that this might get locked, or it might be refused due to the countless spamming of questions in the Arm A thread, but i am going to try my luck non the less. I also chose this forum area due to the fact it does concern BIS, and it might have the words Arm A included, its more of a general question to bis and its community as a open house, and also because it would be locked immediately if i where to post it in the arm a forum. Apologies to the mod's for any inconvenience that i may cause. Smiley
  16. smiley nick

    ArmA Progress Updates

    From what i saw the most exciting features to look forward to in Arm A are the terrain aspects and also the lighting and JIP, other than that its just good old ofp, which bis stated a while back. Did anyone notice the swaying palm tree? And is it just me, or do the radio coms sound like a Air traffic controller from FS 2004? Smiley
  17. smiley nick

    Are BIS Able to do A Interview for Arm A

    It might be better if the community gathers a list of the real fundamental questions useing this thread, and then propose it to BIS rather than just spaming this with random questions? (not saying that you are both spaming) EDIT Edited my first post to include that statement, don't read this one (sorry)
  18. smiley nick

    Are BIS Able to do A Interview for Arm A

    It might be better if the community gathers a list of the real fundamental questions useing this thread, and then propose it to BIS rather than just spaming this with random questions? (not saying that you are both spaming) EDIT Edited my first post to include that statement, don't read this one (sorry)
  19. smiley nick

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Great pictures all, i thought i might as well jump on the bandwagon, a few shots of a afternoon stroll around Henley. (un edited, just natural light)
  20. smiley nick

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Cpt Viper assaulting a enemy oil supply facility, while the infantry follow up, to mop up, All MP. UKF_Warrior Afgan Everon 3wx NIM DXDLL
  21. smiley nick

    Civilian Wings Series (static)

    I would say one large pack, all these planes are good in fs2004, however, for ofp we are going to need some misc airport addons such as terminals, and aircraft gates to bring the overall feel alive? As being parked up on one taxiway on nogova will look a bit suspect to say the least :P Keep up the good work, how hard is it to actually port aircraft from fs2004 to ofp? Smiley
  22. smiley nick

    Civilian Wings Series (static)

    How about making one of these beauties Or some BA fleet's? Smiley
  23. smiley nick

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Tension between the British and African state grows, President Mc Guba from the African Nationalist Party ordered a counter offensive against a British border checkpoint.Who are helping young Africans flea the war torn state of Tonal. Pictures are live and have been taken from a very lucky African reporter who managed to stay alive during the battle, we bring you direct feed from only moments ago. 10th 9th and 8th Mechanized infantry from the government troops supporting Mc Guba and his regime, ready to depart on their mission "Operation Ethnic cleansing". On route with the Mechanized infantry, being transported in a light APC, also know as a BMP, Keep your heads down!!!!!, looks like the British forces have seen the attack and are preparing to engage!" British forces are now moving in, to try and intercept the attack, you can see a troop of challenger 2 main battle tanks, severely out numbered, but highly skilled, "wizzzzz, booooooooooooom, CONTACT!!" British para's are also on the scene, supporting the mbts, contacts are just over that ridge, i cant bare to watch! "rattattattat, fire from a GPMG." Back with the government troops now, and you can now see the total carnage of the battle, British forces are pinned down on that hill, the only cover they have is that smoke! They don't have a chance in hell of coming out of that alive!, I hear a faint sound in the distance something like...., "FIX BAYONETS!, CHARGE!!!" After the smoke has cleared, we are amazed and astonished to see British forces still alive, and even more so moping up the rest of the African stragglers running from their burning bmps. This has been a huge blow to the government forces 3 platoons anialated by the will to stay alive what ever the costs!, things can only get worse from here on! Full reports will be shown later tonight at the 7:00PM news on channel 4. Yes i had a free 5 mins
  24. smiley nick

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    23rd Island Mixture of new nature packs