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sputnik monroe

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Everything posted by sputnik monroe

  1. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    Tony engages in hand to hand combat with the enemy KABOOM! Holodoc in a Hawk Night Fighting
  2. sputnik monroe

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    Â You missed the point again, like you always do. The point was that the kid was doomed from the start. The old loon snapped and was going to assault to kill him. He did not kill the kid because he had a gun, he killed the kid because he was crazy. Taking the gun out of the story would only of changed the impliment with which the kid was killed. Â Your property confiscation scheme would not have changed the end out come at all. It only would have changed the tool used to achieve the out come. Â Coult not of said it better my self. Discussion closed.
  3. sputnik monroe

    BI Forum Reconnaissance Game

    I know it's the G.I. Joe MOBAT Â Â Sheesh, 90MM or 130MM, clearly Larry Hama and Hasbro couldn't come to a consensus.
  4. sputnik monroe

    BI Forum Reconnaissance Game

    Yup. I was going to put something a little harder but I couldn't find a good shot of the plane I wanted to.
  5. sputnik monroe

    BI Forum Reconnaissance Game

  6. sputnik monroe

    BI Forum Reconnaissance Game

    So does that mean I pick the next photo? *Edit* It was easy for me as I watched that episode of future weapons this morning.
  7. sputnik monroe

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    Â Duh, Â He still would have been attacked and likely killed however. Â Depends, how do you know it would not have been easier to kill him with an axe? Personally in my own experience I trust my ability to slay a man with an axe more than I trust my ability to hit a target by shooting. *Edit* Man that sounds crazy, what I mean is if I was to go insane and want to kill some one, well I'm not a good shot I'd do better with an axe or knife or perhaps a blunt heavy object. Come on it's a hypothetical people.
  8. sputnik monroe

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    Bummer for the kid. Â I hate crazy people who murder people, however I'm sure if he didn't have a gun he would of killed him another way as this was obviously a spirit of the moment type killing. Probably would of stabbed him or something. Â Lunatics snap and kill people all the time in very creative ways. Â Â Rest of the story http://www.time.com/time....googlep Rest of the story http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/s_360936.html Rest of the story http://www.theregister.co.uk/1999/08/10/man_beaten_to_death/ rest of the story http://www.stuff.co.nz/4035977a10.html The Rest of the story http://news.rgj.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=200770422005 The rest of the story http://news.bostonherald.com/localRegional/view.bg?articleid=196914 Â I can go on and on and on. But I wont because now I'm depressed after reading about people flipping out for no reason and stabbing, beating, or strangeling people to death for no apparent reason. Â If I owned a firearm I don't think I should have to surrender it becaues some one else used one in a crime. How about you punish the guy who commited the crime instead? Â I'm not afraid of guns, I'm afraid of ass holes and crazy people.
  9. sputnik monroe

    BI Forum Reconnaissance Game

    Dragon Skin?
  10. sputnik monroe

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    Also one more point. There is always that statistic thrown out that %1 of the USA population is in prison. I'm willing to bet nearly %80 of them shouldn't be there. They need to stop arresting people for victimless crimes so we can make room for these career scumbags that just rob steal and attack. The bottom line is this will never happen though. Western civilization is collapsing. I hold no hope for the west reforming and using a little common sense. The laws are insane, the violent and the klepto walk the streets free, hell some own corporations. Meanwhile we spend our time locking up pot heads and people who fucked up on their taxes.
  11. sputnik monroe

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    Â Chill out, what's your problem? Â Â This is true, for the most part. Where guns are banned it's because there were a lot of gun related crimes at one point, usually the city. However it doesn't solve the problem. Â Guys bare withe me on this, I have the solution. Ok here it goes... lock up criminals. Yeah that's it lock them up. "But wait they already do that right?" you may be asking. The answer is no, the amount of crimes you have to commit in the states before you get locked away is insane. The stuff you can get locked away for is also insane. Write some bad checks, jail, marjuana possesion, jail, steal a car, probation up until the fith car then you get a few monthes, attack some one, community service. Â The problem in America is not guns. The problem is Americans and their law system. Cormega makes a valid point, where I grew up most people handled a fire arm for hunting or just target shooting and every one was safe and there were rarely any violent crimes. When my father was a child the same thing and so forth with my grand father. Â It's different now, as there is a massive drug problem where I grew up now. Those are the people I am nervous about, they are the ones who go around robbing, assaulting and killing. Given time they end up killing people with a knife and rarely a gun, it happens but rarely. So why not lock these scum bags off the street, that will make it safer. Â They never get locked up though. When I was working the graveyard shift at a gas station earlier this year most the people that came in were crack heads. I couldn't believe this shit they bragged about, assaulting people robbing houses stealing cars over and over again and not jail time. If you want a safer society you have to accept that some people are just ass holes and cannot participate in it with out hurting others. You then have to lock them away. However in the sates our system doesn't bother they just let them fucking walk and continue their crimes. These are the people who eventually steal a gun or buy one illegally and use it in a crime. Â I also have to mention nearly all the regular customers at my gas station were driving on suspended drivers licences. Any time there was a police man getting gas at the station no customers would come because they all just drive with a suspended license. If they get cought it doesn't really matter as they jsut get a small fine that they wont pay any how. Now I ask you this, what makes you think those people will follow a gun control law when they choose to ignore all the other laws? Â In a land where no one has recourse to the law to begin with do you really think passing new laws will make a difference? The solution is enforcement and punishment of criminals. Â But no lets censor video games and enact gun control. It's so much easier than controling the criminal element and punishing criminals.
  12. sputnik monroe

