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Posts posted by smookie

  1. Which walk do you mean? The fast-paced? Check out Magpul's videos


    I do not understand what do you mean by saying transition from "bending" to actual crouch. Do you mean crouch to kneel?

    Fall over animation purpose is to basically give another possibility of lowering your silhouette (its faster) - for instance if you see enemy in front of you and lowering your silhouette going prone in regular way will not be enough, you hit the panic button to go the other side. Also helpful when around the corners.

    Yeah if you want to walk this fast you need also bigger steps for it to look reasonable IMO.

    This is true for running. However, in order to obtain better stability and control over your legs and what you have under them, its better to make smaller paces but quicker (kinda semi-run manner). Just try it out and see it works. It is quite exausting though. On the other hand - if you increase the size of your step, you will not be able to actually hold your gun up very effecitively as the chance to trip is much bigger.

  2. On Xeno's request I clarify:

    Scripts alone do not cause lags, it's what some people without scripting knowledge or how the ArmA engine works (scheduled, non scheduled environments) do.

    Needs work:

    • Promo video (also) in 1st person view ;)
    • Head bob disabled in promo video
    • (New) Moving to crouch is too fast
    • Lean a bit too fast now
    • Stand/crouch to movement transition (default) is too slow
    • Crouch to stand (default) is too slow
    • Laying to crouch a bit too slow
    • Crouch/Standing to laying down is too slow
    • Walk (anim && speed) looks too fast

    You should use RC1.58 or better plus latest beta as base to test your stuff

    to have the BI tweaks as base.

    ad.1-2. :)

    ad 3. do you mean the slide? I can slow it down a little bit but it feels natural (the interpolation might be too fast tough)

    ad 4. Leaning is default, might decrease speed though

    ad 5-8 Transition will have their speeds increased by around 20%

    ad 9 Might decrease a little, again the speed was taken from video of me walking with the same pace :)

    I will convert to 1.58 once its released :)

  3. As promised we are releasing yet another version of the animation mod (we feels weird;), but Reezo has done an awesome job putting scripts together and doing tons of tests on the pack as well as gave pack of interesting ideas that he well deserves the credit not less than I do for the whole work). Due to lack of time however, this is a Release Candidate version as it will contain some new bugs, hopefully fixing the old ones. It does NOT contain new calibration missions so please scrim through controls in the readme or on the wiki page @dev-heaven to get an idea of what and when to press (For instance climbing over obstacle will trigger only when close to a climbable fence and back to wall will work with most of chernarussian/takistani buildings and fences however it might fail to work at custom islands). Refer to Reezos highlights video for more information


    Here is an extract from readme


    3. Release notes


    v0.25 RC1 comes out as a two-addon pack wihtout any new missions, adding new feature to the modification - long awaited scripts. The anim manager, as we like to call it, controls which animations can be played and when, as well as facilitates the use of some of the controls. The latter part is however experimental and might chance with RC2 about to happen in the beginning of July. Please let us know what you think of the changes at our project website as well as on the BIS official forums.


    DOWNLOAD v0.25 RC1 @dev-heaven pass: red

    HOTFIX: CBA is REQUIRED to run this mod.

    PS There are some more hidden and small stuff to be discovered in the mod, including new animations for jogging with weapon down or improved climbing stuff ;)

  4. I can. In fact, I did it back in Operation Flashpoint already with reloading animation even, it was around 2004 I believe :) Anyways, I will work on it, no worries. There are already 4 stances present (Standing, Crouching, Kneeling, Lying) and there is definately not a problem to add another one. The problem is I am no real animator and I have no professional knowledge on this matter. I use Maya (which I have been learning for past 3 weeks only).

    EDIT: Just found the very old video http://smookie.org/arma2/j.wmv It was made on NOV 2003 ;)

  5. It seems magazine reloadAction overrules weapon config, however it will not accept a custom entry such as reloadMagazineGL[] in the moves list. Will try to work around.

    I understand it is possible to do it via script but I wanted to see if it can be coded via config.

    EDIT: I checked that and I am afraid playGesture/switchGesture does not work (or I am doing something wrong).

  6. Haha, I am no real animator, I just love to struggle with engine of BI games and see if I can get more out of it :)

    What I am working on is basically a major animation replacement pack aimed solely at PvP fast paced game (meaning, instead of lamb-slaughter jogging into fight, you would quick-pace with your gun up, being able to throw nades faster or even quick jump through a fence).


    class GrenadeLauncher : Default {
    	cursor = "GLCursor";
    	cursorAim = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty";
    	cursorSize = 4;
    	value = 3;
    	type = 0;
    	displayName = $STR_DN_GRENADE;
    	reloadTime = 3.0;
    	sound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\grenadelauncher_1", 0.001, 1, 400};
    	reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\z_sinus", 3.16228e-005, 1, 1};
    //		reloadAction = "ManActReloadMagazine";
    	reloadAction = "ManActReloadMagazineGL";

    This is what I looked into but this whole ManActReloadMagazine looks so OFP and not ArmA2 that I figure it doesnt work. Tried to follow it in this way

    	class RifleKneelActions : RifleBaseStandActions {
    		stop = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon";
    		default = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon";
    		stopRelaxed = "AidlPknlMstpSlowWrflDnon0S";
    		turnL = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon_turnL";
    		turnR = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon_turnR";
    		turnLRelaxed = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon_turnL";
    		turnRRelaxed = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon_turnR";
    		reloadMagazine[] = {"WeaponMagazineReloadStand", "Gesture"};
    // added smk
    		reloadMagazineGL[] = {"WeaponGLMagazineReloadStand", "Gesture"};

    And then define it as a state

    //added smk
    	class WeaponGLMagazineReloadStand : Default {
    //			file = "\ca\Anims\Characters\data\Anim\Sdr\wop\erc\stp\rld\rfl\AwopPercMstpSrldWrflDnon.rtm";
    		file = "\smk_anim_test\smk_HandsGLReload.rtm";
    		looped = 0;
    //			speed = 0.4;
    		speed = 0.65;
    		mask = "handsWeapon";
    		headBobStrength = 0.2;
    		headBobMode = 2;
    		rightHandIKBeg = 1;
    		rightHandIKEnd = 1;
    		leftHandIKCurve[] = {0, 1, 0.05, 0, 0.95, 0, 1, 1};

    The game seems to ignore this (no wonders, I added this reloadMagazineGL[] myself) but I would just love to see this happen. As it is a gesture, I dont think one can actually playmove this so script work-around doesnt seem to be easy either.

    handAnim[] refers to hand animation that defines the way the gun is being held (say if you have a gun with tactical grip, it would require a new hand_anim) by simply masking the hand animations.

  7. A game where there isn't even compatibility between mods and you need to have a special configuration for each server you visit is not a multiplayer centric game. I won't be surprised if they decide to eliminate that aspect all together and focus their energy on making better AI.

    Yes, thats just how Flashpoint has lasted so long :D

    And for PvP maps: I would also recommend joining a proper PvP clan as you may get stuck playing extremely boring and dull missions with countrstrike like weapon buying system such as Valhalla or Warfare. There is nearly no PvP on the public servers nowadays.
