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Everything posted by SmallBlackSheep

  1. SmallBlackSheep

    ArmA 3 is a Beacon of Light

    <3 <3 <3 2013, year of Arma 3 :)
  2. SmallBlackSheep

    Still nothing for the ladies i see?

    This thread is already full of fail.
  3. Nice read! I totally agree with you. Including mod support in the Alpha was a brilliant move as well.
  4. SmallBlackSheep

    Taking the scroll menu to the chopping block

    I agree, now is the chance to change something, and the scroll menu should be one of those things.
  5. SmallBlackSheep

    Controls Scheme & User Interface Feedback

    Man those are some great ideas! Regarding the weapon hotkeys, you can vote on this Feedback ticket: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=4497
  6. SmallBlackSheep

    Volunteers for helping out?

    i fully agree with this
  7. SmallBlackSheep

    UK Armed Forces

    Now the question is: What rifle will the UK be using in 2035?
  8. SmallBlackSheep

    OPFOR too Futuristic?

    I like them. Finally you can play OPFOR and still look cool (by western standards).
  9. SmallBlackSheep

    Arma 3? Would it be free

    I rather spend 40€ on a game, and maybe a few more bucks on quality DLC, than spend hundreds of Euros for unlocking weapons in Free-2-play games like I always do :(
  10. SmallBlackSheep

    Helicopter armament performance.

    All very good points! I didn't know about the FFARs. Regarding #1, please vote on this related Feedback ticket: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=4497
  11. SmallBlackSheep

    Logitech G13 / G700 Profile Arma3

    nice, thanks for sharing!
  12. SmallBlackSheep

    Logitech GXX thread!

    Soldiers watching porn? Now you're just being ridiculous.
  13. SmallBlackSheep

    TAB lock issue ...

    mando was great. greatly enhanced the lock-on "minigame". it wasn't too hard either, still manageable
  14. same here, but i was forced to get a new (and good this time) pc because my old one broke a few days before the alpha came out :D
  15. SmallBlackSheep

    Control Scheme question

    I've added a ticket to the Feedback tracker: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=4497 Please vote yes or no.
  16. SmallBlackSheep

    Which should I get to enhance my gameplay?

    TrackIR. I installed mine yesterday after having it laying on my desk for a year, and it's a whole new game! There are quite a lot of people who fly with mouse & keyboard. A good joystick is only about 40€ though, so you still might get one later.
  17. SmallBlackSheep

    KSG shotgun and its possible functionality

    i hope we get proper shotguns now and not "fire 8 shots in succession real fast"-guns
  18. SmallBlackSheep

    Control Scheme question

    Agreed with OP. Please add this to the feedback tracker: http://feedback.arma3.com
  19. SmallBlackSheep

    Dev Build Changes

    Hooray :bounce3:
  20. SmallBlackSheep

    Move default action from center

    maybe move it a bit down and to the right (or left)
  21. SmallBlackSheep

    Trying new control schemes

    what do you use for firing then? RMB?