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About Spiz14

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Spiz14

    Mh47e chinook released

    i cant seem to put anything in the chopper except for the two bikes . Â Whenever i try and drive a jeep in, it goes up the ramp a bit then starts jumping around then i die or the jeep is too damaged to move. Â How the hell are you guys puttin stuff in?
  2. Spiz14

    Planes with..

    all these people making planes, would you be able to make napalm. I dont think it would be that hard, you have to have right textures and all the other rules and stuff like it kills people instantly and you have to be a cretain altitude to drop it otherwise it is wasted. I havent really researched napalm but i saw it on We Were Soldiers and thought someone could make it. PJM
  3. Spiz14

    Leopard 2a4

    why didnt you just edit your message OxPecker instead of making a new post??
  4. Spiz14

    1.91 beta

    im still having trouble with my tank positions where when im commander, i can move to gunner or driver even when people are in those positions but the thing that annoys me is that when i tell my driver to go somewhere, he wont do it so i have to do that forward forward right forward crap which takes ages to do. I dont know if anyone else has this problem but tell me if you do becuase i want to know if its just my copy of the game.
  5. Spiz14

    F-15e (strike eagle) released.

    the nuclear blast on f-22 lightning 3 was quite good so perhaps you could use that one. BTW, for anyone who likes dropping nukes, get the demo of f-22 L3 because the mission is where you drop the nuke and its really quite fun to play.
  6. Spiz14

    Anyone have resistance coop

    Naqual has just posted about 30 coop missions in his thread mp/coop missions but you do not use the resistance team i dont think.
  7. ive tried searching and i cant find it so can someone tell me. I forgot to mention that in the editor, when i preview, i cant see myself and i cant see my waypoints so how do you do that as well? Thanks
  8. whats the script to end mission, ive tried everything i can think of but i just dont know. Also, how do you get someone to follow you during a mission.
  9. Spiz14

    Ejection seat

    ofp really needs an ejection seat because when you are flying at low altitudes and you eject, your parachute opens at the last second and you hit the deck like a sack of shit.
  10. Spiz14

    Downloading patch

    ive got 56k and i d/led from 3dgamers and it worked first time.
  11. Spiz14

    Respawn in missions

    I also want to know how you land an aircraft, land comes up to put in but it says, error type any or something. Help needed.
  12. Is there a way to respawn in missions using the editor, ive already decrypted the campaigns.
  13. Spiz14

    Can 1.90 clients play on 1.88 servers?

    Yes you can
  14. my friend said that he downloaded a addon or mod that allowed you to drop a inflatable raft into the water and people can get on it so I thought fair enough but then he said that you can have scuba gear which makes you swim underwater obviously. I personally think he is bullshitting me but if anyone has this, could you post a link. The addon sounds good if its real.