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Posts posted by smookie

  1. I need to create new collission shapes. By using example BI models I extract geometry LOD, shape it the way i need it and add it to the anim config. However, the effects do not apply, message appears at the start of the game stating "cannot open model: <path to my collission shape>".

    Any help?

    ---------- Post added at 19:22 ---------- Previous post was at 18:39 ----------

    Nevermind, stupid me :)

  2. I guess not only the campaigns are the reason why armas are less popular than OFP (and in general). Flashpoint seemed much more accessible to a regular player, while in ArmA series you kinda need to have a bit of a hardcore simulation fan in yourself. This is due to the fact the game is less balanced towards an average, casual player (i guess OFP was quite in the middle between a proper simulation and a tactical first person shooter; it had it's unique game mechanics, one shot one kill scheme, enemy shooting from nowhere aspect etc. which was very compelling for those looking for more challenge; just like me) and reach outs more for a specific group of people (that would enjoy spending half of their afternoon under a one bush; i do have an impression this community the arma has is rather a closed one, and less consistent - this is what i make off by reading official forums recently. All the attitude of players towards newcomers or those who actually dare to complain and comparing them to COD kiddies is just ridiculous and has barely ever happened in OFP community). Not sure if thats very accurate but it is as if we compared OFP to football and ArmA2 to a less manly sport like cricket or whatever it is called - it's just not for everyone and for most people it provides no enterainment (who would watch a cricket game anyway? :P).

    I suspect this is also why the quality of campaigns as we, the veterans, perceive them has dropped down (in terms of enjoyability) since OFP. Flashpoint wasn't so strict about realism and therefore could develop much more colourful story because it didn't really have to stick to the values BI imposed on themselves. Or maybe we just get old? :) Or maybe, should there be one, ArmA3 should go back to it's previous roots? :)

  3. I am sorry i splitted it up like that but the official trailer will be of a proper quality:P


    Actions are predefined but you have some limited area of how to customize them. What you basically need to use them to full extent is a Turbo button (most of you do not even have defined it), BIS standard stance system (by default C,X,Z [or Y, my german friends:P] - Stand, Kneel, Prone keys instead of "UP' and "DOWN" OFP system) and Sit down button (by default set to key next to enter but i recommend changing it. I remapped it to 2xBackwards, i.e. 2xS). These you can define in Controls section in your options. The actions you may not change, meaning Turbo + Right will always result in a given actions (blind fire or urban prone right and then urban prone blind fire). I try to make them as intuitive as possible and for the time being people have little problems with it.

  4. Dude you mean something like this?

    http://www.armaholic.com/datas/users/4r_at_4.jpg >100kb

    I believe this is what he meant. You can either achieve it with custom anim or shifiting the launcher proxy in the model, which is not really the case as it will alter all anims (including holding it when aiming).

    As for the binocs - sure, this I can do, no probs. It's already working like that but the optics are kinda forced on. I can disable this forcing.

    For those who are interested:


  5. @Smurf

    Don't get me wrong mate but that seems like a bunch of questions from a guy who has only recently grabbed a feel of what BI games are about and hasn't got the foggiest about how it works and what are it's limitations... I am afraid I am not planning any changes to binoc animations simply because it's impact on PvP aspect is marginal. Launchers crossed on the back are only possible in new anims but since I am not redoing all of the vanilla ones - it would look weird. Again, pistol+sling animations is an engine limitation and will work for all rifles in the same way, unless scripting will be introduced (anyone is welcome to do it, but as I said, I keep it script free).


    Hip position will have weaponi aim cursor/optics disabled, the real weapon will be directly in a random location of the direction cursor, however the recoil will be supressed. There is no way to customize it for LMG weapons only (well there is, but it's via scripts). Hip position is meant especially for OPFOR units but BLUFOR will be able to access it via key combination


    Dumb question#1: I will supply a calibration mission which will allow you to see how the controls work and how can you adjust your current ones to be able to use them at full potential. In fact, a mouse with 5 buttons (lmb, rmb, middle mb and 2 thumb buttons) should be able to cope with all new settings.

    It will not be possible to customize it the way it's done in ACE for instance.

    Dumb questions #2: I am working on it, since if they are not... well... that might be called cheating... This is why I am not releasing them to open public.

  6. I'd assume because the 'shooting around corner'-animation has nothing at all to do with how the soldier grabs the weapon, but all to do with body animations.

    This is true. The hand positions are defined in hand animation which only reffers to offset of the hands from the weapon center, which on the other hand is defined in a seperate animation file. Therefore, it is not possible to change weapon position without changing the animation which is even more troublesome because the general movement animations are not related to the weapon but to the unit mode.

  7. You cannot use optics when in blind fire, you also do not see the weapon aim cursor. The aim precision is drastically lower and the more you are tired the even lesser accurate you gonna be. The lowest aim precision is when you use blind fire from the left - this is due to very risky hand positioning (weapon with great recoil would simply break it), even though right hand is reinforced by the left one holding the stock.
