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Posts posted by smookie

  1. Some feedback on aiming down the sights when in prone side position.


    They way he's leaning could be done better


    -prevent clipping (Grenadier prone left his right arm clips through vest)

    -Minimize soldier profile (elimiating chicken wing arm support)

    -Maximize soldier comfort (we want mimic real life yeah?)

    -Give player more visual feedback that you are in side prone (diagonal viewpoint like with Q/E leaning)


    So instead of current arm support, I would recommend diagonal support

    lean on shoulder instead of arms - and put shoulder stock on shoulder.


    Perhaps I should do picture to explain it better.


    But in anyway, great implementation decision; )



    You have just shown the previous state (You could try rolling back to earlier update to see it if you don't remember). The issue with what we had there was that the engine was unable to properly handle optics when weapon was tilted (misaligning of  3d optics). Thus the reason to introduce poses with weapon held vertically (restoring proper optics work), even if the poses do not seem to be comfortable or plausible (well aware). Should more engine possibilties arise, we may possibly go back to previous state.

  2. Does anyone know how the origin of the camera is determined for a crew cargo animations? Is it defined by the animation? My camera is off center by 10cm and it doesnt seem to change when changing the skeleton. I'm a bit at a loss there

    It's exactly the position of the head relative to proxy position. Your best bet is to place head bone at 0,y,0 point of the animation and ensure the proxy is centered in the aircraft.

  3. I personally hope you guys add something like leaning out windows FFV for civilian vehicles

    That would be cool, yes, but it is probably the same issue:

    Adjusting positions in FFV is currently not very well doable but it's something i am personally interested to have (in more fluid manner) in future (far rather than near though).

  4. Most likely I will end up creating several animation sets for turn out FFV positions so you might be able to fit them to existing vehicles with more ease. Adjusting positions in FFV is currently not very well doable but it's something i am personally interested to have (in more fluid manner) in future (far rather than near though).

    And worry not young padawan, implementing is straight-forward! :)

  5. Correct, his are the animations you already play with, well quite a few anyway in A3. Not sure if he has moved on, I think he may be doing some work over at Blackfoot Studio's. Either way they're great animations, I use his SMK pack for A2, much appreciated they are too.

    All of the above is correct. I am currently full-time character animator for ArmA3 and the only character animator for Ground Branch. I will not be porting this mod to ArmA3 but my personal wishlist for ArmA3 has been updated with some of features from this mod not yet implemented in A3.

  6. Sorry for lack of response, reinforcing Team Mike got me carried away :)

    @sebj @Emperias : Unfortunately, you need to use scripting for that but it should be rather light and not very intrusive. You can define your own new gesture (simiairly to new State, just remember you could use a new action) and have it defined for two cases: Normal and Context. Additionally, you have to make a prone based full body animation. You can link those two gestures and one state with one custom action (can be called whatever you like). You add actions in specific actionsets. For non-prone stuff, its enough if you place it in low ready rifle actionset. For prone, place it in RifleProneActions. Action that is linked to gesture needs to be an array (actioname[] = {"gesturestate","Gesture"}), while in case of state, its just a variable actionname = statename. Your best bet is to copy and rename one of reload animations. Just clone the entries in all the places they exist. THEN you just need to add fired event handler, do some simple checking for ammo and PlayMoveNow actionname. It will work at any stance if you have done the linking correctly.

    IF you guys are interested,i can do a streamiing session and walk through this process. It probably would be beneficial to others so I would also record it and post in online.

    @Kydoimos: Head movement is irritaiting and you cannot disable it. I will be placing an internal request to fix this problem but I dont have ETA's for fixing.

  7. Hi there!

    I did some player animation which work very well ingame but the camera (in first person view) does not move with the head bone when turning the head.

    I know there is a bone called "camera" but it seems its only for the third person view

    This is a very late reply but in case anyone still needs it:

    You need to adjust headBobMode and headBobStrength. HeadBobMode should be set to 4 or 5 and headBobStrength should be close to -1.

  8. There are multiple problems with implementing the crazy idea of keyframes etc... This solution seems to be flawed to me and really not worth an effort considering ammount of resources required (please note we dont have gesture based weapon switching supported by engine etc.etc.). Again, dynamic blending [i use it in our upcoming RTS game and it works simply perfect and looks epic since 360o is covered with 8 anims] of several animation states should be a go here but the engine does not support such thing in the present. It might be possible in next iterations if there is some attention given to it (this would unlock extreme possibilities of improving the looks of anims in general). This is unfortunately not up to me but try prodding the men higher up and see what can be done :)

    BadBenson - the technology is quite simple, the body behaves exactly like in regular animations, using regular animations config which basically means that what is turning around is what is being masked with aiming and aimingBody masks. To rotate whole posture, just change the mask to fullbody one (i have created such long time ago, its there in anims config). You can tweak the rotation scope through config settings (PersonTurret) for each position to ridiculous values so that you will be able to rotate 360 at all times. Just be aware of some limitations: the fire geometry doesnt work inside your own vehicle, massive glitching of anims will occur etc.

    About W,S,A,D - would allow to switch animation state where possible and thus change the rotation angles of the "turret". Like if you want to aim backwards on the offroad , press S and you will interpolate to an animation with new angles to cover etc. Lots of work (weeks of animating properly) but most feasible within current engine limits.
