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Everything posted by SnypaUK

  1. SnypaUK

    Death animations

    Already talked about concluded by perhaps you should have ragdoll physics but only for headshots or shots to the arms and legs.
  2. SnypaUK

    Ai thread

    something that would add a small touch is programming a route to a point man when you are the 1/ic of a squad. In real life you would not normally have a sergeant or officer leading the way because if you run into a sniper you lose your 1ic. normally theyre in the middle of the column with the radioman nearby
  3. SnypaUK

    Some realism suggestions

    perhaps you should not be able to turn as in there is a physical barrier that stops you turning anymore so you cant use big long armalites in a small space
  4. SnypaUK

    The Middle East part 2

    btw what was the last organisation that killed jewish women and children indiscriminately for reasons of "protecting their people"?
  5. SnypaUK

    The Middle East part 2

    1. People seem to have forgotten the fact that the sheikh was a terrorist leader. He should have realised violence comes back to you when you send it. 2. as the self-appointed "Human rights camp" whine about a terrorists death they seem to have forgottten about the rights of thousands of israeli CIVILIANS killed by "heroric terrorists". 3. "We will open the gates of hell on the israelis" Gee those peace loving Hamas terrorists really do want peace not like those evil israelis defending the rights of their people to a safe life
  6. SnypaUK

    Need a bit of help, staging a coup...

    I have a crack team of girl scouts armed with foam baseball bats ready to go my army will take over belgium in about 48 hours, it takes a long time to process POWS. In return i want it to be named bonerland and i want lots of chocolate
  7. SnypaUK

    Mission ideas

    More of the firefights that we see in OFP and resistance and less infiltration B*******
  8. SnypaUK

    Un force

    I think the UN thing can wait for just a couple of missions, or the UN thing can be an intro mission where you go on a patrol and you come under fire and that sparks off the war The bulk should of course be lots of NATO countries perhaps you could have different campaigns for different nations? Perhaps if we say the recent war in iraq was a campaign youd have one campaign with the US armoured division with the fall of baghdad and another with the british/US marines fighting in Basra with amphibious landings perhaps even river patrols on boats with multiple guns on boats. you could even have solely british paras landing to take the oildfields and american paras and green berets fighting with kurds in the north. well that wasnt actually NATO but you get my point. this would stop OFP 2 becoming another USAem up
  9. SnypaUK

    Ofp 2 slogan

    Where the Hell did you get these dude?
  10. SnypaUK

    Ofp 2 slogan

    comes with a free gastosvski beanie toy
  11. SnypaUK

    Ofp 2 slogan

    :OFP2 the game that goes to work in a three piece suit and eats a pill instead of a three course meal
  12. SnypaUK

    Group formation

    OFP has all the formations you need apart from a box for a fireteam. the problem is that your men dont fan out or take cover quickly enough to get into a line and engage the enemy. neither do they put down any suppressing fire to engage an enemy. column use for moving in woods staggered column for roads wedge for open ground line for assaults it would be nice if OFP could have an all round defence button
  13. I think the opposite. My comrades dont seem to be able to spot an enemy patrol cresting a hill only 400 metres away. I was on a weekend ex the other day and its amazing just how far away you can see someone if they are moving in daylight without camming themselves
  14. SnypaUK

    Ofp2: simulation or arcade

    I believe this is rather irrelevant as in OFP you had different characters doing different stuff. Anyway i think perhaps you should have an option so soldiers can fly helicopters but if the option is turned off then they cant and only pilots can fly helos only tank drivers can drive tanks etc. This would only be relevant in MP in the campaign BIS will probably have seperate characters anyway
  15. I was just thinking about this the other day and i think you could have preplanned fire and maneuver procedures assigned to number keys. You could have a preplan section in your personal options. so you plan what each member of your section does and assign waypoints and arcs of fire then assign it to a number. this means you could program something in then whenever you get a contact in a mission you press one and your lot conduct a full withdrawal right flanking maneuver with cover and move while you do it. Perhaps you could have different programs so if youre squad is in an APC and you press one your squad getss out and performs a maneuver such as they hotpot in the direction theyre facing while if youre in a helo they get out and form an all round defence. Indeed you could oeven plan different plans for different squad sizes
  16. Heavily wooded europe massive infantry battles. Helicopter landings aaahhh i think ill have wet dreams over this
  17. SnypaUK

    Pre-planned movements

    What im talking about is at a section level. Beyond platoon level terrain enters the equation too much
  18. SnypaUK

    Pre-planned movements

    Good point Johnny. No it wasnt it came more from getting pissed off at the stop start nature of Hidden and dangerous 1 and OFP when trying to do complex maneuvers
  19. SnypaUK

    Pre-planned movements

    You know what they could use voice recognition software to do that, so you could say fall back left flanking or right flanking
  20. SnypaUK


    Please can BIS make it much easier to put your own music into the game. Without all the scripts and whatever it is you have to do. Something like a folder you can paste music into then put it in the game as a dropdown menu or similair
  21. SnypaUK

    Improved unit editor

    per haps only if your a sniper can you carry a rifle and a sniper rifle? Anyway i believe that AT weapons already count seperately from rifles anyway so thats pretty much ok
  22. SnypaUK

    Pre-planned movements

    Ai group leaders leaders can be made to do this from the mission editor probably so we dont have to woory about that.
  23. SnypaUK

    Pre-planned movements

  24. SnypaUK

    Be sneaky and underhanded!

    I hope they dont put stealth in anyway. If i want stealth and sneaking around ill buy splinter crap.
  25. SnypaUK


    well then there we go