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Sgt. Stryker

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Everything posted by Sgt. Stryker

  1. Sgt. Stryker

    Sjb special reaction team - done

    very nice, this is one of my favorite addons.
  2. Sgt. Stryker

    New bas thread

    not to sound annoying or anyhting but.. umm.. can we get an update or something on that island, im just kinda confused.
  3. Sgt. Stryker

    Normandy alpha

    any one know if the houses and stuff is in the editor? I cant find them.
  4. Sgt. Stryker

    Sjb special reaction team - done

    please dont give up, even if it was just for cunematics it would be cool. But how bout that tear gas?
  5. Sgt. Stryker

    New mod

    heres your first thing on list to do... make a riot shield, if it is NYC you better have on
  6. Sgt. Stryker

    Sjb special reaction team - done

    it would be really cool, a whole bunch of mods would benifit from it
  7. Sgt. Stryker

    Red Hammer Studios

    Mabye this means that theyre joining with the Sci-Fi Mod!!!!!!
  8. Sgt. Stryker

    Did some one say

    and with a pistol...
  9. Sgt. Stryker

    Modern usmc marpat

    Any plans for FAST units? I know not in this release but mabye someday?
  10. Sgt. Stryker

    Sjb special reaction team - done

    I also have another idea mabye for a future release. Give the SRT team a riot shield (no this idea did not come from CS I've always wanted it) I dont know how it would be done but it would be a cool idea IMO. And possibly tear gas for them too, these guys look like hardcore anti-terrorist so why no equip them as so. Good job man, I love you work.