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Sgt. Stryker

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Everything posted by Sgt. Stryker

  1. Sgt. Stryker

    Effect pack v0.81 realeased

    pretty intense looks cool.
  2. Sgt. Stryker

    Mcnool's pacific island

    nah dont bother then those are too european castle like it would look wrong.
  3. Sgt. Stryker

    Camo netting

    sounds good to me, i agree a bunch of new objects is what will make OFP look like a new game, its the little things ya know?
  4. Sgt. Stryker

    New star wars thread

    i see, well my offer still stands if you want what i got so far of this rebel hoth trooper pm me and or get me on msm and I'll sent them to you. I know have arms legs boots and a cool goggle texture, and thier gun of course. So when you say "packs/publishes" do you mean like they are themed like winter or desert or regular, or are you just releasing misc iles togther. @Dark- still waiting bro cant wait to test those guys for you.
  5. Sgt. Stryker

    Mcnool's pacific island

    and old fort would be cool but i guess that would mean youd have to make one oh welli think it will be cool.
  6. Sgt. Stryker

    Bayonet animation on a rifle

    sweet, i'm starting to think any thing (almost) is possible in OFP, what a wonderful game huh?
  7. Sgt. Stryker

    Mcnool's pacific island

    i guess your right, it does look kinda funny. Maybe if he could just use the smaller buildings with no writing on them or pictures? As for the airport just extent it a wee bit and lenghten it and it'll be fine. The textures dont look bad to me, personally i've been to many carribian islands and it kinda contrasts like that. I'm sure indonesia is sort of similar. Keep up the good work man I like it a lot.
  8. Sgt. Stryker

    Mcnool's pacific island

    no i like the small airport it gives it more of a remote look to it, i dont need ai taking off anyways
  9. Sgt. Stryker

    Mcnool's pacific island

    holy crap thats awesome I cant wait.
  10. Sgt. Stryker

    New star wars thread

    so is anyone gonna actually release anything we can use? just kidding but anyways my offer stillstands. See if we have snow troopers we need hoth (or other winter rebs) tropers, it just makes sense. I'll help someone with textures (i got the legs done) so pm me and well make it work.
  11. Sgt. Stryker

    New star wars thread

    im all for those models (i own that game anyways) looks good guys. how hard would it be to make a snow trooper outta that?
  12. Sgt. Stryker

    The unsung vietnam thread

    didnt sappers usually desroy the barbed wires by sometimes blowing them up along with them selves? Sappers (i thnk) where nothing more than first wave suicide bombers aka damn good target pracrtice. It would be cool though to have a mud covered VC for night missions, sometime si believe they went naked or wore louin cloths? anyways cool idea.
  13. Sgt. Stryker

    New star wars thread

    nice work, textures would make it look 500 timesa better though (i'm still waiting to see dark's ) anyways I have some idea for any one making star wars stuff here they are -Reb troops (regular troops allready being made) but we also need endor commando type troops equiped with a A282 (I have textures) and a hoth troopers equiped with an A280 (I have textures) -Snow troopers, Snow scout troopers (they do exist dont worry) Tie pilot, regular scout troopers, and ATAT drivers. -Weapons -E-11 (allready made by the looks of it ) -Reb DH-17 Blastech rifle - Heavy Blaster DLT-19 -A280 and A282 (I have textures it just needs a model) -DL-44 -Blastech T-21 (once again i have textures) -Merr-Sonn Model 44 (imperial pistol)
  14. Sgt. Stryker

    New star wars thread

    how bout everyone here pool thier resourcesand join up so it all looks uniform ya know? Prototype that sounds good, we will all be greatful for your contributions . So how bou tit boys?
  15. Sgt. Stryker

    New star wars thread

    hmmmm now thats very intersting, but still ground troops are a first.
  16. Sgt. Stryker

    New star wars thread

    you guys have plans for hoth troops or endor troops? If so i got some gun textures you mght want to use, anyways. Will you all give some screen shots of the ATAT please? we would be so greatful
  17. Sgt. Stryker

    Mini soldiers

    it was a whole big lie, thats all it was bro. Everoyne had thier doubts but because nothing has been heard of sense hmm...... 7 months ago all hope is lost just a bunch of jerks with no life and some what knowledgable about photoshop and winnign peoples minds.
  18. Sgt. Stryker


    thank god i dont live in new york cause thered be some dead liberals.... i can feel the anger runnign so deep in my bones, if those people only knew what life was really about, complete assholes not even worth living, ya know whats funny, it because of fuckin war that those people are actually allowed to do that, fuckin inconsiderate people. Ergh.....
  19. Sgt. Stryker

    New star wars thread

    yes... waiting patiently too......... ...........
  20. Sgt. Stryker

    New star wars thread

    hey DarkSchakal i got a bunch of stuff for you if you'd like anyways get in contact and i'll give you what i got.
  21. Sgt. Stryker

    Third world explosion team

    syco is just plain syco, i dont really htink hes even got any of that studd in game, but yeah buildings like those are needed. Just recreating the city block in FMJ would be awesome. See in OFP if people make buildings like that they should be placed on small islandswith lotsa fog... anyways enough rambeling. I'm all for bombed out buildings and factoies, as long as they look good . I second drows vote.
  22. Sgt. Stryker


    damnit still no artilary pieces on there, those are hard to find let me tell you.
  23. Sgt. Stryker

    Mapfact discussion thread

    sweet, i like those a lot, good work guys. so what do you guys think of making a flag pole that can have mulitple flags on it and can have flags with alpha to it? You guys seem like you know a bunch about ofp? anyways if not no biggie
  24. Sgt. Stryker

    What vehicle/weapon you'd like to see in ofp

    a good looking sks.... a real lookig mini 14..... a good looking grease gun.... two pistols at once ( i dont care what people may think, i know it has to be done one way or another)....
  25. Sgt. Stryker

    New star wars thread

    yup allready sent this is gonna rock bro. great work.