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About StonedSoldier

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. StonedSoldier

    OFP Dialog Maker

    yo, i recently had a reformat and i lost all my stuff and im wondering if anyone has a link to the lastest OFP Dialog Maker, the version im looking for has the snap to grid functions
  2. StonedSoldier

    Secondary Weapons Oxygen Tutorial

    cheers, will do, makeing the extra model of the laucher when its loaded would be good since im making an M1A1 Bazooka i can a model showing the rocket sticking out of the breech
  3. ok ive made the model of my rocket launcher now i need to know what LODS to add and stuff, is there a tutorial that covers rocket launchers?
  4. StonedSoldier

    Display conents of ammocrate

    i got in touch with vektorbosson and he says it is possible to use weaponpool commands in SP and MP but first the player must load a campaign that uses weaponpool commands
  5. StonedSoldier

    Display conents of ammocrate

    i know weapon pools apply to campaign but can they apply to SP and MP as well?
  6. StonedSoldier

    Combined Arms

    lol You Have Been Warned bit over the top, concidering the image is only 40kb over limit, not really worth getting aggresive over
  7. StonedSoldier

    Ammo Bearer

    is it possible to make the "Ammo Bearer" in the BAS pack (or any soldier) have the ability to carry additional ammo which other players in the team could basically walk up to him and take additional mags? like vehicles have where you walk up to them and load your rifle into the vehicle
  8. StonedSoldier

    Display conents of ammocrate

    NOOOOO....my dreams of a fantastic ammocrate script are doomed......is there any way i could transfer the cargoed stuff over to a different unit, so say i put loads of laws in a plane could that be sumhow transfered to an ammocrate
  9. to display all the mags a guy is carrying i use hint format ["%1",magazines man] but how would i display the contents of an ammocrate where the ammo and the guns are cargoed?
  10. StonedSoldier

    Combined Arms

  11. StonedSoldier

    "OFF the WALL Team" Continue making missions?

    keep going fellas, at the best of times the OFP community is far too serious and doesnt take anything as a joke, and as winters as so righly pointed out what qualifications have these guys got in OFP mission making to judge other peoples missions, for example there are addons around that im not too fond of but other guys love them so it doesnt matter.....keep the mission making up and if your stuck for ideas just think "hmmmmm...flying corpses" open up desert island......put around 20 west and 20 east only equipped with hand grenades place the two armies so theyre facing eachother about 20m apart and watch the results.....dead bodies fly everywhere just the thing to watch when your stressed
  12. StonedSoldier

    Combined Arms

    Mission Summary: Alpha, Bravo and Charlie squads are tasked with eliminating key enemy positions on Everon. Bravo will lead the main assault with Alpha supporting the infantry assault with armour while Charlie provides air support, objectives include; - Securing Montignac - Destroying Armoured Convoy - Securing Morton NO ADDONS REQUIRED suitable for 2-16 players -Download Link- grab my mission here -Download Link 2 (ofpec.com)- download link 2
  13. StonedSoldier

    Making a 1.96 server

    i have a pretty stable webserver and i was wondering how would i turn it into a OFP game server?