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Everything posted by smookie

  1. Damn, don't tell me I have to make a tutorial on how to pass the tutorial mission... :P If it tells you to crouch or stand, then this is the initial position you should take in order to perform the requested move. After you do it, perform the move asked (it should also display as a hint in the upper right corner). Simple :) As i mentioned a few times already, you may not swap sides when in back to wall as of yet (it's not implemented). @froggynoob! you quote my changelog so i assume you have read it, and what it says in there: :)
  2. Thanks for your feedback RG. It will probably take some time for me to do some of the suggestions you have asked for but I am getting limited in as to what I can release in my work over CG pack (:)). Some of the things you will see, for some you will have to wait much longer. As for remarks like 5) - it would require remaking all of the animations and while it's extremely time consuming, I say it has 0,01% impact in competitive gaming. Compared to hours of work, I am sorry to say but it won't happen :) (should have said that earlier... :P) EDIT: @RG point 1) I already done such animation but I am not allowed to release it. Either way, please mind that this dude jogs with his legs fully stretched because he knows the ground underneath him. Now imagine you are on the battlefield and rocks/plants/man bodyparts/other shit - all these things are laying all over the place. Would you still run like that without looking at your feet? :) I wanted to make a compromise between this and speed. I think it's not that far off! If you want, I can show you a video of me doing the same thing but with CIRAS on. You will notice the difference. It's simply not possible to shrink that much :)
  3. @MacScottie Dude, I beg you. With all due respect to your training and wicked fascination with "realism units" - It's a video game... Don't forget that! @JoeJoe About the slide - if you show me a video you can slide 3 meters on grass/sand - i will change the anim :) The first one I made let you slide for about 2,5 m and my beta testers were complaining it was feeling unnatural. As I already mentioned, i tried it a lot of times on different surfaces and can send you link to video of me trying to do this in 12 kg ciras (truspec pants) and m4a1 ris without attachments - i couldn't slide more than that on grass or asphalt. And yes, you are stupid, lol. When in back to wall, use forward to aim round the corner or backwards to aim over your hear
  4. There were some old unused files which are not included in the config as well as some of the old animations which should be replaced by new files. :) The difference is nearly none though (only visual so to say)
  5. Download links up and running again :)
  6. I obviously mixed up the files... The download is temporairly down. For those of you who have already downloaded, please do not redistribute that version. Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Above - I will try to fix it if I get hands on BI original animation.
  7. I don't think i understand the problem there. There isn't any transition animation between these stances, game engine does it. Added to the to-do list. It requires simple modification of collisionshape. I will quote you :) In fact I get the same impression now that I played this extensively. I will probably find a replacement for that key, perhaps sitdown button and assign salute so that it will take you back to kneel. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cursorTarget all yours ;) Now you only have to create a database of all climb-able walls and you are good :bounce3:
  8. And here it is... Release 0.20 lite (installer) Release 0.20 lite (zip) Release 0.20 lite (no missions) (zip) final changelog v0.20 build 3 ------------------- [Added] Pistol walking animations: sideways and backwards [Added] Pistol blindfire: left, right, up [Added] Back to wall: peak around corner [Added] Back to wall: blindfire up and right [Added] Back to wall: fire round the corner, fire over the window [Added] Back to wall: grenade round the corner throw [Added] Back to wall: grenade overhead throw [Added] Mission: SMK Clean sweep [Added] Mission: SMK Convoy [Added] Climbing over the wall [improved] Back to wall animation speed tweaks [improved] Small tweaks on weapon reloading for MGs [improved] Collision shape fixes [improved] Minor visual improvements in some of animations [improved] Calibration mission is now narrated [Fixed] Quick pistol stance: couldnt lean [Fixed] AI problems with sniper sit. Key remapped. [Fixed] All crouch animations now accessible from kneel stance [Fixed] Selecting launcher when proned would result in going into launcher kneeling position -------------------------------- This will be the current release for some time now, i would expect next release no earlier than at the end of may. regards and have fun ps hotfixes will be released earlier obviously, should there be any irritating bug.
  9. This is pre-release changelog post so that you can have an insight into controls and what's changed and if you want something hotfixed let me know. There will be two missions added into the main release as a part of the mod (mainly composed so that you can actually test out ALL moves playing each of them... and featuring my awesome voice acting skills lol). Don't play if you dont want to though :) ------------------------- CHANGES ------------------------- v0.20 build 3 ------------------- [Added] Pistol walking animations: sideways and backwards [Added] Pistol blindfire: left, right, up [Added] Back to wall: peak around corner [Added] Back to wall: blindfire up and right [Added] Back to wall: fire round the corner, fire over the window [Added] Back to wall: grenade round the corner throw [Added] Back to wall: grenade overhead throw [Added] Mission: SMK Clean sweep [Added] Mission: SMK Convoy [Added] Climbing over the wall [improved] Back to wall animation speed tweaks [improved] Small tweaks on weapon reloading for MGs [improved] Collision shape fixes [improved] Minor visual improvements in some of animations [Fixed] Quick pistol stance: couldnt lean [Fixed] AI problems with sniper sit. Key remapped. [Fixed] All crouch animations now accessible from kneel stance [Fixed] Selecting launcher when proned would result in going into launcher kneeling position controls: ---- need to be configured in game controls beforehand --------- define "Turbo" key (suggestion - Mouse thumb button) ---- also suggested ------------------------------------------------------------------ define "SitDown" key as 2xBackwards (f.eg. 2xS) define "Salute" key as 2xSpacebar ---------------------------------------------------------------- using default key settings, if different, just replace the letter Z - prone X - crouch C - stand 2xctrl - weapon down/up toggle mouse thumb button (MTB) - Turbo moves: ------- standing: - panic button: sitdown - blind fire left: MTB + Left - blind fire right: MTB + Right - blind fire up: MTB + Back - taunt: MTB + Back + Left (to play it smooth, first use direction keys then turbo) - quick lower your head: MTB + Back + Right running forward: - jog pace: 2x ctrl - quick step over: step over - weapon down: C sprinting: - slide: X - climb over the wall: C crouching: - kneel: X - quick lower your head: MTB + Back + Right - blind fire left: MTB + Left - blind fire right: MTB + Right - blind fire up: MTB + Back - panic move: sitdown - sniper sit: step Over - back to wall: salute kneeling: - crouch: X other moves apply as in crouching proning: - urban prone left: MTB + Left - urban prone right: MTB + Right - launcher proning: Select launcher urban prone LEFT: - move left: Left - move right: Right - back to prone: Z - move to urban prone RIGHT: MTB + Right - raise weapon: Forward - Blind fire: MTB + Left urban prone Right: - back to prone: Z - raise weapon: Forward - raise weapon higher: MTB + Forward - move to urban prone RIGHT: MTB + Left - Blind fire: MTB + Right panic move: - urban prone left: X - prone: Z launcher standing: - launcher prone: fast + Backwards launcher crouching: - launcher prone: fast + Backwards pistol quick stand: - Blindfire left: MTB + Left - Blindfire right: MTB + Right - Blindfire overhead: MTB + Back pistol normal hold: - when pistol out, toggle: c Back to wall: - move left: Left - move right: Right - weapon round the corner: Forward - turn around and aim weapon forward: backwards - blindfire right: MTB + Right - blindfire overhead: MTB + Backwards - peak around the corner: MTB + Forward - go back to crouch: x - Grenade round the corner: choose grenade and throw - Grenade overhead throw: press salute and then do above
  10. Small update: I have managed to fix most of the issues regarding quick pistol stance, as well as collision shapes so you can expect the release soon enough. I also added a possibility shoot through the window and overhead blindfire for back to wall position. For now, only crouch and right hand side is available.
  11. It is possible, yes. But whether I will do it soon is a whole other question :).
  12. No worries mate, tweaking speeds is the last thing I do in the project ;) It's kinda finishing touch thingy. I am more concerned about the animation quality which should be at least fair :P And there goes another movement pallete. Beat that! :P
  13. Problem with pistols is that I cannot modify original BIS animations and I have to make them from scratch. Making them similiar to the BIS original animations will take a lot of time (ingame checking all the time) and I dont think it's worth that effort. On top of that, handgun is attached to hand by model and to position the bloody hand, which would only show me local translations/rotations in relation to hip, is so frustrating. Even now as you can see it's not perfectly straight, in quick pistol stance that is... Although I do not exclude such posibility. :) I would suspect the release next weekend. Meantime happy Easter :)
  14. smookie

