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Posts posted by smookie

  1. On flashpoint.ru i found a comment posted by Nightkiler from ORCS (i guess):

    Quote[/b] ]Кстати,мою анимацию подкрадывания они взяли

    Although I dont speak russian very well i understood that he said we (I) used his 'stealh' animation, whatever he meant. I wish to say that only Sanctuaries DMA Animation pack was used + crouchwallktest.rtm file which i found in the Animation Sharing Center topic, in Sanctuaries post. I couldnt find out who has created it, but I believe it was Locke. Nightkiller, if the stealh animation was included in the DMA pack, than I am sorry I didnt mention you in the credits, however I can assure you that rest of these animations were made by me smile_o.gif

  2. The video is very well made, the addons look great too. And, first of all, sweet work on the anims man ! Did you may find the way how to use the clibing and jumping anims automatically or is it set in waypoints ?

    its a script activated from action menu (if you are close enough to an obstacle)

    Lots of new features still to come but they are under development at the moment:(

    Its really hard to work on addons and developing script and gameplay things, so the work progress is really slow.

  3. I am proud to announce that Silent War MOD has finally released its first trailer (which, I hope, will motivate us to finish the mod before the release of ArmA).

    The trailer presents the units of Belarus, which are cars, trucks, regular infantry and Belarussian VDV. It also shows some new inventions (created by me :P ) on the animations. The animation pack that was used consists of Sanctuary and my own animations.

    The plants that were used particulary come from Berghoff great Nature Pack 2. The soldiers, as you can see, use Llauma's head.

    High quality - ca. 121 MB


    Really low quality;) - ca. 20 MB


    Screenshots (great thx to Kuba from ofp.imro.pl) :








  4. Surfing on this forums i spotted somebody wrote a tiny script that was acting when somebody pressed a key (or i just thought i saw something like this lol). Is it possible and can somebody give me a tiny script that would activate when for example player presses "G" key ?

  5. Hi,

    I have a question. Really sorry if this issues was already taken, but it is hard for me to read these 7000 topics smile_o.gif.

    To add an action to the player i put

    player addaction ["Perform action","script.sqs"]

    Can i somehow make the player executing the script by menu action with parameters? (i mean the ones you normally put before the 'exec' word in bracekts [] ) normally addaction ["Perform action",{[var1,var2,soldiername] exec "script.sqs"] doesnt work.


  6. Smookie - You need to setpos the unit to it's currently location (or sliightly above it, can't remeber, one of the two..)

    Huh ?

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this setpos [getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1, 0.001]

    I have been asking about setvelocity command. Will setpos give me anything ? I want to set velocity to a soldier, bet setvelocity doesnt work itself, however used in ninja script you know.

    (i may be too confused to think right way but i simply dont know what for setpos shall be used smile_o.gif )

  7. Can anyone explain me how he made setvelocity command working for man class ?? I mean in the script of the jump we can see

    _Unit SetVelocity [(velocity _Unit select 0),(Velocity _Unit select 1),2.5+((Speed _Unit) / 8)]

    It seems to be working. However i tried to make a script in a custom mission like this :

    _unit = _this select 0


    _Unit SetVelocity [(velocity _Unit select 0),(Velocity _Unit select 1),2.5+((Speed _Unit) / 8)]

    But the unit which was entering the script havent been working (i even put the ninja there and wrote him in init [this] exec "script.sqs", he ought to jump up, not moving forward though, but he did not :/ ). My question is how Itweas made the ninja use setvelocity command and why/how it works

  8. Hey guys,

    I am working on adding few fonts to OFP and release a pack with it, but i am having some problems with fxy file. The point is i really cant get it working (maybe i wrote it in wrong way). Is there anybody who could help me with fxy files rock.gif



  9. ok love the idea of firing an rpg from a standing position... how do I make it work.... My guy still wants to kneel.

    Yes how we would go about doing that?

    It is possible - me and Locke trying to sort this out. However, it requires config changes so there will be some problems with MP (it looks very funny when on ones computer a guy crouches with gun, and when he fires, the smoke is a bit higher then the shooting guy) biggrin_o.gif

  10. 2 words : HOLY SHIT

    You are pretty damn good ! I like patrol animations (did you do them all by yourself or modified bis walking anims and changed the gun position. I tried to do such anims myself from the start but they look quite weird).

    Anyway you can try solving 'sit' problem working on OFP config if this is possible ( i think it is, just to define some new animations in cfgmoves... )

  11. Hey guys,

    I have a question. I have two models of addons. The first one is PT-91 tank, the second one is AA 12,7 MG which is mounted on the tank. My idea is to make a possibility for the commander of the tank to mount the 12,7MG while siting in tank. I made so that you can do it easily but the gun turns with tanks base, not tanks turret. is there any possibility to make the mg turn with tank turret?


