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Everything posted by Kikuchiyo

  1. Kikuchiyo


    Sweet, keep it up.
  2. Great stuff mate. Keep up the good work.
  3. I think that depends on the creator of MMA. If you want it in ACE, ask Mandoble to get in touch with the devs so they can cook something up.
  4. I know what it is and what its used for but your body produces it also in certain situations. I assume thats what the "Panic Button" is meant to do.
  5. Hahaha. Sorry dude your post made me laugh so hard right now. :o class Panic_Button { key = 69; // Num - Whatever };
  6. Well, its a button which increases the amount of adrenaline in your body so you can run/sprint a bit further without blacking out.
  7. No its not an injection from what I could see. Its just a "simulation" of the fact that in dangerous situations body will create more adrenaline so you can survive. Edit: Yea, epinephrine = adrenaline.
  8. Someone said its a "shot" of adrenaline which allows you to sprint abit longer in case you need to get out of indian country. :)
  9. Sweeeeeeeeet. Makes me sad I never finished mine so you wouldnt have had to create it but what can you do, ey? :)
  10. Yup people have the same "problems". :)
  11. Ahhh crappola. :( I guess its just a matter of time before some company creates an aftermarket bit that can be bolted onto the new version of the ACOG to provide the same/similar backup sights it had before... How about the M47 Dragon? Will that one come back?
  12. Download the latest version of Six Updater and reinstall?
  13. I tried it now in the editor and the default key for this action didnt do anything. To tell you the truth, I dont even know what that keybinding is supposed to do. ;) If it is related to some special ACE feature it could be that it requires some sort of module to be running.. :confused:
  14. Kikuchiyo

    Isla Duala

    Thats what it sounds like Bushlurker. Great map Icebreakr.
  15. Did you place @ACE_PLA in your target shortcut?
  16. The PLA units are under "Independent" in the editor.
  17. So those of us who are blind can see the bearings on it. :D Happy New Year folks.
  18. It will update it all. You might have to synchronize it before you can download the new bits that you are missing. Edit: Bits like @ACE_PLA and @ACE_SM.
  19. Which website? This one = http://dev-heaven.net/projects/list_files/six-arma-updater OR This one = http://localhost:16333/main Registration is not required on either of them.
  20. ArmA 2\userconfig\ACE\ace_keys.hpp Is that file present?
  21. Kikuchiyo

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Indeed. The link for the ACE compatible version of ZeusAI is in the first post of this topic.
  22. Dont forget the keyword, Dynamic. :)
  23. Kikuchiyo

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Thats what it sounds like.
  24. Maybe they are not being loaded in the proper order. Make sure CBA is the first mod in your "-mod=" line.