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Everything posted by Kikuchiyo

  1. I think they already know about the "parachute->non functioning ACE keybindings" bug. They mentioned the bug would appear any time some mod/mission script/BIS implementation of parachuting, would use an event handler which would then clash with the similar one used in ACE. Apparently the solution is simple, substitute one eventhandler for the other. :confused: Edit: DisplaySetEventhandler and DisplayAddEventhandler. Something like that I believe.
  2. Finally managed to get to the end of the topic to post my thanks to the ACE team for what was released and what is about to come in the future. Keep up the good work folks. :dance:
  3. Some time between the 7th and 13th. The size will be somewhere around 700MB I believe. Check one of the previous pages, the file sizes were provided by Sickboy.
  4. Indeed. Dont forget guys, the release might happen on Monday or it might happen on Sunday (13th of Dec). Either way some peeps will bitch if its not released on Monday.
  5. I think he was refering to a more "realistic" system of aiming the mortar as opposed to what is available in vanilla ArmA2. :)
  6. Kikuchiyo

    Namalsk island, v1.10

    I downloaded it a few minutes ago and it extracted just fine. Great map. :)
  7. Agree TRexian. Incredibly sweet.
  8. You will get some AP mines in ACE. Keep plugging away at it Silola. Its groovy baby.
  9. Very nice. This means you can code even faster then people with ten fingers. :D Keep up the good work mate.
  10. Kikuchiyo

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Thank you very much for the guide Murray (and the rest of the crew of course).
  11. Rock and Roll baby!!!! Thanks guys for a really great mod.
  12. Kikuchiyo

    Avgani and Afghan Village

    Nice stuff mate, and Merry Christmas.
  13. Kikuchiyo


  14. Kikuchiyo

    Enhanced Configuration System

    Well I am shy. Hehe, maybe maybe. Anyway no problems with it so far, but the real test will be tonight on the clans (-{GOL}-) server to see if it can handle ECS now.