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Everything posted by Sled88

  1. Sled88

    Armed Assault ACU Units

    Baybe... But the ArmA soldiers in this pack don't look like the soldiers looks today in ArmA!
  2. Sled88

    Armed Assault ACU Units

    I added a cloth-strucure to the texture and i reworked the color of the west!
  3. Hi guys... Now i learned how to model with O2 I updated the old BIS standard Human model now and I have one prob... I don't know the name of the standard bis soldier model in the data3d. Somebody have an idea?
  4. Sled88

    Armed Assault ACU Units

    BTW does anybody know where to find DLEM? Want to ask him for permission!
  5. Sled88

    Armed Assault ACU Units

    Got new textures now on it?!
  6. Sled88

    Armed Assault ACU Units

    Yep the textures needs a lot of work! I am on it!
  7. Sled88

    Armed Assault ACU Units

    I know thats not ACU^^ Like I sais a few post before it was a typo of me in the topictitle!
  8. Sled88

    Armed Assault ACU Units

    The textures are mostly done! I also moved the radio a bit higher! you can see the antennea now!
  9. Sled88

    Armed Assault ACU Units

    I wanna make the standard Armed Assault Soldier for OFP! Now the helmet is ready textured pic coming soon!
  10. Sled88

    Armed Assault ACU Units

    lol^^ negative or positive? BTW: The units should look likt these here:
  11. Sled88

    Armed Assault ACU Units

    Sry guys^^ the ACu will be replaced by tri-color desert tan! Searchign for a good texture! FUCK! I typed ACU in the topic title! Typo of me! SRY!!!! If a mod could delete these 3 letters!
  12. Hi! Here is my radioreplacement for ofp CWC +. It adds german voice to ofp with some funny translations^^ Try it out! DOWNLOAD (62MB)
  13. Sled88

    German Radioreplacement

    All at the moment
  14. Sled88

    New soldier model

    Lol I ve got a prob now! If I switch in 3rd person view I couldn't see hsi primary weapon! Secondary works!
  15. Sled88

    New soldier model

    ok thanks! I am planning to let the soldier look like these in Armed Assault! I will give you screens soon!
  16. Sled88

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    Yea wait i will upload the Dxdll for BF39-45! Than it looks better! :P Disable auto dropdown then the grass viewdistance is higher! Now post a screens and compare! And set the visual quality to 11! DXDLL DOWNLOAD
  17. Sled88

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    And what do YOU think about the performance... good mix of graphics and performance? So i can notice if something must be better! Hope you make mission2^^ BTW: I forgot to say that you must destroy the halftrack to finish the mission 2!
  18. Sled88

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    What is about the handsings do you like them? And the GUI and music is it ok or do you think this must be better?
  19. Sled88

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    @jyelka_baron_de_la_biere: Do you like such a short minicampaign? And what would you say about the difficulty?
  20. Sled88

    Conspiracies: Deluxe

    Have you completed the campaign? hot fix for the subtitle error
  21. Sled88

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    It adds all standard BIS objects like grass, bushes, trees and bulding to your editor! EDIT: The german one-day-campaign for the core version is almost finished now! EDIT2: Would be nice if someone could post some screens here from BF39-35 because i am too lazy!
  22. Sled88

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    Lol I thuoght that`s a must have addon for everyone! DL Editorupgrade
  23. Sled88

    Conspiracies: Deluxe

    Finally^^ Now i wanna have some comments to this! C`mon!
  24. Sled88

    Conspiracies: Deluxe

    Just check the filesize! If it is about 812mb or more dl it!
  25. Sled88

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    Everything noticed salvatore! And here comes the dl-link: DOWNLOAD @Newsposters: If you wanna write a news do it tomorrow not today please! Thanks! Added 2 pic to my first post!