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Everything posted by smookie

  1. To steer the discussion to the right track, i can only say that the name "tactical pace" already contains all hints you need (tactical reffering to? pace reffering to?) :) Panda reads my mind :eek:
  2. smookie

    Development Blog & Reveals

    No, he is just polish... and being polish... I should know ;)
  3. I am so good at macho walking :)
  4. smookie

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    I am just expressing my general thoughts. Its definately not where the development of the game stands so dont take my word as anything related to arma3.
  5. smookie

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    As with everything, any new feature will most likely add new keys since making stuff automatic ends up either being frustrating (see Mass Effect 3 spacebar) or infantile (bring simulator to arcade level). Complaining about more keys to master _additional_ moves in a _simulator_ is something I only partially understand. And as with all simulators (and in real life, most of all, since you dont become elite SF from day one), its all down to practice. Adjusting controls to players comfort (or letting them do so; personally i never change default controls in any game) is another thing though.
  6. smookie

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    My take on this issue (totally unrelated to what will appear in the final product) is that the most realistic thing is what is physcially plausible. Enforcing player to follow all training-based guidelines is the wrong way to go. Player should decide for themselves what type of gameplay they prefer. After all, contrary to our fanboi troll lodge opinion, the game is made for everyone, not only military geeks, and therefore not everyone will keep on playing the righteous uber-tactically-taught soldiers but there might be a considerable ammount of people prefering to stick with civilian or guerilla type of forces.
  7. If I have some time, i will try to sort out things but i am really busy with the current work.
  8. smookie

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    i am gonna feed some troll today :) Yes, of course. Its totally unrealistic to go back-to-wall. No man has ever done that in history of mankind. All soldiers crouch like ballerines and they always position themselves in perfect shooting stances. In the end you can't fire when lying on your side because the recoil will make you spin like a top. As for leaning, some options are taken into considerations and you have my word there will be some changes for the better and more control in ArmA3 :)
  9. smookie

    More gun simulation? interaction

    Why limit ourselves to multiple key presses when we can go ever more immersive -> Tresspasser style, hold button and move mouse to manipulate the enormously long arm :D 30 minutes later: magazine reloaded!
  10. smookie

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Pufu, you feed them, they grow bigger ;)
  11. smookie

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Keen on rocket jumping, are we? :)
  12. Sadly, I don't know either ;)
  13. Well, I always try to put something new with each release. So you may pretty much expect the unexpected ;) Plus some of you if not all, have already seen part of my work in the presentations:) I hope its looking good.
  14. smookie

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    But then I would expect massive flame from arma veterans etc. The problem is to find a good balance but on the other hand you can't go both ways at the same time. Its a tough job:)
  15. Where do you think the new animations come from? I am the only animator left in the world :D
  16. I am sorry. Still totally overloaded with work. I will try to scratch some time for this next month.
  17. smookie

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Neptun's trident? :)
  18. smookie

    Controls improvment

    Not sure if you find them weird because of their rather draft quality or because you haven't seen them earlier in games (which I think is more of an advantage than disadvantage). Having better means now, the quality can be top notch.
  19. smookie

    VOTE - "Most Anticipated Game 2012"

    Did you actually check what is that X-COM? Its definately not what you would expect (I say it with deepest regret possible as a long time x-com fan)
  20. smookie

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    Why on earth would you need that in ArmA?:)
  21. Impossible due to different skeletons used in ArmA. /killtopic
  22. Please contact me in person via these forums PM function or skype if you have my addy. I will brief you on the topic and help as much as I can.
  23. smookie

    MP thoughts

    If you are experiencing problems like these, i would consider checking your PC stats, since you may get some overheat. I have never had a problem with not being able to change directions when running (i mean, it doesnt take 2 seconds).