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Sgt. Stryker

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Everything posted by Sgt. Stryker

  1. Sgt. Stryker

    New star wars thread

    why dont you all work toghter instead of us having two different versions of ATATs Also who is willing to start making a snow trooper and a Hoth trooper right now?
  2. Sgt. Stryker

    Vietnam collaboration

    how many other vietnam mods are there anyways? Also theres a bunch of ww2 mods that would be nice to have as allies.
  3. Sgt. Stryker

    Vietnam collaboration

    HA!!!! all 4 addons makers and all 4 mission makers?
  4. Sgt. Stryker

    Vietnam collaboration

    Really if all mods collaberated we could have a PREFECT Vietnam MOD, with each "mod group" focusing on seomthing specific. Model sharing, texture sharing, scripting sharing, and sound sharing are just a few things that we all could do. It would even be great if some WW2 mods helped out too, many of the VC and ARVN weapons were just old ww2 weapons. Can you imagine all the lovely things that could come out of such colaberation? Anyways I'll share what i got (with drows permission of couse.... wait i dont wana share my nudie posters and pin ups..... ok j/k I will share them all) But seriously great idea.
  5. Sgt. Stryker

    New star wars thread

    k whos up for some hoth rebels and some snow troopers? I got some hoth trooper textures done (my own i might add) that someone can have. We need it soon though.
  6. Sgt. Stryker

    New star wars thread

    hey atst are you gonna make other hoth addons too?
  7. Sgt. Stryker

    New star wars thread

    lol, but is someone gonna make a TIE tank (i forgot the lettering for it) it will be really easy since theres allready a TIE. And where the hell is darkschakel.
  8. Sgt. Stryker

    Unsung - updates

    i dunno after you see the ******* next to the bunker you might come out.
  9. Sgt. Stryker

    New star wars thread

    looks sweet dude, but can you make it walk?
  10. Sgt. Stryker

    Unsung - updates

    including the "naked lady pin ups" in the bunkers
  11. Sgt. Stryker

    Bayonet animation on a rifle

    when you bayonet you aim for soft spots so your garunteed penetration, the gut is fine with me.
  12. Sgt. Stryker

    Unsung - updates

    It didnt "replace" the tommy #1 it was an alternative, and I yes i believe there is one in the making as we speak.
  13. Sgt. Stryker

    New marpat possibly in the making?

    how botu some nice OD ones with drows nice legs?
  14. Sgt. Stryker

    Bas infantry sdk

    very nice, this will help a lot of mods out
  15. Sgt. Stryker

    New star wars thread

    I want to know what happened to darkschael or what ever. He said it was gona be done in a few days its now been a week or 2.
  16. Sgt. Stryker

    Winter usmc

    too bright make it more like this my snow usmc, you want them?
  17. Sgt. Stryker

    New star wars thread

    i got some hoth trooper textures you all can have, im just busy now so you'll have to catch me and hunt me down.
  18. Sgt. Stryker

    Custom faces

    ummmm i didnt do any of those someo fthem are snakes one is spec ops and a few i have no idea whos they are.
  19. Sgt. Stryker

    Circus clowns?

    the only reason i'd want clowns is for the sole purpose of killing hundereds of them. In daylight only though. i hate clowns so many bad memories. WHY DO THEY EXIST???
  20. Sgt. Stryker

    The unsung vietnam thread

    anyways we where solderis was army, not marines and no i dont think anyone wants the mod to be like, kill the gooks blah blah blah, but at the same time i'm sure it aint gonna be all mushy and emotional, during war you dont have time for stuff like that, its the time afterwards all that comes out. Anyways drow you want us to post pics in here on our own free will or should we check with you first? I think theres a few things ppl would love to see.
  21. Sgt. Stryker

    Mcnool's pacific island

    thatd be nice but i bet the author doesnt even know all the different things he used and all those various pbos in the bas pack.
  22. Sgt. Stryker

    New star wars thread

    so its sunday night and...... you ok dark? i hope your doing well man.
  23. Sgt. Stryker

    I want this

  24. Sgt. Stryker

    New island in progress

    i just got a good idea!!!!!111 a play ground, what city doesnt have one? or a park? a big fancy hotel? good work man keep on truckin.
  25. Sgt. Stryker

    Anti-mine rollers????

    looks cool dude