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Everything posted by Sniperwolf572

  1. Sniperwolf572

    Freelook without TrackIR?

    If it's the same as ArmA1, then you hold the Alt key to activate it and then move the mouse around, when you release it it deactivates. Alternatively, you should also be able to double-tap Alt to toggle it on and off without having to hold the key down.
  2. Merged all the new STEAM threads into this one, please use this thread for all ArmA2 Steam related questions.
  3. Sniperwolf572

    Bigfoot...has anyone found him?

    Found some textures of Bigfoot on Kegetys' site. Link. Definatley real.
  4. Not at the moment, if we get any word, we'll let you know.
  5. It actually loads at times, but the database seems to fart a lot. :(
  6. Sniperwolf572

    Arma 2 + i7 , HT on or off for best performance?

    Already existing system specs and perfomance discussion thread is here, please use that.
  7. Yeah, the black screen on PrintScr is common apparently, I suggest using FRAPS to take screenshots.
  8. Sniperwolf572

    Moves List

    ArmA2 Moves on Biki. Not a complete list, but might help.
  9. Sniperwolf572

    I need halftrack addon

    Addon request thread is here.
  10. Sniperwolf572

    Changelog from 1.01 beta to 1.01 final ?

    Use the already existing thread about the topic please.
  11. Sniperwolf572

    How to show FPS

    This new scripting command might be interesting to check out.
  12. Sniperwolf572

    Im coming to the Czech Republic

    My all-time-favorite post.
  13. Sniperwolf572

    Will ArmA II run with this computer?

    Please use the already existing thread about this topic, which is located here.
  14. Sniperwolf572

    Bullet Stray

    Merged Weapon innacuracies / Bullet Stray threads into one as they're the same issues. A sumup of the current answers: Getting shot and having your aim unsteady is a game feature. If you do not own an original copy of the game, shame on you, don't bother posting here until you do. If you do, you have probably installed a crack/language mod or some other mod in such a way that it modified the original game files To correct this, either put the original files back in their place if you've backed them up or reinstall the game. To avoid overwriting default files, use Mod folders. Using cracked .exe's gets you in the same situation as 2.
  15. No, it hasn't, UK and US get the cheap deal, while rest of the EU get the ripoff price. US: $49,99 (35,10€) UK: £29.99 (34,60€) Europe: 47.99€ (£40,60 / $66,90) :j:
  16. I reckon it's the whole $=€ prank Valve is pulling, ArmA2 is $49.99/47.99€ depending on where you're located, pretty gross. Agreed, less is more doesn't apply to games imho.
  17. Sniperwolf572

    ArmA2 8GB RAM Problem

    This might be.
  18. The Daily Gotcha, issued in Suckerville. :p
  19. Sniperwolf572

    How can people think this is poor AI?

    Already existing AI thread here. Please use that.
  20. Sniperwolf572

    Please, report on 2 core usage.

    Impressions thread is here, please use that.
  21. Sniperwolf572

    Custom face for arma 2

    Already existing custom faces thread is here, please use it.
  22. Looks awesome, I'm impressed. :eek: Thanks for the video. :) I'M COVERING! GO!