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sputnik monroe

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Everything posted by sputnik monroe

  1. sputnik monroe

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Shell exist still, they had an add campaign like last year or the year before about "the new look of Shell" or some crap. As for some of the Oil companies listed in that little snippet, some of them don't import oil from the middle east. I use to have a list of various Oil companies who didn't buy their oil from the middle east. I tried to get friends and family to only buy gas from those companies stations. They just called me a hippy or were indifferent. basically the idea went no where. That was back when I was idealistic and had the foolish notion that I could change the world, if only in a small way.
  2. sputnik monroe

    Resistance Team = Australia?

    I'd rather they change it to Bluefor vs Redfor perhaps call Resistance Yellow or Greenfor.
  3. sputnik monroe

    GS faces for Llauma head model

    Obviously that will be possible. Asian and Hispanic faces can be included also, (as they are already in). As Bobcat pointed out though, there is the problem of white hands.
  4. sputnik monroe

    GS faces for Llauma head model

    That has been a reoccuring thought in my mind. Does the facetex script simply draw the faces it uses from one pool? Or can it be set up so that an addon only draws faces from a certain pool for it's troops. Example: a Russian troop pack only uses faces from the pool of Russian faces and a Chad troop pack only draws faces from an African face pack.
  5. sputnik monroe

    GS faces for Llauma head model

    I'll be done with the Ethiopian faces soon. Which brings me to a question for Agent Smith and for the DMA team. Should I send the Ethiopian faces to Agent smith or DMA? The reason I ask this is because DMA has their own facetex.pbo for their african troops. By default I figured I'd send them to Smith, though I don't know how future african faces are going to work, will they all be part of the DMA face tex or will they be part of the main facetex2?
  6. sputnik monroe

    GS faces for Llauma head model

    Step Fourteen:  Now we will begin work on the eyes. First we’ll need to close the existing eyes. I use the smudge tool set to brush size 12 hardness 100. With it on those settings I go around the eyeballs and gently smudge the eyes closed. Until it looks like this…  You might try the clone stamp tool. This is one step where you’ll just have to experiment. Step Fifteen: Now using the circle marquee tool select the pupil of the eye in the top right corner of the background layer. If you have trouble selecting the whole pupil in one try, simply hold shift and do it again to add to the selection. Step Sixteen: Copy and paste the selection as a new layer. Then go up to image then scroll down to adjustments and then click on hue/saturation. Move the hue slider to change the eye color. Also try moving the saturation and lightness sliders. The face I am using in this tutorial had grayish brown eyes. So I simply desaturate the default brown eye a bit. Step Seventeen: Now for the mouth. Select the mouth using the circular marquee tool. Then copy and paste it as a new layer. Step Eighteen: Go up to Edit and scroll down to transform and then click on scale. You should see this thing… Step Nineteen: Click on the right center point and stretch the mouth to the fight a few pixels. Repeat for the left side. The reason for widening the mouth like this is so it matches up with the 3D mouth in game. Other wise the lips are smaller and you get a Batman Joker look. Step Twenty: Use the blur tool to soften the edges of the mouth layer. After you stretch the mouth layer out it’s likely have a few sharp lines around the edges that clash with the background. If the face you are converting has no face paint you can skip steps 21 through 23 Step Twenty One:  press Ctrl+Shift+N and click ok on the prompt that’ll appear. You’ve now created a blank layer. Step Twenty Two: Using the eye dropper tool, click on the face layer at a location with face paint. Step Twenty Three: select the Brush tool and select a nice brush. Paint over the ear texture in the top right. Try to space it out some and experiment with the smudge tool. When you’re satisfied, use the eraser tool to erase any scribbles that may have tracked out onto the rest of the face or the eye texture. This step is needed if the face has face paint. Other wise the ears will look strange. Step Twenty Four: Go up and select Layer then scroll down and click on merge visible. Step Twenty Five: Go up to Image then scroll down to adjustments and finally click on brightness/contrast. Move the brightness slider down to -20. The image will now look too dark. The face will appear much brighter in Flashpoint though. This step is necessary to ensure the face doesn’t look like a bleached out corpse in game. Step Twenty Six: Save the image as a TGA and you’re technically done. Optional: You could also save the face as Face.Jpg and drop it in your user folder in Flashpoint. If you have Offtimes GROM installed you can fire up the test mission I made to check out how the face looks in game. This is a useful step to see if anything needs tweaked. Here is the test mission. http://www.myfilelink.co.uk/file.as....7592f23  Well let us see how this Marine turned out… Well I don't think it's too bad. The left eye needs a little more work. The screenshot is also a bit dark as I used print screen instead of fraps.
  7. sputnik monroe

