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Posts posted by smookie

  1. Hello to all PvP players,

    As a member of ECL staff, I would like to invite all of you to our weekly sunday evenings beta test nights, during which we try out and play for fun new maps submitted by mapmakers that will be possibly played during next ECL season should there be such.

    The map types to be expected include the most popular ones such as capture the flag or capture and hold, as well as combination of these, and a few more. What's so specific about these maps is probably the emphasis on tactics rather than "run&gun" approach - in each of them the team which supplies their equipment and skills with better plan, has much greater chances for victory.

    If you think of CTFs as of extra small and narrow counter-strike like maps - please don't. ECL's CTF tend to take place on a large area, with difficult approaches to each of the flags and several respawnable (usually with long respawn time) or nonrespawnable vehicles at your disposal, long travel and respawn time (every time you get shot it may cost your team a lot). Although they usually are not very realistic (well, they aren't meant to be), they surely are challenging and make use of ArmA2 potential. So do the other maps.

    If you are bored to death with another domination or warfare or you find public pvp gaming as too unorganised, take a shot at these evenings. It will also help us:)

    Should you be interested in joining, here are some details:

    -> ECL webpage http://european-combat-league.net (would be nice to announce your presence)

    -> The new maps host up to 24 players.

    -> Games taking place on [25DKP] Gameserver

    -> Starting hour - 20.00 GMT

    -> Everyone is welcome!

    Best regards,


    PS Very soon we will start also testing my PvP animation pack.

  2. You should call for coop players, not PvP players. As a "pvp" player with 8 years of experience in OFP/ArmA/ArmA2 and constant participation in PvP community, I must admit, I laugh at such proposals - no respawn, super realistic battles... Definately not the way to go, dude.

    PS There are a few innitiatives as yours already (or have been, at least). It's nothing new.

    PS2 Because of similiar attempts, there are hardly any PvP gamers around here :)

  3. I will do a few pistol anims. In fact, only standing ones - when switching the pistol, the rifle would be left on a one point sling hanging downwards, thus giving the ability to take out pistol in split seconds, like you would do in real life. In this stance it will be possible to walk, but not run (unless you press the proper button to put the gun on your back).

    ---------- Post added at 15:30 ---------- Previous post was at 14:09 ----------

    Urban prone is very close to the finish, at least for the time being. I left my comments in the video description.

  4. I am trying to implement these features in a way that will be easy to use with few buttons/combinations.

    What I am doing is basically taking advantage of BIS default settings, which I believe are used by absolute majority of PvP players. However, I also base on keys that are not defined since there are simply more moves I wish to implement than BIS would have thought about. Here is an example:

    There is a Turbo button, not assigned, that in combination with direction keys (left, right, back, left back, right back) allows for 5 more actions (turbo + direction is at the moment quick evasive move, and turbo + back is assigned to a roll). There are also stances key which are not defined by default (Stand, Crouch, Prone) which can be assigned to shift + appropriate stance (for instance PlayerCrouch action is by default assigned to "X" while I assign regular Crouch to "shift + x" etc.). This allows me for still keeping the controls simple. And so i get:

    c (stand) while running with gun up - lower your gun and move in jogging pace

    shift + c - is a general panic button for the fall down move.

    shift + x while crouching (when you pressed x) - sniper sit position

    x while crouching - go to kneel, while kneeling - go to crouching

    etc. etc.

    I also believe that for chaps who can detect moving pixels in less than half a second, this will be no problem at all :)

  5. Also must say I love the ability to drop to the left like that! Won't be very exact, but at least it'll be one way to shoot around a left-side corner without standing, or exposing the entire body by rolling out into the street!

    Urban prone has been implemented although shooting from that position is not very accurate.

    The new prone anim next to killed guy I think left hand returns to weapon a bit too quick.

    Perhaps the left hand can support as he goes prone but then uses elbow so hand can return to weapon earlier (giving more time for transition)

    Fixed. It was config issue, the animation was alright but configs ikcurve has been acting too fast, now its tweaked.

  6. Don't really know about hits, perhaps i can make one or two as a gesture (meaning they will work in all positions). This however involves scripting and tbh wouldnt be too good for PvP. Killed animations is a whole different thing though -

    Yes, butt slide can be seen in the first video in the topic.

    1) Since your making jog/run a weapon up/ready animation, you should probably lower the "aimPrecision" value (if I remember correctly), if not already done, since the current one makes your gun/arms go all over the place when fatigued. Since walk is 0.15, maybe tactical jog/run should be the same or double rather then 1.5.

    its already done.

    2) For "Forward roll", if not already done, lower "turnSpeed" to "1" or something low, so you can't do a sharp turn while rolling.

    Will do, thanks for the advice.

    3) As PvPscene already mentioned, a 1st person video would be nice. I want to see what the head/gun movement is like while walking (in&out of ironsights) and tactical running.

    Will be done. At the moment we are testing it heavily on DMs and CTFs of any kind :)
