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sputnik monroe

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Posts posted by sputnik monroe

  1. I hate that NATO uses the Merkava, a great tank but it's insanely stupid to give to NATO. Should have been an updated Abrams or a fictional design.


    The naming of the NATO stuff drives me crazy as well other than the Helicopters which actually follow U.S. naming standards (Army helicopters are named after American Indian tribes)


    The closest to a normal sounding vehicle is the Marshal, which would have made sense for a fictional new tank for the Americans seeing as Tanks are named after Generals, alas they named the APC Marshal. Unless they were being cheeky and Slammer is a play on General S.L.A. Marshal (who was nicknamed Slam) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.L.A._Marshall based on the nonsense names, especially the Wipeout, I doubt they were trying to be clever.

  2. So I have four vehicles and an object named "targetwaypoint". In each vehicles init field I have...

    this Move (getpos targetwaypoint)

    It works, but when the vehicles reach the waypoint they end up piling up on one another. What would I add to this to have them move to a random spot within 10 meters of the targetwaypoint object? I could fudge the distance but the main thing is I don't want them all trying to get on exactly that spot which is causing the pile up.

  3. Is there any chance ACE might integrate some modules that utilize assets from the Contact DLC CRBN gear? 


    If nothing else, perhaps the face overlays for the blindfolds? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CBRN


    I like the overlays in ACE when using goggles or glasses, I don't know why they decided the blindfold in the new official update needs to be scripted to actually obscure the players vision while worn.

  4. Grass in towns should be short. Too many towns on user made maps look like Chernobyl with knee high to waist high grass every where. Also, grass on soccer fields should be very short. Additionally, if a farm field looks plowed from above in an aircraft, it should be bare when you are on foot there. Way too many plowed fields on community maps when you get close have knee high or taller grass on them. Finally grass looks awful underwater and doesn't belong on the ocean floor.


    Another thing I look for in maps that is rare, is actual wilderness areas. There are many maps that are are just way too settled. A base game example of this is Tanoa. Tanoa has great looking jungles, however in any of them if you walk in a straight line in any direction you'll hit a road, path, settlement, or edge of the jungle in less than a Km. It seems like the majority of maps are just too crowded.

    • Like 3

  5. Is it not possible to get a 1 shot catastrophic kill with the tanks?


    I set up a bunch of empty T72 obr1984s and blasted them from all kinds of angles and distances and the best results I could get was delayed brew ups occasionally from rear shots and occasionally but less often from side chassis shots. 


    Tank used M1A1SA and M1A2SEP firing M829A3 rounds.


    The most consistent one shot brew ups I could get was from this angle and range... 




    Even then, it would take about 10 to 20 seconds before the tank would actually explode after a point blank shot through the back of the turret.


    Only addon loaded other than RHS was CUP trerrains. 

    • Like 1

  6. From the gunner position of the M6 Linebacker, how do you get a lock with the Stingers? I've tried \ T and Tab but I get no tone or anything. Tried in both Infrared and standard optics as well.


    I tried looking at the RHS wiki entry but it mentions nothing about obtaining a lock. 



    EDIT: Never mind I figured it out. It is T . I just was having a hell of a time getting a lock.


    EDIT 2: Do the stingers have a maximum lock range? I cannot get a lock cursor at 2Km?

  7. This may seem like a simple thing but this is incredibly awesome to me. I've been playing since OFP and this was always something that irked me. Thank you so much for the fix! 




    This a screenshot from a mission my co op group played through a few months back. Everyone was massacred by the AI as we advanced through this nightmare. Thank you, thank you, thank you for fixing this issue I think I love you guys at BI, (in a healthy platonic way).



  8. 38 minutes ago, wsxcgy said:

    man im tired of seeing this constant cycle of some entitled prick coming in and expecting RHS to bend backwards for them, RHS getting attacked for relatively politely responding to the same questions they constantly get with the same answers they constantly give, and then a big debate ensuing about who is or isnt the meanie and who is or isn't right. sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't be better to just lock the thread or something. most important announcements get across on the facebook and twitter pages, the bug tracker exists, and the FAQ has all the answers to the... frequently asked questions.

    Some one asked a yes/no question about the mod. If that's entitled behaviour and expecting some one to bend over backwards then the bar is about as low as it can possibly get for measuring entitled behaviour.


    The answer was pretty barbed, I stated that I thought it could have been handled better or just ignoring it would have been better response.


    It's not really a debate, it was an observation, do with it what you will. I think it reflects badly to snap at people innocently asking questions. Either answer politely or don't answer at all, it's really simple. I think that's a better solution than "shut it all down! lock it!" There's a good discussion going on about ammo performance, why should  that lose it's place by locking the thread?

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  9. 53 minutes ago, PuFu said:

    a. it wasn’t a smug reply, but rather a standard one. Not really sure why people keep asking the same sort of questions over and over again, and when they get the only answer possible they still consider they are entitled to a yes or no answer.