    GS faces for Llauma head model

    Ok here is my shot at a tutorial. Download and use this PSD as a template.  http://www.myfilelink.co.uk/file.aspx?id=e20a4d5aa6bc4bc49fa0d76cf112ed80 Step One: Open up a Ghost Recon face TGA. Step Two: Click on image (to the right of File and edit) in the image drop down options click on image size. Change the size to  435x231 pixels. (make sure constrain proportions is turned off) Step Three: Using the rectangle marquee tool select the entire image and Press Ctrl+C to copy it. Then close the image. Step Four: Open the template.psd. Press Ctrl+V to paste the image you resized and copied earlier. Step Five: Use the move tool to move the pasted face into position. The template has a second layer with two red dots and a line. Try to line up the eyes with the dots and the point where the lips come together with the line. The most important point to line up is the mouth. Example Picture Step Six: Once all is aligned delete the layer with the red dots and line. They are no longer needed. Step Seven: You’ll notice a sliver of the template face running horizontal across the top of the head between the black area and the top of the new face. To fix this use the rectangle marquee tool to select a horizontal area of the new face equal in size to the gap. Step Eight: Press Ctrl+C and then Ctrl+V. This will copy the selected area and then paste it as a new layer. Use the move tool to move the new layer into a position that covers the gap. Excellent the gap is gone Step Nine: Now to remove the obsolete ears. Select the clone stamp tool. I set the brush size for it to 43 and 59% hardness.  Hold ALT and click the area you’d like to clone, next click and hold down the left mouse button. You’ll notice a crosshair next to the giant round stamp circle. This crosshair marks the area that will be cloned into the brush circle when you let off the left mouse button. Give it a shot and clone over the two ears so it looks like this… Look Ma no ears. Step Ten: Now we are going to do some work on the real ear texture. Using the rectangle marquee tool select the ear texture in the top right corner of the template. (this will be on the background layer) Step eleven: Using the rectangle marquee tool again while holding down the Alt key select the eye texture. (holding Alt and using the marquee tool will deselect the area) It should looks like this. Step Twelve: Copy and paste the selected area as a new layer. Step Thirteen: Go up and click on Image (between edit and laayer). Scroll down and click adjustments and then select hue/saturation. You should see some sliders titled hue, saturation and lightness. Move the sliders around until the ear matches the skin on the face. To be continued in next post… (five image rule)
  8. sputnik monroe

    military photography

    The shoulder patches on some of these guys are white, light blue and yellow in stead of white, blue and red. What does that mean? Also some of them have the Russian naval jack (white flag with blue X) instead of the Russian flag patch. Could some one explain what that all means?
  9. sputnik monroe

    War against terror

    http://video.google.com/videopl....+stupid Watch it. Seriously, just watch it. The fire-chief of the firestation closest to the twin towers can tell you why. So can any sane and logic person for that matter, but I'd take it from him. Do you know where I could download that video? I'd like to show it to some one I know. By download I mean save to desktop so I can burn it to a CD.
  10. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    Here's the only shot I took tonight. The Cobra and Hokum Colided during our bee swarm chopper attack on the town. That was really fun and some how I didn't get desync until the last 30 seconds, unusuall for me because just riding in a chopper usually desyncs me massively. All in all it was a very fun night. Thanks for the games guys
  11. sputnik monroe

    GS faces for Llauma head model

    I'm now starting on the Ethiopian faces. This could be a great boon for the Toyota wars mod when I have them complete as there are 27 African faces. As for the middle east and Libya troops, I think some of the Cuban and Georgian faces could pass for those regions. That said, some one should make a south american guerilla pack. There are 37 Cuban faces just begging to be included in a South American Troop pack. Any way here is a shot of one of the completed Ethiopian faces.
  12. sputnik monroe

