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Everything posted by SnypaUK

  1. I think people have misunderstood. I did not mean cut out tanks helos jeeps and everything else non infantry i more meant keep the option to jump in vehicles BUT the main premise of the mission is an infantry battle with or without tanks and choppers
  2. I would love to see the europe campaign set in about 1989 where instead of the collapse of the soviet union some guba esque figure has taken over the military and set about a real life massive war between NATO and the warsaw pact if youve ever read red storm rising by tom clancy youll know what i mean but with more infantry action much more and special forces raids and urban warfare
  3. SnypaUK

    Ai thread

    Frankly i only want to see the units use cover without being in stealth mode enemys should use urban cover and an infantry squad shouldnt move so perfectly its like theyre doing drill or something when they run forward and drop to the floor they should be a bit less in line and more spread out. come to it i also want to see suppressing fire and an option in the menu to start pepperpotting torwards an enemy
  4. SnypaUK

    Weapons requests

    SA80 and british weapons as well as british units NATO isnt just americans after all. also more squad machine guns as well as better noises for all weapons
  5. All of the above but i would like to see it so the AI can see further at night so you can register your targets then set to open fire and watch all hell break loose as you lay down a wall of fire from 200 meters. also id like to see more trigger happy soldiers who use suppressing and directional fire
  6. A europe campaign that stretches into arctic warfare in the alps as well that i would like to see and lots of infantry action in forests and hills
  7. SnypaUK

    Unit sight

    this is a very simple but important change that is needed. infantrymen need to see much farther especially at night you have to get within about 10 meters before you can see the enemy without firing and exposing yourself. perhaps you could change it so if a unit is wearing NV goggles it doubles their sight range. also if an enemy skylines themselves they should almost always be seen from miles away. with binoculars you should be able to see for miles you could reduce detection ranges if an enemy is lying down or is in a forest
  8. SnypaUK

    Damage effects

    some of this gore i a bit too much this isnt some kind of 18 rated gorefest where you watch peoples brains scatter over walls when you shoot them. though that would be quite cool. I actually thing the blood effects are ok already its just the vehicle damage that needs work. when i drop a hellfire on a tank i wanna see the turret blow off and fly into the air on a pillar of fire then watch the ammo cooking off
  9. SnypaUK

    Helo parachuting

    I dont really care about weapon slots the important thing is that bis HAVE to have para insertions out of C-130s with like a company of troops being dropped and taking a town you could have it like in A:A where you can steer the parachute and you stand by the door waiting for a green light then you watch your stick go out. come to it you could have a seperate campaign for paratroops where you go through P company
  10. will there be units from other countrys apart from america? i for one would love to see british units involved. in CWC despite the nato involvement there was still only american units involved. Oh by the way yes there were british units in vietnam, royal marines were sent in to assist US special forces many got killed too.
  11. SnypaUK

    Wepon sounds

    I think bis could save some time by using the operation flashpoint sounds the resistance sound for the M16 sucks i prefer the original sound especially on burst mode in resistance it sounds like 3 single shots instead of a 10,000 rpm burst also an interesting complication what will bis do about the history of the M16. in the vietnam war it was full auto but afterwards it was changed to burst due to ammo problems. im assuming the other two campaigns are set after vietnam but how will bis do this will they have have two seperate units one with full auto m16 other with burst also the us only adopted dpm pattern material halfway through the war didnt they? or am i wrong?
  12. btw isnt that a night vision display? anyway thermal imaging would be very nice also the display on the night vision goggles should be improved its not realistic but quite frankly its so bad i just turn them off and use a mark 1 eyeball Ghost recon has the ideal NV display bright enough to see yet grainy enough to make you believe youre wearing goggles
  13. that map on the right looks like an IVIS display. i dont know what it stands for or how it works but i know its about sharing battlefield information about enemy locations
  14. SnypaUK

    Soldiers specialization

    that is a very realistic idea but it would probably take a lot of flexibility out of mission design and the general fun because while it is fun to execute a perfect section attack it is still fun to jump in a chopper and fly it around
  15. SnypaUK

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Someone should make a sight just for OFP photography btw how do you take screenshots in OFP?
  16. SnypaUK

    Airports / airfields

    Dude this isnt Microsoft flight simulator its operation flashpoint
  17. SnypaUK

    Completed resistance

    No he did the neo stopping bullets thing then flew away to safety... actually that would be kind of cool hmmmm
  18. SnypaUK

    After montignac (i know...)

    I just went into map mode hit the x4 speed button and ran and it only took me two tries bit scary really the russians cant hit a man sized target
  19. SnypaUK

    Real battlefield

    or at least they should make it so artillery fire is much easier to simulate without scripts
  20. SnypaUK

    Interface discussion

    Jumping and swimming are for quakers and it would feel a bit tacky to have taunts, taunts are for quakers
  21. SnypaUK

    Interface discussion

    Oh god yeah hand signals would be kickass there are hand signals in Ghost Recon. but i do think at close range or for specific commands shouting would be better like "2 go destroy that truck. which brings me onto how units target a specific unit BIS should change the engine so that the soldier doesnt go running off getting killed they should just fire from where they are in formation or if they cant see the target at least make it subtle by using trees
  22. SnypaUK

    Interface discussion

    btw that is the current system for the united states army, us brits are just behind at the moment... as usual
  23. SnypaUK

    Interface discussion

    "BOWMAN Personal Role Radio (PRR): The BOWMAN PRR provides short range communications for dismounted infantry and is expected to transform infantry operations." found at http://www.mod.uk/dpa/projects/bowman.htm although i do stand corrected on the fact they didnt have the radios before the late 90's. I also stand corrected on the subject of the voice recognition systems i didnt know that... thats quite cool actually.
  24. SnypaUK

    Mission ideas

    MORE HELICOPTER INSERTIONS god those are kickass with all the banter as you look out the window while whizzing over a forest maybe while you hear radio chatter and the pilot and copilot talking eg come right were on radar. you could also make more atmospheric insertions like as you look out the window you watch as the helicopter on your right explodes in a big ball of flames as everyone yells and you hear chopper down!! screamed over the radio. you should also have more door opening animations on choppers as well as people jumping out on both sides of the chopper and hitting the deck
  25. SnypaUK

    Interface discussion

    Some of these replys are ridiculously complex the game has to fit on a computer and calibrating voice commands are too complex and haveing a microphone bundled with the game will cause its price to rise now the tactical corrections; first off operation flashpoints system is fine it would be nice if say a squadmate was within 20 meters say then you start yelling at him but the radio thing is pretty realistic in an infantry squad every man gets a small personal communication radio in case they are not in view, the radio operator and or squad leader will carry a more sexy radio for platoon company and beyond level communication that can be tuned to a globl frequency to call in airstrikes,artillery,armour etc. In fact the only really unrealistic thing in ofp is the fact that your squad mates whos radio range in real life would be about 500 meters at most can communicate from the other side of the island, instead of them saying where are you someone could say "we've lost contact with so and so" and when someone dies you would hear someone yell "Man Down" over the radio and or by voice warning.