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Posts posted by smookie

  1. There are hardly any PvP servers to be honest. It also depends on what kind PvP you prefer - the one you basically play COOP but somewhere there is another playing on the opposing team or in fact a solely person versus person without AI :)

  2. Hello,

    I am refreshing this topic as another and probably last attempt to thrust some breath into PvP gaming community and remind you of the beta test nights we hold as a good first step to become familiar with ECL style of playing.

    At the moment we play every time with my Competitive Gaming Animation pack enabled and experience this tactical shooter to the maximum of fun while playing in a close team versus team games. Although it may not be captivating for those who enjoy playing against another player by travelling 5 km through an island on foot without any visual contact, the way we play it should be attractive both for COOP and other PvP players who are not so interested in total realism rather than they are interested in PURE fun, PURE adrenaline and PURE teamwork.

    Yes, especially the latter is one of the most important issues of all. So many times we have felt or heard "I played to the maximum of my abilities and worked for two or three but my team couldn't keep up with my pace and so we lost because you were more organized, disciplined and had better planning". And that's what ECL gaming is all about - the ability to think, cooperate and adapt during 30 mintues of one-round gameplay. There is no similiarity between ECL maps and popular PvP games such as Call of Duty or Counter-strike. The size is way different, the approach is way different, the way the maps are played is so much different.

    If you have a team (playing without team has become quite a standard for ArmA2 community and many lone-wolfers are spoiling the teamwork nature of the game), don't hestitate and pay us a visit on testing gameservers (you can learn those from ECL webpages), see how it goes and why we think it's unique and why you can't think this kind of play in other games.

    I don't think you will regret :)

    Best regards,


  3. I recorded myself personally trying to slide on sand and on a lawn - I wasn't able to go further than that what you see in the anims! I was checking out Truspec's multicam, Crye's multicam (in both cases wearing 14 kg loaded CIRAS) and tried that also in British silly lightweight DPM (with about 8 kg loaded Assault Vest; which surprisingly can withstand sliding without problems). The latter let me slide a little bit further but that does not change the fact that unless the terrain is wet, you can't get more than that. Also if you try hard to slide that far, you will have severe problems trying to get back into crouch/kneel fast as you will lose momentum given by the falling down flat with your ass :)

    ---------- Post added at 09:06 ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 ----------

    Forgot about one thing - now when you are lying down, pressing sitdown button (2xs) will result in rising up to kneel position instead of crouch.

  4. v0.19 build 3 -------------------

    [Added] Kneel to lying and lying to kneel animation

    [Added] Jogging while going sideways

    [Added] Calibration mission now available in polish and russian languages

    [improved] Crouch to lying (and vice versa) level animation speeds tweaked

    [improved] Combat roll speed and head bob improved

    [improved] Machinegun weapon type reloading animation speed tweaked

    [improved] Small speed tweaks for urban prone positions

    [improved] Semi-jog with weapon down animation reworked for more natural look

    [Fixed] 3rd person view camera weird behaviour for most animations fixed

    [Fixed] CQB Pistol stance to regular pistol didn't work

    [Fixed] Pistol switch stances displaying wrong

    Download links

    Release 0.19 build 3 (ZIP)

    Release 0.19 build 3 (Installer .exe)

    ZIP file does not contain instructions on how to install files. However you simply have to unpack the contents into your root ArmA 2 directory.

  5. There is a 1-1,5 s stuck in jogging animation at the beginning. I haven't yet worked out how to fix it but I will, no worries. This should be fixed by Saturday.

    Also opinion on calibration mission would be welcome (whether it's explanatory enough, too fast/too slow etc.).'

    About AI... I am not sure if the animations are compatible with them, they should be at least... It sometimes might look as if they were immortal but 100% they must be dead. Let me know what animations is being played and I will look into it's interpolations.

  6. It's a client-side addon so far.

    http://smookie.org/arma2/smk_Anims_019_build2.exe non-official release

    v0.19 build 2 non-official -------------------

    [improved] small speed tweaks for stance changing animations

    [improved] anims for standing to/from proning (one stance skip) slightly reworked

    [Added] weapon down animation added for going forward (Press stand to move with weapon down in a semi-jog) [this results in 5-step movement pace like in Splinter Cell series - walk, fast-paced walk, semi-jog, jog, sprint all available with 3 buttons/combinations]

    [Fixed] pressing crouch when moving sideways or backwards would always result in crouch moving forward animations

    [improved] Quick pistol switch walking forward animation reworked

    [Added] Quick pistol switch walking forward left and right

    [improved] Aim more steadier when walking forward

    [improved] Walking regenerates stamina slowly

    [improved] Faster stamina recovery when standing/crouching

    [improved] Flip animation speeded up, shaky cam added, remapped to Stand key

    [Added] Calibration/demonstration mission to quickly set up and learn all moves ingame.