    GS faces for Llauma head model

    Excellent news indeed, Shadow NX. I just finished the western Caucasian faces just now as well. I'll update the first page accordingly. Â Good initiative on making the wound textures. Agent Smith said we still needed a wound texture and I never got around to making one yet. Â All you have to do is send the Russian faces along to Agent Smith now. I'll attempt to upload the Caucasian faces for agent smith, it'll probably take me all night as my upload speed is very slow. Â It's great that the project is finally moving forward again. *Edit* Â I'm currently auditing the list in the first post as it was not entirely accurate. For example it listed 22 Specialist faces, when in fact there are only 11 do to the other 11 being unusable do to chinstraps on the face textures. *Edit2* First post status report is accurate now.
  13. sputnik monroe

    European Politics Thread.

    Rather than making a big scene and leaving, why doesn't she just reapply?
  14. sputnik monroe

    GS faces for Llauma head model

    Â You have to use the _name setface "custom" command in a trigger a few seconds after mission start. I just have a radio Alpha trigger with player setface "custom"; in the activation field. Â That's a good idea actually. I've started doing it since you mentioned it. I've only had one face that the old eyes showed around the new 3d eyes, I fixed that though by ajdusting the face some. It's a good habit to remove the old eyes though.
  15. sputnik monroe

    GS faces for Llauma head model

    I've been testing the faces by using Offtimes GROM units as they were the only units I have on my computer that use Llaumas head model. Because of that I decided I should perhaps download another addon to see how the faces would look on them. I chose Lasers PJs and CCT pack. Â Are there more than one Llauma head model out there? The ones on Lasers units seem a bit different in proportion to the ones on Offtimes GROM. Â Here is a screenshot comparision. Soldier on left is Lasers soldier on right is Offtimes. Both are using the same face, but their heads seem slightly different. *Edit* I just remembered I had the Toyota wars soldiers that use Llaumas head model. Unfortunatly I lost them when I had to reformat as they were not backed up onto CD yet. I'll have to download them again later.
  16. sputnik monroe

    Win SPWW2 has been released

    Here is the link http://shrapnelgames.com/SPCamo/wSPWW2/6.htm You can download the full game for free or order the full version with extra features for around $30 dollars. I'll have to wait a bit to download as its 125megs.
  17. sputnik monroe

    Music Recommendations

    Pink Floyds first album is the only one I've never heard. It'll probably be my next music purchase as Pink Floyd is my favorite band of all time. Â That said I have heard at least half the songs off the first album at one time or another.It's so sad what happened to Barrett, I like his style. Â As for his solo work I've only heard Evervescing Elephant. Little trivia about that song: It was one of the first songs, if not indeed the first song, that he wrote. He wrote it when he was 16 or 17. As fate would have it, it was the last song he ever recorded. Â I like Jugband Blues, though it's rather sad when you listen to the words and put them in context with his mental illness.
  18. sputnik monroe

    GS faces for Llauma head model

    Here you go two more shots of another face I just finished. Resizing the mouth on each one really improves the look by leaps and bounds. If left to their original size they just don't seem to match up right with the Llaumas head model.
  19. sputnik monroe

    GS faces for Llauma head model

    Well it finally dawned on me that all I have to do to test the face out in game is to save it as a face.jpg and then use the setface "custom" command. Do to this I am now able to test my conversions out each step of the way. I've finally finished a face and think I can begin plowing my way through some faces.  Here are two ingame shots.  Also here are a few tips. 1. Make sure you save them as TGAs 2. You might want to darken the brightness of the faces. I darkened the face shown above %20. I believe it gives the face a richer look. 3. I made the mouth wider. The mouth on the face in question was a little smaller than the LLauma head models mouth. You might have to resize the mouth individually for each face as they seem to all have different sized mouthes. 4. If the soldier has face paint don't forget to add face paint to the ear texture in the top right corner. If you don't the ears will looks strange. 5. Remove the left and right ear textures on the face. The ear texture in the top right is what the model uses for it's ears. If you leave the ear textures on the face it'll look disturbing as the new 3d ear will be growing out of the old 2d ear textures. I used the stamp tool to remove them, if there's a better way let me know.  Finally here is a comparision between the original Ghost Recon Face and the Flashpoint conversion. Before After  Note the removed ears and wider mouth. The converted face looks excessively dark, keep in mind that the faces appear much lighter in game than they do in photoshop.  Any how looking forward to some feedback.  If he decides to return we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Don't worry about it, and thank you for your help on the project I really appreciate it.
  20. sputnik monroe

