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Posts posted by Sinister-tnuC-

  1. m21man you will need to repackage the mission. inside the zip is a file called 'Christmas Raid' with no file extension. i put a .zip extension on it and was able to extract an user mission folder, the mission worked after that.

    good mission, no major bugs, except that the mission ended as soon as i killed the last enemy. i never got to the extraction zone

    hope to see some more missions from u smile_o.gif

  2. very nice work BOH mod. this oozes with class, very detailed models and interiors. lot of work has gone into the interior of the C1.

    the included missions are all very high quality. the wanzer missions are a good bit of blasting fun.

    wish there was a grenade launcher though for the soldiers.

  3. love the new ingame settings screen, well done.

    I found the grenades are useless now, it took 3 right on top of a BASranger to kill him, and then he didnt die with the 3rd gren, it was about 2 seconds after the explosion he died.

    On my p4 2.4 it was slideshow city with blood enabled.

    Bit too much debris from the vehicle explosions.

    The initial shell hit flame looks abit funny, its abit too neat and round as it rises .

    New sound effects are cool, i liked the electric zapping sound.

    keep up the good work biggrin_o.gif

  4. nice work FDF mod, very polished release. i love the new sounds, the wind blowing the trees was scareing me on the Post bike mission wow_o.gif .

    great models on the new planes!! i setup a quick mission against the migs, the AI handle them very well.

    looking forward to the campaign, a chance to explore the new island properly biggrin_o.gif


  5. hehe
















    theres a few leftover addons in the list .

    Lamerlot, u can edit the mission.sqm with notepad and delete these entries.




  6. hi Anti-gravity

    gave yr mission a bit of a go. was quite fun, not very hard tho, i took the m60 and the green dragon and made a mess of several enemy spawns. few things would be good for you to add.

    markers where enemy bases have been discovered/destroyed.

    change the bmp to the sebnam bmp, to one without AT rockets equipped.

    i had earned 60 points and is there sposed to be armour choices?? i had nothing to spend the points on, i had lost no guys.

    a mission overview, even a basic one would help send ppl on the right path.

    wot about makeing an officer somewhere in the west the ultimate target?rock.gif

    ill keep playing, it runs very good, not laggy at all.

    *cough*would make a good tonal mission*cough* biggrin_o.gif

  7. hi antigravity,

    would love to test your mission, but if i can suggest, how about u try something different and make you 'dynamic' mission for Tonal??? i love THRU's veitnam mission but would also love another slant on it. Tonal has all the right elements included with it. Lite armour, mass unequipped enemy forces, massive land scape... perfect for random enemy bases..

    cheers smile_o.gif
