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Everything posted by Scud

  1. Scud

    P-38 lightning released

    oh yeah I was starting on Tarawa Atol but then someone else did it so I trash it.
  2. Scud

    P-38 lightning released

    http://www.wpafb.af.mil/museum/air_power/kc.htm This is a good sight on K/war planes - should be all the info you need. By the way don't forget the O1 BirdDog much used there before heading to Nam. From memory there is a Sabre already out there somewhere. Which is why I decided on doing the F100 Super Sabre instead but thats more Nam. Also into a "Timber Terror" at the mo, but thats WWII.
  3. Scud

    P-38 lightning released

    Thanks Bratty, and thanks for your help direct or indirect on this and my other models. Good to see you doing the rounds again. Maybe if you unblocked me from your PM you would have seen me more often
  4. Scud

    Island editor

    http://flashpoint.nekromantix.com/wrp.php WrpTool This is one of the best I have used...
  5. Scud

    Oxygen eats textures

    For an arm patch etc then yep just use jpeg's, but the only lose in quality that I've noticed is mainly a change in the shade of colours. The clarity shouldn't alter much. What resolution are you running OFP at?
  6. Scud

    Couple of ques ??

    Thanx Footmunch I already have the set fuel working it is the "properties of the class (such as fuelCapacity)" that I wanted to alter but looks like I wont be doing that. I will give this ago - dunno why I haven't tried before. If it doesn't work I will check out your F16. Thanx
  7. Scud

    Turret issue

    Try selecting the axis points individualy and hitting [shift d] Then select the axis in named selections and check in 3d view to make sure no other points are selected. Make sure the axis is not named in any other lods.
  8. Scud

    Addon sound

    the DB+55 part is volume, 1 part is playback speed and maybe up the db+0 to db+50 or something depending on the orig volume.
  9. Scud

    Scud's cesna l-19 bird dog!

    I probably wont use that particular sound. will try and find a proper twin engine wav or maybe run an echo the the cessna sound and chunk it up a bit.
  10. Scud

    Scud's cesna l-19 bird dog!

    Yep good point I will look into it.
  11. Scud

    Scud's cesna l-19 bird dog!

    Speaking of the O2a I was thinking of making some changes Dropping the outa rocket pods and replacing them with chaingun pod and some of the O1 WP's. If I can get it all working Â
  12. Scud

    Scud's cesna l-19 bird dog!

    Thanks for your help
  13. Scud

    Suggestion/request flyingboats

    I am pretty sure a 'Catilina' is in the works. and I was planning 'Sunderland' later after next 2 models.
  14. Scud

    Scud's cesna l-19 bird dog!

    Download http://ofp.edgegaming.com/
  15. Scud

    Premature ejection

    Fantastic Thanx
  16. I have this line in sqs file and as it reads it ejects (AI) occupants of plane when fueltanks are empty. Works good but it also ejects pilots from other planes if flying same model in same mission. ? Is there a way round this.
  17. Scud

    Config problem

    Try that to start with for every { there should be a }; no more Also try this type of setout to help you keep track
  18. didn't use the grenade bit but will impliment it later, all other info helped heaps. Finally got it going - the answer to this problem was just to put in _anything and it finally worked. I also changed to which seems to go ok so I'll leave as is. Thanx again for help
  19. Been stuck on this for 3 weeks and just about ready to spit the dummy. When rockets are fired they dissapear then reapear when reloaded. All this works fine so I assume the game is reckonizing my weapon and ammo. for this I use  "_ffcount = (_plane ammo "O1_Rockets")" Now what I want is simply to follow fired rocket to impact point then do fancies with smoke etc. Yes there are post (several different suggestions) on this and yes I have tried (all of them) the coding letter for letter. and as Footmunch suggested I put in "player globalchat format["%1", _rocket];" to see where things are working or not  usual err returned is "Scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef". This is from cfg.cpp Anyway if some1 can hlp with this would be good Will post more info if needed. thanx
  20. Thanx Footmunch smokeshell I think I was using createvehicle orig but I thought that caused probs with Mp - not that I do Mp edited Ok, all this in mind I will see what I can come with. Just don't hold your breath waiting
  21. Thanx Rastavovich Will give it a try with that.
  22. This is what I have now which I think Footmunch suggested in other post. Just tried it then and I am getting a co-ords printout now on the checking text instead of an err. So now its just a case of transferring the co-ords to the next step being the drop command. This is brief example Now I am not real sure on what goes in the last section should it be _plane or _impactpoint or other?? or is the whole thing screwed?
  23. Scud

    Action when missile hits the ground

    Have you tried adding a roadway lod and create planes like invisible shields on the outer walls, just dont cover doorways or any other openings.
  24. Scud

    Ofp poly limit?

    Not that 'coffee table' model you where working on!