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Everything posted by Sole

  1. Sole

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    @kikill: very nice @Status_cz: been using steroids again ey?
  2. Sole

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Hehe, Mr Burns, guess the post I made farked up, I retyped it, check it anyway, on to the pics: "Tatu was scorched earlier today as a rogue F-4 Phantom pilot dropped 2 napalm bombs on downtown Tatu, the capital of the small African island Tonal. Estimated amounts of casualties are reaching near 500 dead as it was market day. Authorities are now looking for a man called Mr Burns"
  3. Sole

    Usmc - bas modified ah-1w

    Is it just the angle or have you guys made the nicely bulbed cockpit windows flat? The engine housing looks a bit high poly aswell, but that could be me looks nice tho
  4. Sole

    Errors with nvidia 52.16

    I quickly went back to the old drivers after I found out 52.16 doesnt have 4xS FSAA anymore and that's the FSAA mode I always use (4xS FSAA looks better then plain 4x FSAA)
  5. about the pimping your own mod.... I don't have all the latest SFP stuff , so I'm looking forward to the complete package, is that wrong?
  6. doesn't look bad to me, and if it would be bad, they could always move the gun around a bit to make it 'fit' better
  7. hmmm, I think I tried that once but it farked up, dunno really, haven't tried lately I'll try it, thanks [edit] something went wrong with the quoting :P
  8. Sole

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    [edit] god I hate the computer/connection at work. It farks up everything... anyway [what this post was supowed to say] Very nice pic Mr Burns Now you made me wanna make napalm loving to the Tonal people too.... They can hold you responsible for it [/what this post was suposed to say] Now that I'm home I made some screenshots, I just need to pick one, cut it out and upload it
  9. FDF1.1, how could I forget that in my lill list? hope they add an extra .exe that utilizes the flashpointbeta.exe instead of the normal .exe cuz well.... I can't run 1.91 (*slaps video card*) Other solution ofcourse is to rename the flashpointbeta.exe to the original .exe but I can't be arsed (I'm a lazy fella in case you haven't noticed )
  10. Sole

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    @Wilco: thanks @Status_CZ: I like the last pic, especially with the fog
  11. Sole

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    mmm pie eh, I mean.... mmm napalm
  12. Sole

    Redressing the balance

    Sweet, I love it! I like the new afterburner better than the old one I must say
  13. I'm looking forward to: - Lowlands Warrior stuff - RHS T55's - SFP 4.0 (hehe ) and I'm still waiting for myself to finish some stuff for a change... (I never seem to finish stuff ) A-10 (on hold for unknown time) Fokker F-60U (in progress) Ka-27 (dropped) Visby Class Corvette (SFP, on hold at the moment) HKP6 (SFP, in progress) Orca (dropped) Mercenary Jeep (test, in progress) SVT Cobra R (NFSHP2 conversion test, dropped)
  14. Sole

    Iaf's new f-16/i's

    http://www.machtres.com/F16.jpg ^^ isnt that the current F-16I they got now? with the electronics lump? (this one doesnt have the comformal tanks on the sides)
  15. Sole

    Saving in a multiplayer/online game?

    Yeah I knew it would only save inventory stuff etc and not player pos etc, just never tried it. Well, once with Fox2 he saved, but we never played since to try n load it, so I never ehm.. experienced it
  16. Sole

    Saving in a multiplayer/online game?

    Sinews of War has saving ability for multiplayer (tbh I never tried it out, but I guess it works )
  17. Sole

    Max faces and points for a weapon

    20k sniper rifle? wth? you modeled every atom of it? don't think the OFP engine has a coded limit, but there are ofcourse 'unwritten' limits, like noone wants to wait for 10 minutes to load it or even have OFP crash because of an absuredly high poly count
  18. Sole

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    "Get some! GET SOME! YEEHAW!"
  19. Sole

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    someone hasnt cleaned his T80 recently, nice pics still working on getting some pics myself, cant get any ehm.. inspiration
  20. Sole

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    hmm, well, if you use the old exe you can still run CWC (version depending how much you patched it).. [nostalgia] I must try 1.00 again sometime, what happend to the good old days of blowing stuff up with satchels as high as possible? I remember guys spending an hour placing satchels around an LST just to get it flying, now those were the days... *sigh* today its all the damn setpos kids [/nostalgia] hmm, must stop talking and make post screenies of stuff instead
  21. Sole

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    hehehe, too late mate, I made test-version cell shaded AK74 to see if it worked (and it did, kinda)
  22. Sole

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    hahaha, that's brilliant nice one
  23. Sole

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    heh, I just converted that model from NFS Hot Pursuit 2, but it's a tad high poly (3900 poly's) it also has some model 'leaks' and I don't have the time to finish it. (seeing that lowring poly count, making lower LOD's and getting it propperly config-ed and tuned etc takes some time)
  24. Sole

    Splinter cell weapons

    hrm.. The F2000 never got to OFP.info and as far as I know, it never got on any other site. Guess all OFP related pages missed it I'll give the link to the file on my own webspace, thing is, the F2000 has some things im not happy about: -jpg textures -small typing error in the coding (shouldnt be a problem, unless you have an addon in OFP called SSG_Sole ) -transparency problem on the lower detail models (not sure though) [ image ] [ download ] and oh.... happy birthday me