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Everything posted by smookie

  1. If you set up a lan server and then work on an editor (Create mission i belive thats called), you will create a missions folder in Documents\ArmA 2 (other profiles)\MPMissions and use it just like regular SP editor.
  2. Ah, americans :) Respawn will only work in Multiplayer missions, so if you wish to be the only one to play, you should run it on a LAN server (host LAN server, simply). It is possible to introduce a system similiar to respawn (with switching selectable characters) in Singleplayer, but the MP option is so much easier :)
  3. smookie

    Cover system for Arma3?

    Its not really the case in arma, as it would seem (according to my tests with CGA). ArmA2 seems to already acknowledge you are behind the wall and you are safe.
  4. They can download it, as always... Those who dont like it shouldnt be forced to withstand the pain :)
  5. Realism crowd to the rescue! I liked MW and MW2, the trailer of the MW3 isn't anything special though. Although animations/mocap kick ass big time.
  6. smookie

    Cover system for Arma3?

    MadDogX, please don't feed the troll. Metalcraze has proved himself as generally speaking narrow-viewed person in each of his 933 (and i suppose there is gonna be 934rd coming right after mine) posts. Cover system is designed to speed up the pace of the game and get rid of ridiculous Stand/Crouch behaviour or leaning around the corner repeatedly pressing left or right button.
  7. smookie

    Cover system for Arma3?

    Red Orchestra cover system while very similiar to Crysis 2 (dunno which one is the rip off another;P) is extremely arcadish and I am suprised to hear "like" comments from realism crowd ;) Imho, cover system in first person, as experienced in CGA, is extremely difficult to implement for the first person without having it look ridiculous or lose the "simulation" feel.
  8. It's a factor, yes...
  9. smookie

    arma 3 Full vehicle embarking animations?

    oh rly? why wait for ArmA3 while I just started working on this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UjENbGafFc :D
  10. smookie

    Animations (all things animation based) >>

    I am no PvPscene :(
  11. smookie

    Why is this game not more popular?

    @Celery + @76 link Spot on. At first I had an impression this community the arma has is rather a closed one, and less consistent. After closer examination the impression is gone, I am deeply convinced it is part of the problem. :) All the attitude of players towards newcomers or those who actually dare to complain and comparing them to COD kiddies is just ridiculous and has barely ever happened in OFP community
  12. Brilliant idea. I would probably also vote for a weighting scale that you will have to use prior to gaming that will gather your weight and fat % so that it can simulate how far can you run without running short on breath!
  13. smookie

    Why are people so conservative?

    @-Paladin- :)
  14. smookie

    Faulty animations

    Sorry for renewing topic but I dont have these issues with my mod, so in case you wish to have it fixed, check it out.
  15. It's a question to Reezo but I wouldnt suspect much changes in 0.25
  16. The most likely release date is 11th of June. The pack will come out in 0.25 version, being probably extremely great advancement from 0.20. Since the competitive gaming scene has died in ArmA2 and there is absolutely no point in playing massive lame PvPs, the pack will be reoriented towards more cooperative playing in further releases. Stay tuned :)
  17. smookie

    Brand new MP COOP mission for Arma 3?

    Let's hope nobody comes up with another similiar brilliant idea :)
  18. smookie

    Why are people so conservative?

    If you want realism modern warfare simulation, play ArmA2.... What's the point of reffering everyone to other games? And yet, has it ever occured to you that if the guy likes let's say sci-fi (please check the difference between sci-fi and fantasy...), he might not like the CoD mechanics? It's just shows the real level of the community...
  19. smookie

    Why are people so conservative?

    The problem is the community based on military enthusiasts and ex-military personel, not on common gamers, who, in vast majority, ditched previous games for their bad gameplay. And these people tend to be really conservative. It's probably the same situation as with any other hobby, where people being given something new, automatically reject it at first. Also, please note that huge market of ArmA2 is located around USA, which is known for their conservative beliefs. And there you have your answer;)
  20. smookie

    Advanced Combat Radio Environment

    God, no, please, no...:P
  21. smookie

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    splinter cell's a decent game :) will see how splinter cell this one turns out :)
  22. smookie

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    No sh1t, Sherlock
  23. smookie

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    It looks like another question appeared... http://www.aan-online.com/en/p8h8-attack/35-current-status-on-the-hacker-situation.html