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Everything posted by Sled88

  1. Fox your the man^^ http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15130 Please scroll a bit down^^
  2. Within an hour I uploaded the full package at megaupload so you don't have to wait that long for the armaholic.com-link. :) Have in mind that the newsposter has enought to do even at weekend. =)
  3. Well I don't have that much free time. I am working as a mazda car-mechanic 9 hours a day. so only some hours remaining till deep in the night sometimes^^ EDIT: small hotfix out! Not really needed I just forgot the remove the developer.sqs from the players init and the radio cheats Bravo, Charlie and Delta XD http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y1QHJ3BM (Megaupload) link already fixed in the first post! Also here are the official conspiracies forums after the old one somehow disappeared^^ http://conspiracies.forumprofi.de
  4. Fox from Armaholic.com promised to upload it soon! :)
  5. The most of people using DSL (Broadband) so I don't think it is too much. Downloading a ARMA2 patch is also 300mb so why not 650? I would need about 10 minutes maximum on downloading. It even took 1 hour to upload only. But if you have downloaded Operation Evac/Conspiracies Part III-Platform already its only about 200mb to download. So real players/fans wont be scared about the size.
  6. I will update it in a week or so... in this time you should have completed the main-story then I will add more missions. The dlc's will be an extra campaign where the main missions continues! =) PS: Can a mod move this thread to complete?
  7. well op. evac was an experiment of new scripts^^ this time we have a cool stroy which will be continued in several dlc and updates for the "Main" campaign. YOu will be surprised how huge this will get^^ And I can tell you some cool features which will be included in the new version. - Monsters/Zombies - Outro - more rewards - new missions - new quests - new weapons - more more more^^
  8. Okay released and link were up in the first post! Maybe armaholic.com will post the link to the addonpack + campaign so you wont have to download all single! =)
  9. Well version 1.0 is ready. I am uploading it atm. But here a creditlist first: GMS Lystonosha Wildmen-rus Clayman SgtAce Icewindo Christian.1987 MAPFACT Nightstalkers-mod Haroon1992 Wiggum SARMAT-Studios Sled88 Dokix2 Hektor Ralph Mani Sumrak SARMAT-Studios for the loadingscreens: KAAP little feature-list: - ca. 30 missions (including Additional, Main-missions and Quests) - 100km² gameworld - 5 different anomalies - post-apocalypse atmosphere - sector-control system bla bla bla^^ you will see I hadnt included the Monsters/Zombies yet. You may play and let a comment if you wish some or not. ;) Also a coop-mode has not been included in V1.0. But it will be included in 1.01.
  10. I will take a look on that tomorrow and probably release a new version for the coop-campaign! Thanks for the info! :)
  11. That one with the cars is a gravity anomaly, do not go to close ;) The other one, I thought I fixed it with vers. 1.06 :confused:
  12. thanks for the tipp =) here some new screens of the probably biggest "town" in CA:
  13. We have indeed some big radiation-terrains. Try to go another way! But I also noticed a bug when you have teammates and they run through a anomaly or conterminated terrain it will take effect on you too.
  14. Well my pc isnt a high-end thingy^^ So I can only do things which were possible with my pc. 4GB-RAM quad-core Intel @2,3Ghz and a ATI HD3650 isnt that good today^^ It runs smooth, but I am using the disableAI line. So the AI will be enabled when the player is close enough only.
  15. using it since substance :)
  16. Thanks. we are using Vostok-Winter this time from Old Bear. In this case, thank you for that great island =) little report what is done so far: -6 additional missions -1 quest -13 main-missions -5 working anomalies -around 400 NPC's -7 populated villages -30 weapons -working sector-system -working IGP-system -working weather-script -few camps of raiders to do: - around 30-80 missions - 10 populated villages - some gameworld-stuff (environment) - testing and bugfixing - including bloodsuckers and zombies - including infection-system - including scientists and their stations so maybe we are ready in september
  17. small teaseR: Gameworld: 60% Mission: 20% Population: 40% Weapons: 70% Sound: 100% Scripts: 50%
  18. forgot to change it into 1.06 but it is 1.06! ;)
  19. Maybe this will be interessting: First vid about some upcoming anomalies
  20. @Shadow NX: too bad my 2.3L machine is so thirsty^^ 100km^^ Some screenies: STATUS: Gameworld: 50% Mission: 15% Population: 10% Weapons: 70% Sound: 100% Scripts: 40%
  21. Can't wait for that island mate... Looking very good.
  22. Read the last post of that thread and you will know that this is not in my hands.
  23. I will use an existing island with very small modifications via editor... speaking of camps ect... no fear about bad performance... ;)
  24. The sleeping-script is there for tactical issues only, night and day change + healing!