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Everything posted by smookie

  1. Yes it's true, but it is due to circumstances stated earlier (game balance). Is it a real problem?
  2. smookie

    Arma 3 Officially Announced!

    Never say never pufu :)
  3. smookie

    POLL: leaning system.

    Remember that due to engine's nature fluid stance change (via mousewheel) is nearly definately NGH. So either a cover system or call of duty style fighting. The greatest part of this is that RO2 cover system is activated, that means you really dont have to use it (rendering your arguments about not being fond of getting stuck to wall useless) if you don't like it.
  4. smookie

    music in arma

  5. Mods? You gotta be kidding me :) *double wink*
  6. I am sorry but unless there is someone to help me out with this, changes will not happen due to lack of time. You will have to wait until July next year ;)
  7. smookie

    BattleField 3

    BF3 - disappointment (Call of Battlefield is a good name for this). Average graphics, great lighting, great physics, highly addictive, but totally illogical, unrealistic and most of all - frustrating after an hour or so. Not saying it's a bad game, for its genre I think it's one of the best out there. If you look for logical, natural gameplay, dont try this one!
  8. smookie

    Perfect accuracy when firing from the hip

    Hence the idea of removing the aiming rectangle in the center which is responsible for telling you where exactly is the bullet going to land. You can do it currently in ArmA2 by adding attribute showWeaponAim = 0; to most of moves. Try reffering to blindfiring (notice the rectangle disappears but you can still see the crosshair showing you general direction of the gun) in my animations pack.
  9. smookie

    Perfect accuracy when firing from the hip

    @Brutus404 Your suggestion is very good. It's not on topic though. I dont think the crosshair is the real problem, it's rather its accuracy.
  10. smookie

    Combat Record

    Why turning sandbox game where you can do everything into a medal/unlock arcade?
  11. smookie

    Perfect accuracy when firing from the hip

    This is a spot on. ArmA animations clearly show the soldier is not firing from the hip but with his rifle shouldered. While I agree the accuracy is way too perfect (i am one of the players who _never_ use sights) and I can easily hit targets 600 m away with just a couple of bullets using M16A2 ingame, I don't think drastic changes should be applied. Rather perhaps bigger crosshair area minus the comma which serves at the moment as direct hit point. Did you mean bollock?;)
  12. hi guys, sorry for lack of information. the project is currently halted since I am contracted with a lot of animation work of higher priority for multiple game projects and i simply dont even have time to sit down on this one. if anyone has some config/scripting skills and would like to at least fix the most irritaiting bugs, please pm me so that i can get you into the project. regards, smk PS your waiting time should hopefully be rewarded with some really good stuff somewhere next year ;)
  13. smookie

    They better have female soldiers...

    Oh rite, the tons of female players that are going to play uber-realistic simulator ;)
  14. smookie

    Stealth Kills?

    Recent posts are really disturbing :). As per stealth kills, for the time being my best guess would be NGH.
  15. smookie

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    Nothing. Its perfectly enough I would say. Unless you wanna extremely high settings.
  16. smookie

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    Great choice of topic! As mentioned before, high end GPU and 8 gb of RAM should be enough to enjoy the future game.
  17. I must say, I was waiting eagerly for this game and now I regret paying for it. It's just wrong, full of bugs and weird solutions, it doesn't feel either realistic nor arcadish to me.
  18. smookie

    POLL: leaning system.

  19. smookie

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    The cattle poo :)
  20. smookie

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    Its not an assumption :)
  21. smookie

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    If your ArmA2 OA runs at (at least) 40 fps+ on high or max details, it should run ArmA3 without choke on a one level down settings (med or high)
  22. smookie

    POLL: leaning system.

    Noted: add support for rudder pedals in ArmA3 movement. :)
  23. smookie

    POLL: leaning system.

    Mouse wheel movement and mouse gradual adjustments are way out of the league at the moment.
  24. I am all for this idea. A mode where 3rd person is turned off and crosshair is enabled will stand as a base for PvP / competitive gaming scene and I will try to lobby that. :)