    [Added] New gesture for machinegun type weapon reloading + when prone the standard animation is played but lasts longer

    [improved] Aiming precision while walking improved

    [improved] Sprint slide no longer drains so much stamina

    [improved] Panic move no longer drains so much stamina

    [Fixed] Missing CAWeapons entry in config bug


    expect build 3 official on saturday

    Please note the project has changed name to CGA (Competitive Gaming Animations) in order to avoid confusing with "realism PvP" :)

  7. Release 0.19 should include:

    [improved] small speed tweaks for stance changing animations

    [improved] anims for standing and proning (one stance skip) slightly reworked

    [Added] weapon down animation added for going forward (Press stand to move with weapon down in a semi-jog) [this results in 5-step movement pace like in Splinter Cell series - walk, fast-paced walk, semi-jog, jog, sprint all available with 3 buttons/combinations]

    [Fixed] pressing crouch when moving sideways or backwards would always result in crouch moving forward animations

    [improved] Quick pistol switch walking forward animation reworked

    [Added] Quick pistol switch walking forward left and right as well as backwards left and right

    [improved] Aim more steadier when walking forward

    [improved] Walking no longer drains stamina

    [improved] Faster stamina recovery when standing/crouching

    [improved] Flip animation speeded up, shaky cam added, remapped to Stand key

    [Added] Calibration/demonstration mission to quickly set up and learn all moves ingame.

    If there are any urgent fixes regarding animation speed or obvious bugs, please post them up.

  8. This comes from an assumption that a player who would like to be really fast and respond fast like you say, would never run around with his weapon lowered using the arma system (it's just plain stupid!). I am suprised to see anyone using weapon lowering instead of pressing fire button or simply stopping (yes, in PvP animation pack when you go forward and lower your weapon, you will go into jogging pace and return into combat stance immediately after you release all keys, there is absolutely no point in lowering your weapon other than jogging sidewards or backwards, which tbh is ridicoulosy fast). But I guess, you always learn something new;)

  9. Hey smookie, what do you think of this crosshair addon?


    Well it might be ok for realistic gaming, but I am a part of those guys who treat ArmA2 as a tactical shooter based entirely on teamwork concept and I pay no interest in ultra realism (personally I find it quite silly - after all, it's just a game).

    Your crosshair would be best applied the way it is right now - via seperate addon and then the community or the user may decide what use to make of it. I think the spot on would be to follow the way the MG's are done in vanilla arma2 OA (no rectangle in the middle showing actually the place you will fire at) and this is what I will be considering in future releases.

  10. I am pretty sure this is what the crosshair is all about - to recompensate the lack of feel and view depth you have in the game (this is why I also do not understand why realism strives for disabling it).

    About future work, this is what I would like to keep secret, but there are some points on my list that can be revealed :)

    - Pistol walking animation (in all directions)

    - Launcher transition animations

    - Entirely reworked combat stances transition

    - Interpolation rather than connection for running animations

    - Peeking around the corner (without weapon in your sights)

    - Back to wall animations

    - Controls alternative config

  11. @Defunkt

    1. point has been explained by galzohar. The modes right now are Walk - Fast-Walk - Jog - Sprint and I am not really convinced you would naturally first start to jog and then go into fast-walk rather than do it the other way round.

    2. That's very interesting because when my beta-testers were having it the way you would like it to be, they were very confused and thats one of the reason i have changed it to the way it is now. Either way, you can still press prone/crouch/stand and quickly get up.


    This is the best I can do at the moment without scripts to simulate unability to aim well while in fast pace and weapon high. Await better solutions in future :). The weapon is in the center for two reasons - first one is to make the soldiers look more warrior like (:)) with their eyes close to the gun and ready to fire, the other reason is the fact that whenever you look around the corner, you can see considerably more when using optics. With having weapon close to center this problem is drastically supressed (no need to bring up sights).

    As far as the launcher animations are concerned - well it is possible to make static stances and even a bit of animations, however, I am not signing up for reanimating whole walking/running in all stances. It's just too much.

    In either case, the work will keep coming.

  12. I will be looking into the compatibility issue more closely so any help in this field is appreciated.

    Scripts + animations are not the best combination to be honest and this is because I can imagine situations where something will not work as it should and one guy will be doing blindfire while the other will not see him do that and consequently will get killed "from nowhere" (due to script failure or not working as fast as possible). I mentioned it already - while it does not matter that much when you play the so called realistic PvP games where one bit could take a few hours, it has massive impact during dynamic gaming. And if something doesn't trigger right (or at right time) one can only get frustrated. I believe doing this in the way I do eliminates such possible problems.

    As for manual - changelog file supplies you with basic controls. As soon as I have enough time or find someone willing to help, I will prepare an introductional mission that will allow you to calibrate and test out settings in game (similiar to BIS training missions).


    Yes, the animations for pistol walking are WIP and should be released in 0.19.

  13. @galzohar

    In OFP it used to crash the server... which was good, i suppose. Now you can use it while the others will not see your animations (sometimes you will look like not doing anything, but sometimes they will see you jogging and firing). The moment i work out how to deal with this, I will try to implement this.


    Urban proning - this is quite connected with the engine limitation and the fact that whenever i rotate the gun around the z axis (well bascially perpendicular to the aiming axis) i get the same mistake. So well... can't fix it. Normally we play with crosshair on and it doesn't bother us that much.

    About the visual effects - I am constantly working on improving visuals but since I do not own nor can afford renting a motion capture studio nor even do I have a lot of experience with animating any characters at all (i am not even an IT guy) - this may stay "woodly" for quite long.
