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Soul Catcher

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Everything posted by Soul Catcher

  1. Soul Catcher

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    addons used are all just for personal use, units use bits of HYK US soldiers, ADF SASRD units and Blackbloods beta desert brits. The island is CATS Afghan Islandv3 i can't remember who's textures i used and its got some of ebuds ilo ilo stuff on it. weapons are a mix of KMM diemaco's, Ukf LMG & Law 80. DXDLL & Llaumax. oh and a custom face pack. addons: mapfact nogova,Lasers rangers, earl&suchey's guns, BAS littlebird (personal edit to give a bit of specular lighting and some better anims for sitting on the side), DXDLL, Llaumax and the custom face pack again.
  2. Soul Catcher

    AEF-Campaign: Train Addon FINISHED

    has anyone noticed that the trains seem to have trouble going uphill...or is it just me otherwise nice work
  3. Soul Catcher

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    Addons ------- CAT Afghan,Llaumax 2,FLK_SeaHarrier (Modified for private use) and dxdll.
  4. Soul Catcher

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    nowhere near the quality of everyone elses but never mind addons: ADF stuff, BSF Shannon Island (not released yet), m4a1 from the Marine Assault pack (just for personal use i put a few extra bits on it), icp anims, dxdl
  5. Soul Catcher

    I am seeking some faces

    no probs i've sent it to ya, enjoy
  6. Soul Catcher

    I am seeking some faces

    there was a small pack of Arabic faces released a little while ago, I cant remember where i got them from but i've converted them to .paa and put them in one .pbo if you want it just PM me your e-mail address and i'll send em to you
  7. Soul Catcher

    I'm looking for MP5's

    I was one of the beta testers for the HK pack, I've got several versions of it but i dont have any where to host it  Feel free to PM me if you can think of a way for me to get the file to you The HKbo.pbo and the update are not the actual HK pack they were smaller packs of guns that came out before (most ended up in the HK pack after being updated)
  8. Soul Catcher

    need a little help please

    yeah i know about copy and paste in the editor, even that gets a bit annoying when you've got to do it nearly 200 times
  9. Hi guys, i've got a really small problem thats driving me nuts I'm using some Iraq soldiers (ICP's Regular infantry i think) and just for my personal use i would like them to automatically use a random face from a Arabic Face Pack (.paa format).I believe i need an INIT event handler to achieve what i want. I've tried using setface in an event handler but i just can't seem to get it work Can someone please help me (i dont fancy typing in the init line of every one of the Iraq soldier's on my bravo 2 zero mission as theres about 180+ of them)
  10. Soul Catcher

    Adding Music

    hiya here's a small chunk of a config of my music pack. make a new folder and name it (for example MyMusic), inside the folder make a new notepad document and just copy and paste the config above to the new notepad document, change "xx" to the name of your folder, change "zz" to the name of your music file/s. dont forget to change all BSF references to your tag. Then just place your music .ogg files into the folder and pbo it (use stuffPBO or MakePbo). Well there ya go, hope it helps. If you have any trouble just PM me Â
  11. Soul Catcher

    Music CPP

    Here's a config file from a music pack of mine All you have to do is copy and paste into a new notepad file, then "save as" config.cpp Replace "xx" with the file name for your music file and replace "BSFMusic" with the name of the folder containing your music files. Whatever you put in the name="" line will be what name you see in the OFP editor window for music track. If you need any more help feel free to PM me Â
  12. Soul Catcher

    BAS Tonali SF and BTR-T

    awesome work BAS, some of us appreciate it. Looking forward to your return in OFP2
  13. Soul Catcher

    Convert bin to cpp

    you need to open the pbo with a hex editor (cygnus works for me) and remove a small section (sorry i wont say exactly what bit, don't wanna get flamed to hell and back ), then de-pbo the pbo with pbo decrypter 1.3, once thats done use pbo decrypter 1.3 to convert the .bin to a .cpp I've done this loads (helped me learn), but there is a drawback, at some point in the process of converting the .bin file into a .cpp it will get a bit mucked up, i dont know exactly what goes wrong but something does about 75% of the time and the config file will just cause crashes, i usually ended up having to re-write the config. If you need more info just PM me.
  14. Soul Catcher