    GS faces for Llauma head model

    First I would like to say, I have got a copy of photoshop again so I can attempt some conversions again. I'll attempt to post a few screenshots and explanations like a mini tutorial in the next few days. Â Blackscorpion, it looks like you got the basics down. The only thing is the face looks like it needs adjusted a little to the side. You can see the 3d ear is coming out of a 2d ear texture on the side of his head. Â Currently that has been the hardest part for me is just getting the face lined up correctly, for me the problem mostly being the mouth. Its the area highlighted in red below. Â Make a mask and then cut and paste it as a seperate layer, (make sure you don't add the eye to the mask, hold Alt and use the mask to subtract it). Next select that layer and go to Image, scroll down to adjustments then click on hue/saturation. I use the lightness slider to adjust the ear. So far that has worked for latin, caucasian and asian faces. Black faces are a bit dark and the ear for them likely needs a few more adjustments than just lightness in order to match up with the rest of the face.
  21. sputnik monroe

    GS faces for Llauma head model

    Shadow, I can't really give an in depth tutorial. I'll try to describe how I was going about the process though. Â First I would open up one of the GS face TGAs. Next I would resize the tga to 435x231. Â Next I would select the entire image and copy it to the clipboard. After I copied it I'd close the TGA and open up this template... Â Then I wold simply paste the resized original TGA face as a seperate layer onto the template and move it into place. Â To help with lining it up I would make the copied layer semi transparent so I could see the template face through it. Once I had the eyes and mouth lined up with the back ground template I would then turn off the transparentcy, combine all layers and save as a TGA. Â Of course there were a few other steps like changing the eye color, for that I would just make a mask over the eye pupil copy it as a seperate layer and play with the hue and color balance. Â The ear needs to be edited a little for each face in order to match. For that I simply would once again create a mask and copy it as a new layer and edit the contrast, brightness and hue. Â There also is one other step that has to do with the top of the head. I just can't think of how to describe it. Basically once you have the face lined up with the template you'll notice that a 2 milimeter high strip of the template face will still be showing up below the black area on top of the template. For that I simply would copy and past the top 2 milimeters of the face and drag it into place. Â Â Man I realize that makes no sense. I wish I could describe it all a little better.
  22. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    Best Co op night ever. Good night.
  23. sputnik monroe

    IDEA Games at E3

    I don't like that at all either. I liked Rogue Spear and the first Ghost Recon. How ever your squad members in that game are basically extra lives not team mates. In Flashpoint if you die your dead. Because of this you order your team mates around and position them so that they can be the most effective. In the Red Storm games you simply run and fight until you die then switch to the next guy. This feature effectivley kills the "you are a normal every day average soldier" and squad based aspects of the game. BIS, I love you guys but this isn't cool. Extra lives are so Mario Brothers. Why did you add this feature?
  24. sputnik monroe

    IDEA Games at E3

    At the end when it zooms down the road by all the vehicles and troops you'll notice there are three types of troops shown. First ACU, then once the camera reaches to about the yellow Ural you see desert BDU, finally at the end just before it cuts to the next scene there are some Russian looking troops. I think the russian looking troops we have seen so far are the South Sahrani soldiers. I think they are keeping the North Sahrani Opfor a surprise.
  25. sputnik monroe

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Looking good. I think there might be a few more vehicles in the final release than shown in the video. I do remember a screenshot with a Ural with no canvas tarp covering the back, I'm sure there will be a open 5ton truck also. Keep in mind also that when Operation Flashpoint first came out it didn't include the Apache, Chinook, Kiowa, BMP2, BRDM, Hummer, Frogfoot, Trabant, M167 or Bradley. Those were added later in upgrade patches. It's a little funny how this time the BMP2 is already in but perhaps the BMP1 might be the upgrade pack vehicle this time.