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Sgt. Stryker

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Everything posted by Sgt. Stryker

  1. Sgt. Stryker

    New Uniform, new addon?

    I'd rather poke a needle in my eye, shit i'd rather have soem OD BDUs than that crap, look at it.... why they hell are they doing this to our army, I know a few ppl that are pissed allready.
  2. Sgt. Stryker

    Some Deltas

    yup, lots of SF type guys use orange or yellow goggles for that very reason, and it looks pretty badd ass
  3. Sgt. Stryker

    Some Deltas

    yeah once i get a spot of free time i will work on them, but first i will release green guys soon. Config is in progress so it doesnt over write Lasers Deltas. I am not working on config casue i know nothing about. Thanks guys i hope u enjoy it soon.
  4. Sgt. Stryker

    Some Deltas

    yeah once ive made one plain color the other will be easy.
  5. Sgt. Stryker


    nice work guys I just have one little suggestion..... can you pretty please add wrinkles they would make these units so good looking. But anyways great work guys lov eit.
  6. Sgt. Stryker

    Some Deltas

    Yeah i thought about doing a black pack for some swat guys it would be easy. As for the Airforce guys that a negative, sorry its just in my blood, I cant do it. Anyways these guys dont have the right equipment to be Flyboys, ya know, they arent equiped with a laptop and a portable A/C j/k but really the gear is all wrong.
  7. Sgt. Stryker

    US Army gets new combat uniform

    Oh man more sign of the times.... thw world really is gonna end if US Army uses these things.
  8. Sgt. Stryker

    Some Deltas

    thanks guys, thanks wilco for new pics.
  9. Sgt. Stryker

    Australian SASR

    you all plan on adding wrinkles do those textures right? Believe me its one thing all units should have now a days. Looking good so far. Might i suggest something? Dont model on the skimask on the player, use a really nice face and set them to those faces. Liquid snakes skimask faces are excellent ans they will look much better. Also everything is way to bright right now, more saturation and more darkness are needed, some better shadows wouldnt hurt eigther. Good work keep it up.
  10. Sgt. Stryker

    Ambient Sounds?

    try making your own? I've made a few war ambients on my own its actually quite fun.
  11. Sgt. Stryker

    Jungle plant pack

    BTW eveyone check out our new site
  12. Sgt. Stryker

    sound samples

    custom dod sounds are always good, just ask the author if its ok, im sure they wont really care at all. http://dodec.hlgaming.com/main.html is a good start
  13. Sgt. Stryker

    Petition - water level control

    with lots of models, I really dont think it would be wise for such large maps as I Corps though.
  14. Sgt. Stryker

    Lsr delta force teaser

    hmmm i might have to pass on that ugly mofo lol. i dunno its just.... strange
  15. Sgt. Stryker

    North devon terrain

    I like it I just think you should close half of the dors and make them solid, that thing is gonna lag like a mother effer. Looks quite awesome i must say. Good work.
  16. Sgt. Stryker

    Lsr delta force teaser

    ummmmm gotta love springfields work..... that is a sexy gun... damn... Looking good laser, by far the best deltas/US units around.
  17. Sgt. Stryker

    Imperial stormtroopers

    nah not ungrateful mate im just giving constructive critiscism. You people here are weak boneded. If no body says anything about my work the first or second time all my textures i make will not look good, but cause people tellme the TRUTH i can imporve. I am not ungreatful, and its a shame you assumed that, believe me, me of all people want star wars addons desperatly.
  18. Sgt. Stryker

    Imperial stormtroopers

    intersting..... they could use abotu 15 more hours of work how ever, but this is a start....
  19. Sgt. Stryker

    X31a concept helicopter project

    very nice addon, great job!!!!!! I will make a cool mission with it....
  20. Sgt. Stryker

    Unsung - updates

    guys feel free to post your comments and tell us what you think about it, what it needs what you like, what you dislike, but keep in mind there are EARLY war marines not the ones you see in FMJ and other such movies.
  21. Sgt. Stryker

    Spr & lsr delta-teaser special edition

    camon please I beg of you dont require BAS addons please can someone make a pack that JUST uses lsr's delta's with these nice guns, please.
  22. Sgt. Stryker

    Unsung - updates

    I believe someone is all ready making aussie nam units, search flash.ru for it i remeber seeing them there.
  23. Sgt. Stryker

    Unsung - updates

    yeah i think we can figure a way to make that better actually thats prolly the easiest things to do lol.
  24. Sgt. Stryker

    Unsung - updates

    Some more eye candy, some of Uncle Sams Mean Green Fighting Machines, designed and built to kill Uncle Ho's little boys. So here they are still WIP but we need the communities ideas.
  25. Sgt. Stryker

    Homers-engagement-pack released

    nice work dude, next can i suggest a really nice m14?