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Everything posted by SnypaUK

  1. In ofp 2 Armoured personell carriers should work differently. 1. instead of just popping out of the back you should be able to watch the door open then a scripted camera movement /or not, would have you run out of the back and move a few metres away and drop to the floor or once your out the player takes control immediateley which would probably be better. this would also look very good if you were watching it too 2. the APCs should roll to a halt with a nice judder then disgorge their load all the AI players would run to a preassigned spot then drop down. this behaviour should also be imlemented with helos 3. APCs should be made a bit less vulnerable to laws because its hard to implement them cuz one RPG/LAW and your screwed 4. APCs should put down tons of suppressing fore when youre disembarking. No reason its just cool. 5. they should roll to a halt in cover or in a rough formation not drill square perfect. btw this also applies to infantry their line formations should be a bit less raggedy in a firefight and same with their columns its disturbingly perfect
  2. SnypaUK

    Mission record and playback

    You could also show complex infantry movements in the game to exchange tactics with others
  3. SnypaUK

    Ai thread

    Im sorry but OFPs AI does not use what you could call team-work. The only thing i could say is they heal each other and occasionally they flank. To me working together means using suppressing fire to cover an advance As another thing H&Ds AI dont work together at all
  4. SnypaUK

    Special forces

    In OFP the only special forces missions you play in are sneak into place blowup tanks/helos/steal papers. What i want to see are raids on enemy camps with fast rope insertions and interdiction and intelligence gathering the scouting mission on OFP is a good example of recon.
  5. SnypaUK

    Interface discussion

    There is a big problem with Voice recognition... You look like a prat imagine your girlfriend coming in to find you sitting at a computer screaming CONTACT!! COVERING FIRE SHIFT FIRE RIGHT MAN DOWN MAN DOWN!!
  6. SnypaUK

    Graphics engine improvement

    Oh yeah dont worry about character models or trees BIS short of multi million polygon trees that sway in the wind theres no point improving trees, same with character models. There should be a bit more light with all gunshots though and the light when APCs fire should be downplayed a bit
  7. SnypaUK

    Graphics engine improvement

    In rough unfarmed fields btw there are often mounds and little tufty bushes and long grass. as well as looking good these would also provide lots of cver could we have tufts of long grass and lumps in rough fields or moorland?
  8. SnypaUK

    Ai thread

    The AI when coming under fire should get sprint and get down behind any cover within about 10 meters if there is no cover they should just drop down to the floor and start firing. AI should try and use suppressing fire to try and flank the player this would force you to use more fire and maneuver tactics. If more than three bullets hit within 3 metres of the AI they should seek cover or if they are in it they should get right behind it. Their accuracy should also diminish significantly to simulate nerves, you could simulate this with the player by making the gun shake around a lot. This would also make things more tactical for snipers
  9. SnypaUK

    Ai viewdistance

    Why is it that the AI and your player with binoculars and in broad daylight cant see an enemy plainly moving around while theyre only 200 metres away? it takes the piss cuz you have to fire first and then wait for the enemy to shoot back and provoke a response after killing half your team before they shoot back. isnt there anyway to make the AI see further
  10. SnypaUK

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Before you critcize our security might i add that britain has had only one assasinated prime minister and no monarchs (well i suppose harold at battle of hastings could be argued) in god knows how many years whereas america in about 400 years has managed three assasinated presidents and a few other attemts.
  11. SnypaUK

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    what are those trucks in the third pic down addons? ive never seen them
  12. SnypaUK

    Graphics engine improvement

    I think i may have said this already but a small change would be like on those CNN videos shots taken with NV lens with that big ball of light where the bullet is that looks very cool could we do that? just imagine wathching an APC blasting of these rounds from a 50.cal and watching them ricocheting off buildings and floor etc
  13. SnypaUK

    Ai thread

    Ive never noticed that problem meself in OFP but i agree baron
  14. SnypaUK

    Ai thread

    actually that bush thing is pretty realistic if i saw a man run into a bush i would blast away at it
  15. SnypaUK

    Mission ideas

    I believe the market for tactical missions is more for OFP as most people who play this beautiful game are the kind of people who like ultra tactical gaming and want to see the greatest military simulator ever. people who want run and gun military games all buy CS CFDS call of duty etc There could be two campaigns one unlocked after the other one as a grunt in a squad getting promoted up to a sergeant in a squad then another as an officer from a different perspective. commanding large bodys of troops from platoon right up to a battalion or perhaps further if players want it to be a RTS game but i doubt it or they would have bought empire earth or other RTS games
  16. SnypaUK

    More real sound.

    Get out *Clunk click* now No seriously in OFP:R they sound all wishy washy like pistols or little tiny high pitched squeak farts. In CWC they sound like good proper farts complete with follow through
  17. SnypaUK

    More real sound.

    On the sound thing the old M16 noise from CWC was a lot better than the resistance one
  18. SnypaUK

    Special forces

    They could do it on a DVD rom
  19. SnypaUK

    Slow resistance

    I am not having any trouble with resistance but i was just wondering why is it so demanding compared to CWC? it all looks and feels the same and yet its different
  20. Heres a concept for thought. What if after a while you get promoted to a high enough rank to plan a mission. e.g you get an icon on the right giving you your assets e.g one helicopter starting at a base four tanks and in the base and three squads of infantry. Then in like a mission editor kind of thing you plan the waypoints so you choose to have your infantry in the helo then they get lifted and inserted at x. You then take control of them and attack x town or you plan it in advance which is probably slightly more realistic then you plan to have the tanks wait at x,y then attack the town at signal x. Or you could turn down the promotion and just have normal missions. Or it could be a seperate campaign say theres one campaign as an enlisted soldier who moves up the ranks to warrant officer or seargeant and a commisioned officer campaign where you can plan the mission in advance and direct a company of troops. Or even better you could unlock the CO campaign after x missions as a sergeant you performed well in which could simulate getting a commision. Im going to shut up now too many ideas
  21. SnypaUK

    Im hit! oh my god i've been hit!

    This being knocked out thing adds an interesting potential element to the game. Perhaps if you are knocked out and are evacuated to a field hospital and the conditions were right you could still complete the mission. This would add to the feeling of a soldier in the middle of a big battle. On special ops missions where you are in enemy territory your team would call for a medevac and if it came you could be evacuated to a hospital and you could see like flashes of whats going on like black out when youre hit then it blacks in for a bit to show you being dragged into a helo then blacks out again. Or if you havent killed enough people you hear that the attack failed and you have to do i again or if they have a dynamic campaign then you lose the sector etc.
  22. SnypaUK


    Or an L85? (SA80). Ive got to admit the FAMAS is a sexy weapon though and it has the bipod as well which seems a good idea
  23. SnypaUK

    Helo insertions

    OFP2s organic campaign should have lots more helo insertions. theres only one on the whole of OFP and OFP:R i dont know about red hammer either. there should be lots of atmosphere in them like in the "flashpoint" mission which might i say rocked. also im going to bring up all the things people have said about helos. Needs two door gunners on either side some people should be able to sit in the helo and shoot out probably those who sit by the door, people should get out of both sides of the helo at once same with APCs while im on it and then throw themselves to prone about 10 meters away from the helo or in cover. anything ive missed?
  24. carry on the game physics topic here if you dont wanna flick through tons of pages...
  25. SnypaUK

    Other nations

    Who would like to see other nations in OFP2? I know there are mods to get british french canadian units but in the original campaign its like the USA is the only country in nato. I for one would love to see british troops with SA80s and challenger tanks or SLRs and chieftains depending on the era perhaps not in the vietnam campaign as they werent involved but maybe in the european/african campaign?