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Everything posted by Sniperwolf572

  1. Sniperwolf572

    CWR² Demo

    There's no need to do this. When launching the game trough Steam with Launch ArmA2: Combined Operations, the launcher will pick up additional switches from the "Properties => General => Set Launch Options" box.
  2. Sniperwolf572

    Is OFPEC.com down?

    Problem resloved. :)
  3. Sniperwolf572

    Does anyone have this military photograph?

    Amongst the first hits on google image search for "Marines Army Navy Air Force Difference". Please use the stickied Military Humor thread if you have any requests like this in the future. I'm sure it's been posted there a zillion times. :p
  4. Sniperwolf572

    Thoughts on using enemy uniforms

    Back ontopic guys, the thread isn't about Geneva convention policies on ammunition. It's uniforms.
  5. Sniperwolf572

    New ARMA3.com website with new Intel

    I won't comment on WordPress as I've never used it, but heard all good things about it. As for Joomla, then I can claim, that yes, I can. Shame that the current stable version of CMS I've helped develop is in my language only, otherwise I'd offer your web guys to try it out. :) Ontopic: There seems to be an issue that some people are having with age verification. My real birthdate got accepted OK, but apparently some people are having issues with it. Some reports can be found in this thread. If you have such issues, might I randomly suggest, clearing out your cookies related to arma3.com as something might have gone wrong there. :)
  6. Sniperwolf572

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Not exactly. It's the first part of the GC presentation, with new presenter (RoyaltyinExile) and much better video quality. Tho I'm afraid RiE is going to become the overused go-to voice actor for BI like the guy doing Cooper did, and we're all going get fed up of his sweet gentlemanly voice at some point. :( Dibs on RiE being Miller. :p
  7. Sniperwolf572

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Guys, stick to the thread and what it stand for, developement blog and reveals. This is not a place criticize WordPress, mock each-others abilities to speak a given language. Offending posts have been removed.
  8. Sniperwolf572

    Development Blog & Reveals

    PROTIP BIS: To fix it, change the TargetDate variable to: "09 Sep 2011 07:09:00 GMT" :p
  9. Sniperwolf572

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Fixed, install this if you're using Chrome or Firefox with GreaseMonkey. :p
  10. Unfortunately, attached units cannot be turned by the players. Only movement allowed is weapon movement that is granted by a higher floating zone. Script wise, attached objects can be turned by using setDir.
  11. Sniperwolf572

    AI quirks we'd like to see.

    You're wrong. OFP had no crouched movement, ArmA1 introduced crouch-walk and ArmA2 introduced crouched run. And you're right, "Copy my stance" was labeled as "Keep low" in OFP, and it served the same purpose as it does now, returning AI back to auto stance from forced stances.
  12. Sniperwolf572

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Yeah, you're right, it's just a copy-paste from ArmA2 site. Nothing to see here.
  13. Sniperwolf572

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Erm, some odd keywords in the meta:
  14. Sniperwolf572

    JSRS Problem

    I see you've already found the JSRS thread. :) Closing.
  15. Sniperwolf572

    Take on helicopter environments for ARMA 3 ?

    This is not the right place to discuss Euclideon and their product, there's an offtopic thread located here if you want to continue discussing it.
  16. Sniperwolf572

    BIS at the GC: Very kind!

    I'm voting that we make you the designated community spy, and collectively ship you to all future conventions that BIS is attending. :D
  17. Sniperwolf572

    ArmA 3 will be available on Steam?

    Fixed it for you. (Still, Sprocket for the win)
  18. Sniperwolf572

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Wouldn't the sea life on this wreck suggest that war has been going on for quite a while?
  19. Sniperwolf572

    Stealth Kills?

    On these forums, regarding discussions like this, I like to believe my opinion has the same weight as anyone elses, no more, no less. Having better engine support for melee and it being open to ninja, samurai, medieval, cavemen, zombie, WW1 mods to include melee does not mean it's magically not available for someone just to mod it into the current warfare context. Reread my post and rethink what I'm actually saying there. ;)
  20. Sniperwolf572

    Stealth Kills?

    While I couldn't care less for knives and melee attacks in the context of ArmA3's setting, this is absolutely the best argument I've read for the inclusion of in-engine support for melee attacks in the entire thread. Moddability / options for mods that would actually need .
  21. I'm fully aware, my ranting is directed at digital distribution in general. :)
  22. I wouldn't say cheaper, most digital download services have higher prices (excluding sales) compared to having a physical copy delivered by mail. It's the one thing that makes me mad about digital download in general, the prices should be lower, not higher. You can still see games which you can get for a very low price perched at 49.99€/59.99€ on Steam. I'm not even gonna start ranting about how European countries outside EU still have to pay high-income EU targeted prices.
  23. Demonized, I'd agree with you if I read your post at the time OA was released. It had it's additional hoops to jump trough related to CO, but now, it's a whole different story. I've owned ArmA2 on Steam and Sprocket since it was available there, so I'm not sure what extra level of expertise was needed when there was only A2. On both versions mods were installed the same way, betas were run the same way and launchers worked for both versions. Differences were that the Steam version had a different patching process, patches were late, and they were huge (Which was a problem for me at the time because I had capped internet). You could also easily tell Steam not to auto-update your game for you. Sprocket had a few issues with users not knowing where it downloaded the game and breaking if the installer was launched directly from the browser. Have I missed something so far? When OA was initially released, that's when I can agree with you, the problems with Steam and CO started, you did have to jump trough extra hoops to run CO compared to other versions. And you needed some extra PC-fu to make it run as you want, compared to Sprockets "install-in-the-same-directory-and-done". Eventually, BIS added the "Run Combined Operations" properly to Steam, and all the issues disappeared again for me. I can again launch betas easily, use mods the same way I used to with A2, patches shouldn't be huge anymore, and the only thing that stays is a delay on the official patches.
  24. Sniperwolf572

    Biggest Computer Graphics Advance Since 3D?

    Another post from Notch about this.