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Posts posted by Sinister-tnuC-

  1. nice work Karrilion, i love playing it.

    few problem though. On the command & control screen, the squads are labeled, in order -

    Alpha Black(me)

    Bravo Black (bobby bruning)

    Charlie Black (James Pound)

    Foxtrot Black ( george dabak)

    Echo Black (greg byrd)

    Delta Black (jim self)

    Golf Black (harry sissman)

    Hotel Black (chris marie)

    Kilo Black (jack chern)

    Charlie Red (adam shillingsburg)

    Bravo Red (ryan carreira)

    Alpha Red (george connell)

    and on the map screen

    you have -

    alpha, bravo, charlie, delta, echo,foxtrot, golf, hotel, india, juliet.

    it makes it very confusing and time consuming working out who is what squad. is there a specific reason why they have different names on the 2 screens?

    after an ai squad leader is killed he starts to run back on foot to where he died, can u make them stay at the respawn location at all?

    I breifly tested the addons verion on Malden and when ordering a leader to 'capture territories' it would say its going to Le port but id already capped that town, but it went to La Rivera instead. it was getting the towns names wrong.

    keep up the good work smile.gif

  2. hi bagel, nice work yourve done, im enjoying it alot.

    i have a problem tho. i cannot spawn any new soldiers once a squad has been killed. i get an error saying-

    'typeof |#|(list trigbar select 0) creatunit [getpos (list trigbar select 0),group (list trigbar select 0)]': error unknown operator.

    after a squad leader has been killed i take him to the barracks circle and then thats when i get the error. do the soldiers spawn automatically or am i doing something wrong...??

    and also i had an error saying 'cant find helibase.sqs' i think i was trying to buy a chopper after it had been destroyed.