    When it comes to hobby modding, the plans are either long term and they encompass anything and everything you might have thought of (in 99% of the cases there wasn’t a thing that was asked of that we haven’t actually considered ourselves one way or the other) or really short term plans, with more clear roadmaps on individual level.


    They ask questions probably because they like the mod and they are curious. As for the over an over part, I'm not going to go through his post history, but maybe this is the first time he's asked. If he has badgered you with the question over and over then that's something else.


    56 minutes ago, PuFu said:

    b. i personally don’t feel that the faq’s deliberate evasiveness is aggresive in any way...not really sure why is it that made you feel some humor = nonsense


    I'm just use to FAQs having useful information in them. There's very little of value in the FAQ, the intent of it doesn't seem to be to answer questions at all I mean the title right away makes that clear "Frequently Answered (Stupid) Questions". At first glance that just tells me, "well this is a waste of time to read." You could shorten the FAQ down to basically this, "Q: question... A: piss off lolololol".  Humor is subjective, but I think most people would agree the FAQ isn't humorous it's lame.


    1 hour ago, PuFu said:

    c. I’m not expecting anything from you, or anyone else, so i’m not sure why you’d expect anything from me/us to begin with, be it content related or in regards to the answers (or the lack of, depending on case) i/we provide...


    Fair enough.


    1 hour ago, PuFu said:

    d. i don’t understand YOUR attitude either. do i/we owe you something? 


    No you don't owe me or anyone anything. I just find the way some of you treat people interested in the addon to be really disappointing. RHS is fantastic the quality is great but there's a sort of pretentiousness that's really off putting in the discussion a lot of times. Every single addon that has ever been since the days of OFP is going to have questions about "Hey are you guys going to do this or is that going to be added?" It's understandable that it can get tiresome seeing the same questions all the time, believe me I get that. But I don't understand why you cannot simply ignore those questions and move on, you always have to troll people that at the end of the day most of the time are fans.  


    There are old timers like me that have been around for years that realize it's a faux pas to ask "when's the next update?" or variations of "are you going to add X?" but not everyone one here is an old timer some people are new to the series or new to the forum and don't know any better. Thank god for that, it means the community is still growing and breathing. I feel like it doesn't service the greater ARMA community at all in the big picture to snap at them and act like smug elitist. 


    1 hour ago, PuFu said:

    i’ll make a note though, maybe ignoring all the questions would be even better


    I'd say just ignore the "are you adding X" or "whens the release" questions. Honestly though, if you cannot participate in the forum with out trolling and snapping at people, then maybe it would be better to take a break and not answer "any" questions at all. When you engage with people in that way you're only hurting RHS's reputation and at worse the community as whole. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, BLACKOUT6IX said:

    It is answered, in the link PuFu gave you.


    "Will you make XXX? No idea. Maybe, but probably not."


    It was a pretty smug way to answer though. Would have been more mature to just not have answered at all rather than the way he did. The FAQ reads like it was written by a pretentious 14 year old, over half the entries are passive aggressive nonsense. I'd expect better from a high quality mod studio.


    I just don't understand the attitude.

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  11. 10 hours ago, bolo861 said:

    Squad patches work fine. I just tested it.

    This is what I meant... 


    Here is how they normally look...




    This is how they are appearing in the addon...



    So it's not that the squad xml patch isn't showing, it's that they are showing but they are showing too big, notice as well how the top and bottom is slightly cut off.


  12. 3 hours ago, bolo861 said:

    Squad patches work fine. I just tested it.

    It's not that they don't "work" it's that they appear stretched and too large which warps them. I can take a screenshot later today when I get home from work. It's also visible in a lot of Shacktac videos, they use the addon quite a bit. You can see their rank patches that they give their members are over-sized and kind of warped.


    8 hours ago, Delta Hawk said:

    I'll take it a look at the squad patches and see what I can do.


    You are a scholar and a gentleman.  


  13. So I heard elsewhere (not in this ghost town) that maybe .paa would work?  So instead of having face.jpg in your profile folder it would be face.paa and it's possible that might work and that the .paa would not have the transparent face problem. 


    Does anyone have a working link to a .paa plugin for photoshop? I've looked around but all I can find are broken links, mostly on extinct ARMA 2 fan sites. 


    Also as a follow up question, can anyone using a custom face confirm that face.paa is actually recognized? Also does it not suffer from the transparency problem?


    I know there are people that use custom faces and the community is normally more helpful than this.

  14. 14 hours ago, bolo861 said:

    That was already fixed by DH. Are You sure, that You re running the latest version of the mod?


    The shoulder patches were fixed but not the squad XML patches, they are handled separately. I think I'm using the latest version, I downloaded the latest version from Armaholic.


    Is there a way to disable xml patches on a unit in eden editor by chance as a temporary work around? Is there something that can be put in a unit's init field?
