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Posts posted by smookie

  1. I've done a few excercises sprinting with a pistol. Have you ever tried sprinting with your arms down at your sides? It doesn't work for precisely the same reason the animation has the gun up high. Center of gravity, balance, And momentum. And from that position, you can still push out to your pistol combat stance, rather than swinging your gun up and then down as you try to center it with your point of aim. If you need examples, check out some competitive pistol shooting videos on YouTube.

    1. I have made sprinting animation with pistol in one hand only [Future Soldier - like], will release it as seperate addon if allowed.

    2. Recent design decision was to revert to sprinting with pistol aiming downwards...

  2. Target speeds (forward, sideways is 80%, backwards is 70% in most of cases):

    Standing, launcher, raised:

    Sprint: 16

    Jog: 13.5

    Combat pace (missing anim): 8

    Walk: 4

    Crouching, launcher, raised:

    Sprint: 15

    Jog: 11

    Combat pace (missing anim): 5

    Walk: 3

    The fatigue issue are rather prone to overall design decisions. Prone sitting animation will gets its own rotation anim (so no longer butt/feet slide on the ground... erhm, well at least not in the same animation state:P) and perhaps even some motion animations.

  3. I ran into this while having fun climbing the radio towers for some evil camping in wasteland. It indeed feels a bit weird when climbing. Glad to know Smookie is on the case!

    While we're on the subject of ladders. Would it be possible to add a slide down feature? It's hard to flee from a tower under fire when your guy is taking his sweet time going down the ladder haha. Can always give a damage penalty if done from too high.

    Any thoughts?

    I had some plans for this but this probably will become a nonofficial mod as it will not look decent enough (or make sense in terms of immersiveness).

  4. I need a clearance for this, i would pretty much like to have blindfire in vanilla, alltough I understand it complicates the controls even further which is perhaps thing to avoid with already complicated adjust posture system. If implementation of this additional feature does not work however, i suggest you best wait :)

  5. Yes I did but of course acting crew was not limited to the two of us. Nevertheless, for gameplay purposes the mocap data had to be processed to fit the design.

    An example: the step over animation was mocapped with one hand resting on the obstacle and the other hand holding the weapon and aiming (the primary concern of mine of supposedly realistic ArmA2 animation was the fact it made you defenceless). The legs obviously did not go so high. The design of the feature however had to be more universal then just limited to one type of height etc. and to make it super proper it would take insane ammount of resource compared to the benefit. So the solution was worked out in which the legs were raised slighty higher manually as well as to put the other rifle on the hand.

    Also, on side note, I fail to see how ArmA2 animations were any more realistic than ArmA3, especially that the equipment/weapon weight factor is being brought up. It makes no sense to me, looking back at ArmA2 animations which clearly display no feeling of weight what-so-ever (the acting didnt even account for it).

  6. I suggest totally rebinding your keys to your expectations because there is no better option. For instance, my current preference is:

    W,A,S,D - general movement
    V - zoom in
    C - toggle crouch
    X - toggle prone
    Z - look around
    2xV - step over
    LCtrl (+ 1st mouse thumb button) - adjust 
    Space (+ 2nd mouse thumb button) - tactical pace (temporary)
    LShift - walking (Temporary)
    LAlt - sprinting (temporary)
    T - throw
    Ctrl + t - toggle throw 
    G - inventory
    RMB - aiming down the sights (temporary/toggle) + hold breath

    And there would be maybe dozen of people who would agree with me :)

  7. Oh, I made someone feel ashamed for showing ArmA3 :(

    The animations as they are now are full of compromises to create a proper, reasonable and hopefully consistent experience for the user. As the guy who made SMK animations, I can only say that not all of my ideas made it through yet I feel positive about the outcome of things that did. With all the restrictions imposed (also due to features of general design like the consistent 1st and 3rd person animations = same file), I am pretty happy about the result of general movement. It has gone a really long way and will surely be worked on more in future, also on the movement speed part.

    And special Hi to GGX member from an extremely-short-time ex-member;)