    New water textures

    @ ag smith & all interested parties As several ppl have showed an interest in the set of islands i have re-done i have decided that I'm gonna start a thread in Addons&Mods:discussion (that way i'll stop hijacking this thread) within the next 48 hours it'll be called "BSF STUDIOS Islands", i'll start posting some screenshots of all the islands i've re-done whilst i try and track down the original authors for permission to release them. AG Smith i'm particuarly interested in speaking with you further as i have been using just about all of your addons (City, Harbour & Industrial kits) and have some questions regarding some of your buildings (top work by the way).
  15. Soul Catcher

    New water textures

    @ major fubar I've already done just that with Zafana for personal use, if your interested in it i can try and track down original author and try to get his permission to release it (i've done asami island, Dr No's island, Everon, Malden and kolgujev all with tropical style shenanigans aswell).
  16. Soul Catcher

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    @ LandWarrior The island is "BSF Shannon Island". It's a little something me and my team (BSF STUDIO'S) have been working on for about 7 months (currently at about 98% complete). Very soon i'll start a thread in addons discussion forum that will have far more pics, drop by and give me your opinion sometime. and believe if you liked that pic you aint seen nuthin yet
  17. Soul Catcher

    Custom mimics??

    @ General Baron Indeed it does, just do the config then put it in a folder and pbo it up.
  18. Soul Catcher

    Custom mimics??

    @Eda it might be, but i don't think it would look too good. It seems the only bits you can move are the bist listed in the config i posted above. So without actually being able to move the eyelids the only way you do it would be by moving the eyebrows down over the eyes and that would probably look crap.
  19. Soul Catcher

    Custom mimics??

    after a bit of mucking around i have found it is indeed possible to make new facial animations (quite simple actually). here is the config file from a mimic pack i'm working on (just copy & paste) just remove any reference to BSF. you should be able to work it out it's all fairly self explanatory. Hope it helps
  20. Soul Catcher

    Custom mimics??

    i beieve it might be possible, i've recently been making a new GUI for my mod (thanks to the author of the recent tutorial) and in mucking about with the .bin files i have found the entry's for the mimic commands. I cant see why you should'nt be able to define new ones, i noticed the originals in there and it looks like you can specify amounts to move certain sections of the face (looks similar to placing a camera around an object in a script (with x,y,z co-ordinates), obviously i dont think you can adjust Z (depth i think), but you should just have to work out what entries relate to what face parts and then adjust the amount in horizontal and vertical that you want the section to move by. I'm certainly no guru at config editing (missions and islands are more my thing) but i'll go off and have a try at editing them and see what happens, if i make any progress i'll post it in here for all to see  just had a look at un-binned OFP config and here is a small excerpt from the mimic section looks like it might be easier than i thought class Hurt { lBrow[]={0,-0.350000}; mBrow[]={0,-0.500000}; rBrow[]={0,-0.600000}; lMouth[]={0.500000,-0.300000}; mMouth[]={0,0.300000}; rMouth[]={-0.500000,-0.600000}; time to try my crapping your pants mimic
  21. Soul Catcher

    Uk desert-troops

    The correct name is "kbl_L86a1lsw". Note the 6 and not the 5.
  22. Soul Catcher

    Mapfact airport addon

    i've just d/loaded this pack, whats everyone moaning about, it doesn't take a sec to register then d/load. But if you want i'll send to ya just PM me with your e-mail address
  23. Soul Catcher

    Us colonial marines

    Hi guys, just wondering would it be possible to put the shoulder lamp on the marines and actually have it work, i know that it probably wont be easy but just a thought i was looking over a lot of old addons recently, i've literally got most addons that have ever come out (about 16 CD's and another 2 GB on my hard drive) and Inquisitor a long time ago attempted to make some soldiers with working flashlights. They basically worked but the light was a bit misplaced, but i really do think it's possible and would kick ass . any thoughts
  24. Soul Catcher

    Custom faces

    How about Goldberg and Stone cold Steve Austin