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Everything posted by Sled88

  1. Here you go: I decided to enlage Prypjat with a train-station! Now Prypjat is finished and 2 times bigger than in ARMA1. 2 more screens here: http://conspiracies.forencity.eu/topic,58,-screenshots-wip.html#271 @Wiggum: Yep I am from Germany^^ I got a Mazda6 also for summer and winter :P SO the MX-5 have to wait for some weeks^^
  2. Nah I just brought a Mazda MX-5 for summer, so this also needs a bit time. ^^ But its weekend today so I will take a look of what I had finished this week^^
  3. Finally we managed to import nearly 90% of all objects! Prypjat is remodelled and as good as finished! Screens here: http://conspiracies.forencity.eu/topic,58,-screenshots-wip.html#265
  4. Yep also released by Icewindo now^^ Another very interessting news of STALKER and Conspiracies fans!!! Take a look in this forum post of Conspiracies: http://conspiracies.forencity.eu/topic,78,-in-cooperation-with-stalker.html#264
  5. guys I need a working zombie walking animation? is there any out atm? only an animation?
  6. Sled88

    zombie anim.

    this is for arma1!? need something for 2 ---------- Post added at 08:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ---------- undead mod isnt working for me... error above error... think they are script related... dont know why... again i am the only one who got probs with mods... even in arma1 i got a bird after 1 hour playing... everytime... it sucks...
  7. ok some importing success in progress... Thanks to Icewindo!
  8. Thanks vilas! =) Some updates soon^^
  9. Yep just visit the official forums for more screenies! =) http://conspiracies.forencity.eu/ here some:
  10. yep will post them tomorrow in a new section in our forums! EDIT: first screens were out in our forums! http://conspiracies.forencity.eu/topic,70,-screenshots-wip.html I hope you all remember the places shown in the screenshot^^
  11. It seems so... because the remake is nearly 60% done... will add a forum thread soon... :) i wold say the current development of the ARMA2 core is about 20% just began to import the gameworld...
  12. very slow atm... why dont you register in our forums and watching the member-forum there you will be up to date about every single shit happens about the development! =)
  13. maybe... I try to mange it to release the remake of the first 2 parts first... because this is much easier... and the remake wont be made by me... my crew will take effect... but i will concentrate on Rising dead for ARMA2... BTW: got a new trailer from a DLC for CRD... http://conspiracies.forencity.eu/topic,61,-trailers.html
  14. put them into one folder and load them all up by loading the folder. so put these 3 pbos in one folder called GTD or something like that and load them with this folder!
  15. So here you go a trailer of the first DLC for the ARMA1-CORE versioN! :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaLX5z2IPn8 Dont forget: Register to the forums! THere you can help us to improve the mod! =) Reviews were very welcome! http://conspiracies.forencity.eu/
  16. I hope it will be soon, so I would say in this month.
  17. Maybe this could be interessting^^ ^http://conspiracies.forencity.eu/topic,58,-screenshots-wip.html#194
  18. it removes ca. 2000-3000 tress and bushes!
  19. Thank you all guys... But all DLC's will also be released for arma1. for sure... after this i will concentrate 100% on conspiracies projects for arma2!
  20. Just managed a few addons running on arma2. but i am totally downed with all the managment of converting... need definitly some help through...
  21. Well I will try improve performance in an update later today. =) so far thanks for reviews so far! here you got it! http://www.filehosting.org/file/details/118473/CRD.pbo download this... perormance increase up to 40% loadingtime increase up to 200% INSTALL: Overwrite your original CRD-Pbo in the campaign folder of CRD!
  22. No QG is not need and not in future DLCs... atm 1.14 is the newest version, 1.16 is beta, but should work also... EDIT: Okay sry 1.18 is the newst... but like i said it should work!
  23. both i think! i am a newbie in arma2 :confused:
  24. I think so, before you damage your arma2 copy or something like that... but i need edfinitly help with the conversion....