    Project UK Forces

    Could they perhaps let you continue work as a OFP chapter of UKF mod?
  13. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    4/25/07 Can you spot the enemy sentry? Dude looks like a lady.
  14. I'm making a FDF mission where you have to destroy two bridges. However I can't seem to get them to blow up. I've tried (object 1) setdamage 1 to try and destroy the bridge span farthest to the east on the bridge at grid Ea37 but nothing happens. Â Any advice? *Edit* to clarify this is on east border winter
  15. sputnik monroe

    Destroying the bridges on FDF east border

    Thanks Iron Heart that does the trick. Â One question though, how in the world did you figure out this mad gibberish code and what it would do? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">onMapSingleClick{hint format["%1\n\n%2",nearestObject _pos,_pos]} "%1\n\n%2" Â that especially is just non sensical to me and beyond deciphering.
  16. sputnik monroe

    Any one know where to get some Tonal Redux Co ops

    Yeah it came with some but not a lot.
  17. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    I guess now that you mention it, it does look a little ominous when you can't see the wide open mouth and the freakishly long tongue wagging in the air.
  18. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    Good games. Â Only one screenshot though it looks rather dramatic. I kind of like how it turned out.
  19. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    By the way thought I'd let every one know I'll probably be 10 to 15 minutes late today and possibly every other Sunday from now on.
  20. sputnik monroe

    CiA co-op night

    Firing line on Desert Ambush. [ Billy and Variable moving into town on another oldschool mission. No it's not Hollywood fog on the set of a new horror movie. Just the result of over 15 satchels detonated at once by Sputnik and Holodoc. An enemy soldier was litterally walking on Billy's heels. I shot him and he fell directly on top of Billy. He crawled forward a bit before I hit pring screen however.
  21. sputnik monroe

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    Oh lord not more disinformation from that stupid Michael Moore's film. You know they didn't explain in his stupid movie that he had to pass a background check and all kinds of other stuff. He simply lied in his movie (like he always does) and presented it like he just went in opened a bank account and they went "here you go have a rifle while your at it". You people are the ones who are paranoid and insane. You make it out like if you walk down the street in America some fat white guy with a beer belly is going to gun you down with a .50 cal machine gun that he got out of a box of cracker jacks.
  22. sputnik monroe

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    One more thing, I was wondering, since it’s fair game for people on the gun prohibitionist side of the issue to openly label every one on the opposite side of the debate “Paranoid backwoods, inbred, racist, Jew hating moronsâ€. That means it’s considered fair game for the people on the “stupid hillbilly†side to label them as stuck up, pretentious, narcissistic, self righteous, ass holes, correct?
  23. sputnik monroe

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    Â Every time I hear the word "red" followed by the word "neck" I just want to puke. I'm so tired of this stupid F'ing stereo type. "If you own a gun then you are a Jew hating, racist, xenophobic, inbred sack of shit." Â Personally I don't own a gun but I know a lot of people who do, not a single one of them is any of the things you believe them to be, they are not racist they are not inbred they are not psychotic and they are not murderers. So fuck off end of discussion. Â I hate to cuss like that as I feel it usually weakens my case but what does it matter. To all of you I'm just a so called "gun lover" and thus an inbred racist piece of hillybilly trash anyway. Â The solution to all these gun related problems is to just enforce the god damn laws we already have. Most of the people out there who commit crimes with guns usually have a record a mile long and should have been in jail. Too bad our law system thinks it's better to slap them on the wrist over and over until they finally kill people. My country locks up people for marijauna possesion or writing bad checks but they see fit to let violent criminals walk free for some god damn reason. Talk about misguided judgement. Oh well let's just punish the law abiding, and while we are at it lets label them as gap toothed ,retard, paranoids while we ae at it.
  24. sputnik monroe

    Theatre of War

    It had a lot of potential but I don't think I like it. Â The infantry are ridicules. Why are just individual soldiers instead of squads? You have to drag a box and group them with CTRL # your self instead of selecting a squad and issuing a order, which is way to gamey. It's weird in that way the troops act like they are from command and conquer while the tanks act like they are from a strategy game. Â My troops seemed to act like idiots of course but not the computers. My troops kept getting out their trenches and standing up or just deciding to wander off some where for no reason with out any orders. Â I don't know I'll give it a few more tries but I hate the RTS aspect of it. Would have been better if you issued orders then let it run for 15 seconds and then issue orders again sort of like combat mission. As it is now well, I hate the chinese fire drill it is now. All your troops are running around with like their heads are chopped off while you frantically scramble around ordering each and every single individual what to do. They can't fight or do anything with you telling them to do it every second. Meanwhile the computer's troops don't have this problem of course. Â I hate how every thing is a mindless twitch game any more.
  25. sputnik monroe

    Blue Angel Down

    This is sad. My heart goes out to the family of the pilot.