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Everything posted by Sniperwolf572

  1. This kind of positioning works for me. Aircraft position is irrelevant as long as you can get it close to the EASA trailer that spawns inside to be recognised when you hit the action menu entry that shows up on the trailer.
  2. Any hangar on the map will work for it, just plant the EASA module next to it. I.E. Green hangars on Utes.
  3. Any usage info for air refueling/fastroping/loadmaster systems? I can't seem to figure out how they work. Planting the air refuel module makes the refuel craft fly to the bottom left of the map and circle forever, not showing any signs of interaction. Planting the fastrope module and being the group leader in pilot/cargo in any of the US choppers doesn't seem to bring up any action menu entries. Sitting in door gunner/crew chief/observer seats doesn't seem to bring up any action menu emtries. Tried hitting RWin (Works for dragging mguns and other stuff) but as nothing shows up I'm assuming that's not it.
  4. Sniperwolf572

    MoH Receipient Can't Fly A Flag

    If you wish to keep on discussing the topic of this thread, then please do so in a civil manner.
  5. Unmodified game. As in no addons or any kind of unofficial modifications.
  6. Sometimes, when you've got nothing meaningful to post, posting nothing is the best course of action. Preventively closing this. If you wish to discuss finer points of romance, picking flowers, watching Twilight, morality, politics and what else not, you know where to do it, but this thread is not it. If anyone can help with richiespeed13's questions, concerns, give advice or whatever, I suggest you PM him. Useless posts deleted.
  7. As I said before, it depends only on the angle you're aiming at, deadzone has zero effect on it from my testing. Repeat these steps: -Launch the provided mission -Do not move -While still standing aim at the red target marked by the waypoint, and notice how everything is nice and dandy. -Crouch and aim at the same target again -(Optional) If you wish to see results faster, accelerate time. -Remove your hands from the mouse and keyboard, just to make sure you're doing the same thing as I am. -Over time you'll notice extreme sight deviation, to the point where the front post disappears behind other elements, like so: Mission file here.
  8. Sniperwolf572

    Dragon Age (omg, it's not a fps!)

    I've got over 50 hours on it so far, and still haven't completed the game, considering that is 5 times the length of an average SP experience these days, I find it quite satisfying. I'm quite used to the current combat system which is quite easy to use and abuse with the pause system, relying on micromanaging and turning off tactics. I don't mind it too much really since I've yet to find an swordplay/magic first person rpg that did it correctly instead of it just feeling like an excercise in button mashing. *points finger at TES: Oblivion*
  9. Sniperwolf572

    Rogue Warrior

    I haven't played the game to judge the use of profanity or how it integrates into the game, but I have to agree with Celery, Bethesda making a rap "song" out of Rourkes ingame lines is pretty funny, even tho I'm not into hip-hop or rap. Reminds me of something else actually: KDhDWPeHyJQ
  10. It depends on vertical angle of aim, it's easiest way to reproduce it is aiming straight down while crouched, and can result in an extreme situation like this in a very short time of observation (standing up and aiming down does not result in such a deviation ever): Aiming parallel to the ground has the least amount of misalignment. Aiming 20-25 degrees upwards worst result is the front post going out of sight.
  11. Sniperwolf572

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Quote from that page:
  12. To illustrate: Left is crouched, at it's worst point, right is standing. You can get the same results as the left picture by just planting yourself as a USMC crewman, crouching and looking down the sights, eventually you'll see an "animation" which misaligns your sight by that wide of a margin. Other postures have a tiny bit of misalignment aswell during animations as you can see, but nothing major like the crouch anims. Combine this with aimpoint-style weapons where you don't have such a clear indicator that the sights are missaligned so much in crouched and longer distance shooting, and you can end up making very very bad shots.
  13. CAA1 has it's own thread here, please use that instead to discuss and report CAA1 issues to their authors.
  14. Sniperwolf572

    Steam and Beta pach?

    Yes, you can.
  15. Sniperwolf572

    Hand Animations

    Wasn't that changed in a recent beta build? The issue I believe you're talking about was usually noticable in the prone > crouch transition, but since that build, I can't notice it anymore.
  16. Sniperwolf572

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Just borrowed a copy and tried out a few missions. "Team this is HQ, bla bla bla. How copy? Over." "HQ this is team. Solid copy. Ok. How copy? Over." "Team this is HQ. Solid copy. Ok on Ok. Over" A2 SecOps module generates more interesting missions IMO.
  17. Yes, works exactly the same when they're on foot. And for those that haven't noticed yet:
  18. From what I could've seen, it basically causes the AI to apply suppressive fire on your last known position for the amount of time you've specified, so for example, if you plant down a west and an east soldier in the editor, name them w1 and e1, put up an radio trigger with "e1 suppressFor 10", each time you activate the trigger, e1 will suppress your last known position for 10 seconds. Didn't observe any effect if he is not aware of you. Didn't check how it affects multiple targets. Edit: Short demo .
  19. Blue sea is an effect of an accidental leftover .pbo in addons dir, new picture is what the sea appears like ingame without modifications. Retest showed no performance gain/loss so didn't bother to update the old pics.
  20. Beta vs Beta vs. Steam Steam Pic - Scene 1 Steam Pic - Scene 2 FPS back to 59026 in the scenes, no stuttering in cities that is present in 59026, making the overall performance feel better than 59026 and 59857.
  21. Sniperwolf572

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Links removed to the cheating/hacking videos. Steer clear for posting them, DR, ArmA, BF2, whatever, they're not allowed on these forums.
  22. Looks like water/shore FPS drop related issues will be fixed in a future build.
  23. Beta vs. Steam I notice less LOD switching and less "Streaming stutters" tho worse overall performance. Water seems to be a performance killer, more of it, less FPS with Beta, while current Steam version does not exhibit that problem. Beta left, Retail right again. C2D E8400 @ 3.00GHz, 4GB RAM, ATI HD4850 WinXP + Latest Drivers
  24. Please stick to the topic at hand, if you wish to discuss DR in any way, you know where to do it.