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Everything posted by Sled88

  1. Sled88


    Yes... there will be definitly a LOW version for slower Pcs...
  2. Sled88


    SgtEversmann: and who knows...maybe some "modified" animals are around there... ROFL.. sure... ^^ thats in conspiracies... maybe in conspiraices 2 you play a crazy woman who drives in the zone more than 160 km/h and crash into a tree... than you had to find a way out of the zone NO honest... i have some plans for conspiracies 2... so conspiracies 1 (part1,2,3 and 4) plays in chernobyl... and conspiracies 2 maybe in nevada... (area51) ...
  3. Sled88


    Thx very much pathy!
  4. Sled88


    lol^^ ok... ok, I'll forget it, bad idea
  5. Sled88


    ok... now again... this is only for the modem-user who want to have this mod... but cant dl it... If you are modem user and from germany, contact me on icq...
  6. Sled88


    lol... this blue tractor will be included in part 2 At the moment i fix the errors in the campaign... but i think this should be no prob!
  7. Sled88


    We decided to syncro. the campaign! But i hope the releasedate will keep the same... 5th october for the german version and the 7th october for the english version!
  8. Sled88


    Some screenshots of sector 14! http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/548/conzi7vs.jpg http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/9734/conzi20tq.jpg http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/5083/conzi33ry.jpg ...and the releasedate comes closer!!!^^
  9. Sled88


    oh man^^ CONSPIRACIES not CONSPIRANCIES^^ plz correct mate!
  10. Sled88


    A Trailer from the Final-version of Part 1 of Conspiracies! (used BTs DXDLL v3.0) click here And some new screenshots (all over 300kb!!!) with Bts DXDLL v3.0 http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/5904/con23vb.jpg http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/9773/con38mo.jpg http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/5100/con46aj.jpg
  11. Sled88


    Okay, i upload the file for the betatester first on ofp.info... some additional infos: -you need ca. 1GB diskspace -Downloadsize: 370Mb
  12. Sled88


    it should look so blurry because if you got a very hot place with much sunlight, than you see this very blurry... so its not in all sectors so blurry! ^^
  13. Sled88


    this 300-500mb consists of the whole mod^^
  14. Sled88


    Some additional informations for part 1: - include sector 1-15 (of 60) - BTâ„¢ DXDLL v3.0 Config - new objects - one campaign - new musictracks - new sounds BTW we need a server for uploading the file... if anybody could help us? maybe.. 300-500mb
  15. Sled88


    It's only our config for the dxdll 1.0 from kegetys!
  16. Sled88


    If you doesnt like this settings of blurryness... you can switch this effect off!
  17. Sled88


    So some intressting information for you... - Conspiracies was divided up in four parts - Part 1 will be release on the 5th october 2005 - BTâ„¢ DXDLL v.3.0 optimized for Conspiracies is ready - The beta- and alphatesting phase has begun Now i've got a wallpaper for you! Screenshot was taken in sector 13 with the new BTâ„¢ DXDLL v.3.0 (1024x768) and some screens from several sectors! with btâ„¢ dxdll v3.0 http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/2205/con13no.jpg http://img285.imageshack.us/img285....316.jpg http://img258.imageshack.us/img258....316.jpg http://img258.imageshack.us/img258....317.jpg http://img258.imageshack.us/img258....319.jpg
  18. Sled88


    Finally some new stuff... so we arent't dead^^
  19. Sled88


    click here
  20. Sled88


    This bugs are already fixed mate... but the bugfix is unreachable! Sry for this...
  21. Sled88


    lol... do not cross
  22. Sled88


  23. Sled88


    Oh thx munk! remember this
  24. Sled88


    hehe... no prob i push it into history of cherobyl^^ it was the butten below to answer to one topic^^ LOL i deleted my histoy of chernobyl thread and take yours Beitrag schreiben = Open a new Thread Antwort schreiben = Write an answer to a Thread ^^ for the navigation