    Bohemia Interactive's future ARMA 3!

    That's why all motion capture animations need to be post-processed by a professional animator who will take care of such problems...
  15. Hand signals will not be introduced in CGA simply because of their little significance and great pain in the assness :). In release 0.2 please expect fixes regarding sniper sit, some minor key remapping, pistol walking fixes, weapon down geometry (collision shape) reworked and a bit of a new stuff: up against the wall position from which you will be able to peak around the corner (without weapon next to eye, simply leaning with your head) and... throw a nade from that position :)
  16. Yes, lazy animator ;) Sniper sit will be assigned to salute button, most likely. A new taunt animation will be available at the previous combination :)
  17. PVP missions are played weekly at ECL beta testing nights on Sunday :)
  18. There will be some fixes to pistol related animations in the next release. I might also work on new geometry lods but this is something I can't promise. Let's say my anims got quite a lot of attention and I am working on two fronts now :) Therefore the time I have for working on this is limited.
  19. There is no such hardcoded key combination as Turbo + sit, and that's the reason it has been done the way it is.
  20. So many issues :) I will respond to a few: 1) Climbing over walls - I am working on this, however, it will most likely not be included in the CGA (can't tell more :)) 2) I would love that but it's an engine limitation I believe. Or it would require a bit of scripting, which I am not up for. 3) Will be added in the next release most likely. 4) Sniper sit will be remapped to a new key, I am afraid however, it will have to be toggle raise weapon key not to use too much of all the others. If this is no go for you, I might replace it with salute key. Expect some new rolling nade animations in the next release, which however will not happen until the end of April due to holidays and shitloads of other work I have.
  21. Play first mission of PMC campaign and you will knw what i am talking about :) The very first moments... It's in the lite version you have.