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Everything posted by smookie

  1. But the path is changed... its the same thing... One interferes with another...
  2. It all depends which mod you put as the last one in the mod parameter. I believe ST and SMK will interefere with each other and only the one to be loaded as the last mod will force it's settings.
  3. Apparently, my mod uses my own custom collision shapes which are somewhere in the middle between troublesome ST and vanilla.
  4. I am sorry guys but there most likely will be no new animations in future releases. There might be some fixes but other than that - I wouldnt expect anything new in this modification.
  5. The other possibility is the Windows key (should you have one). It really works good. Either way, expect some surprises in following releases. Unfortunately however the 0.25 release will be delayed till june due to work overload.
  6. I must say Black Ops is an amazing game, especially if we talk about SP. RR is at least 2 classes lower than that, but still not very bad (i have recently played Sniper something Warrior game, couldnt be arsed to remember the title of a game that bad). Some solutions are well worth noticing. Comparison of these games is impossible. However, I believe ArmA could learn a thing or two from the two mentioned.
  7. I have already fixed 1st and 3rd points :)
  8. I am a 3rd person player?:D I feel offended...
  9. There are tons of sitting positions and I simply cannot exclude possibility of adding several variants :)
  10. I have never played operation flashpoint : DR :) No video of that yet, but will be soon released.
  11. One dedicated coop player required as a tester, if you are up for a task send me a PM.
  12. JkdGBCplNOw yet another small feature
  13. You can use this page as reference http://dev-heaven.net/projects/cga/wiki . It will be always updated with the newest version of the readme.
  14. Good news - release 0.25 will be probably out faster than expected. I have finished all stances for back to wall position (stand + kneel for both left/right side) and thus nearly all moves I wanted to implement in the modification are already there (of course, there might be some surprises:P). Therefore all that is left is to start fixing visual glitches and giving the animations more natural look :)
  15. There are no death animations in the release. Make sure you are using the latest one.
  16. It looks silly but has been introduced via script. Still, I encourage to use the DH (click roadmap link in my sig to get there fast) and make a ticket when an issue arises.
  17. WP with slow speed mode and combat behaviour
  18. Again, it all depends on what terrain you are trying to slide. Believe me - asphalt, grass or sand - you will not get further than that in uniform and combat boots.
  19. The engine doesnt allow for what you would call difference in steadiness. The value i can change is aimprecision which increased over 1 (standing already has one and prone has -2 ,sniper sit is -1,1 and crouch/kneel are inbetween) will result in massive shaking while tired. If i changed this, you would complain its unnatural :P There could be something done with recoil i believe, but this is a subject to future releases. There will be some fixes to existing back to wall anims, but they are not visible in the videos above.
  20. smookie

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I bet he found the cookies there!
  21. smookie

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    and you guys keep telling me that arma community is mature LOL
  22. Empirically no lags/desync issues (tested on 24 player server for 2 hours with 75% owning the animation pack excluding the server) other than player lagging themselves due to their connection. Either way though future releases will contain measures to disallow client-side only usage. And i just thought, while you all await for new releases (ver 0.25 and then the next will be a frog leap over to 0.8 nearing the final stable version), you can have a bit of old times and see what I was able to come up with already in 2004 (!). Some of the animations are not mine (around 25% of them belong to sanctuary [movement, stances] and dezoom [some death anims]) and the owners are listed. You can also see how the game advanced since that time :) I jjust found it on a very old hard drive:)
  23. Release 0.25 with optional (deactivational) scripting inbound! http://dev-heaven.net/projects/cga/roadmap