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Everything posted by SpeedyDonkey

  1. SpeedyDonkey

    Vietnam War Question

    Hello Guys! I know that a lot of people here have much more insight in the vietnam war then I do, and that's why I'm asking here. I've been writing a small summary for a subject in school called International Politics. What I'm wondering is why some books and websites talk about south and north vietnam before the Geneva accord in 1954 took place. Are they just speaking in Geographical terms, as in northern and southern Sweden, or were there some kind of borders already back then. Que? Â
  2. SpeedyDonkey

    Vietnam War Question

    Really? Wikipedia.org Reading more about vietnams history i found: Seems like the French devided things in three parts. That would explain why some sources talk about sout and north pre 1954. This may be common knowledge to some of you, but I'm a 'noob' when it comes to Nam'
  3. SpeedyDonkey

    Vietnam War Question

    Yeah, okay It seems to be a bit diffuse. But there was no 'official' borders, right?
  4. SpeedyDonkey

    Doom Movie !

    This can't be good..
  5. SpeedyDonkey

    Offtopic forum showing signs of stupidity!

    very shaggadelic graphs bd!
  6. SpeedyDonkey

    Shrimp Mod

    This is a lovely idea. I think that I saw a thing on the discovery channel where a deer was eating something that looked a lot like a shrimp. Could that be incorporated into ofp??
  7. SpeedyDonkey

    Messenger, ICQ or something else

    Heh.. Yeah I can't logon msn either. The same thing happened like a bit over a week ago. The messenger service was down all over the world for a couple of hours. Anyways, I voted msn messenger. Why on earth should I be sitting on ICQ or AOL with no one to talk to (as i don't know anyone that uses them).
  8. SpeedyDonkey

    Mobile Flashpoint

    /waits for Avon's laptop stories
  9. SpeedyDonkey

    I wantssss it..

    This might not make a lot of sense.. but.. Orkut seems to be the Google guy's latest invention. It appears to be some sort of a community and the only way to get in is by getting invited. I'm curious to see what is behind these closed walls Especially as it's google stuff. Does anyone here have some inside info of what it is.. Or perhaps an ... invitation "orkut is unique, because it's an organically growing network of trusted friends. That way we won't grow too large, too quickly and everyone will have at least one person to vouch for them. If you know someone who is a member of orkut, that person can invite you to join as well. If you don't know an orkut member, wait a bit and most likely you soon will. We look forward to having you as part of the orkut community." http://www.orkut.com/JoinOrkut.aspx
  10. SpeedyDonkey

    I wantssss it..

    You'r right, but I'll pass
  11. SpeedyDonkey


    Free will means that man can choose to follow God, or not to do so. God cannot make up your mind, even though he knows what you'll do.
  12. SpeedyDonkey


    I've gotten 37 rabbis to register on the forum just today. And I'm going to hold a synagogue sisterhood OFP forum registration drive parlor meeting tomorrow night! Mybe you'd like to be our guest speaker. We need a token goy. Poor Placebo! Looks like the 37:th one misspelled his username a bit..
  13. SpeedyDonkey


    Seems like Avon has been directing people here j/k Anyways, I voted Christianity
  14. SpeedyDonkey

    Which guns do you own

    Umm, no it isn't, who told you that. He might have meant that he doesn’t have a licence. Â
  15. SpeedyDonkey

    English with russian accent

    But I think that he's right. Even I can speak with some weird German accent (frankly, that's all I can speak  ) "Ze fallen maddona with ze big ..." etcetera. The question is how good these accents are, and if they’d contribute to the mission, or ruin it.
  16. SpeedyDonkey

    Flashpoint 2 music?

    I want whoever made that oompa loompa song to compose the theme music for ofp2
  17. SpeedyDonkey

    Networking/Filesharing/LAN Problems.

    Hi Benu. I know that I'm partly stealing Avons topic, but anyways.. The way things are set up here is that the internet goes into a router, and then the router shares the internet with the two computers. The two computers also receive local Ip's. I now have two identical account names. All I know is that they are in the same workgroup at least the name displayed is the same. I've also tried sharing a folder or two (I see that sharing hand on the folder). Both computers have software firewalls as well. Exactly what is it that I should do next?
  18. SpeedyDonkey

    Networking/Filesharing/LAN Problems.

    Hi Avon and Albert. I have this same "problem" But since I really haven't needed it I haven't bothered to fix it. It would be nice if some one could help! What I usually do when I want to transfer big files from one computer to the other is that I log on to Msn Messenger on both computers and send it from one to the other. It goes really fast and Msn seems to support larger (several GB of data)
  19. SpeedyDonkey

    The Christmas/New Year Topic

    Okie dokie! It’s finally time for Christmas again. That means that you need a Christmas avatar to begin with. I also strongly suggest BIS to add some Christmas smiles so that they are easily accessible. But that’s not all. Please also share thoughts and tips on Christmas presents. I know that the best presents are the personal ones (or the really expensive ones ;-) A personal and nice present I usually like to give some one is a nice framed picture, where I’ve edited this particular person with some fancy celebrity etc.. Merry Christmas ya’ll!!
  20. SpeedyDonkey

    need help with this virus or worm

    Edit: Silly me for not reading the entire first post *insert shame smiley* But i'd still try panda online + adaware. http://www.pandasoftware.com/home/default.asp (in the bottom left corner) http://housecall.trendmicro.com/
  21. SpeedyDonkey

    The Christmas/New Year Topic

    Happy new year
  22. SpeedyDonkey

    Buying Flashpoint, places that have stock....

    Sweden: CDON.com 149 kr Webbhallen 139 kr www.megastore.se/ 115 kr www.softwareexpress.se 159 kr
  23. SpeedyDonkey

    East VS West - Episode 01

    I liked it
  24. SpeedyDonkey

    Official Stupid Quiz Thread

    Got ~4000 on the first try. I got Warsaw with 7 km off. I sucked on the rest of the cities though :P
  25. SpeedyDonkey

    Can anyone ID this car manufactuer's logo?

    lol that looks like the blue crap car from Mr Bean.